CLASSIFIED Emanuel Baptist Church r.\ Rev. Edwin C. Swanson, Pastor t ISO So. Elliott St. *'• The Church with a bible ministry where Jesus Christ is captain and men are crew. 9:43, Sunday school. 11:00, Morning worship. Sermon, “A Glorious Entrance.” 6:45, Young People! hour. 7:45, Evening service. Sermon, “Condemned.” Prayer meeting each Thursday 7:43 Sunday ft:45 School classes for p. m. every age, Mrs. Bessie Mamey, Supt. “Children brought up in Sunday school are seldom brought up in court." 11:00 morning worship special music and message by the pastor, L. C. Persing. This is Palm Sunday, the day Christ entered Jersualem before His crucifixion. 6:30, Christ Ambassadors service. A fine group of young people, come enjoy their service. Christ is made living to the young. 7:30, Evangelistic service, joyful The Holy Name Catholic Church singing and testimonies of a living Mass will be celebrated at Coquille Christ. Pastor L. C. Persing speak­ as follow«: First Sunday at 11 a. m.; ing. Second Sunday at 8:00 a. m.; Third Tuesday 7:30, Prayer and Praise. Sunday at 11:00 a. m.; Fourth Sunday Thursday, 7 to 8, choir practice. at 8:00 a. m.; Fifth Sunday at 11:00 Friday April 3, 12 to 3 p. m. a a. m. “Good Friday” service is arranged During Lent, services will be held to be held at this church by the each* Friday evening at 7:30 p. m., churches and ministers of Coquille. until Easter. Make plans to attend. Attention to Details, MISS INEZ ROVER Instructor of Piano CLA8MCAL and MODERN STATE ACCREDITED " H mm ML IM West See« Gano Funeral Home Revival Continues Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRA VEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents far Oregou-Nevada-California Fast Freight Cfflrt Flint Farr ft Elwood Bl