The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 26, 1942, Image 1

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•S—BB—...i—. ULiwe
MO. 11
Coquille Clean-Up
Week Set For
April 18-25, Ind.
Republicans To
Have Full Ticket
Two Can Ditched Is Pumper
By Slippery Bridge
Monday Morning j,
Mrs. Mary E. Cary
Buried Wednesday
Many Agencies
Are Co-operating
For Fire Protection
; There was a splendid turnout nf
After months and years of ill health
The fire department gave the new
republican committeewomen, commit­
500 gallons per minute Seagrave and suffering, a good woman passed
teemen, and of others not members
, pumper a very thorough test last to her reward Monday afternoon
of the county organization at the city
when Mrs. Mary Ella Cary died at her
Sunday and everything was O. K.
J. E. Norton, popular candidate tor
Clean-qp week in Coquille, as a hall here Tuesday evening
Credit for the wonderful set-up for
There had been doubts in the minds home on First street.
part of the civilian defense program.
Chairman Levi L. Bunch presided1 the republican nomination for coun­ . of some that the water mains would
The funeral services were held at preventing fire in Coos county this
Was set for April 18-26, both dates in­ and in opening the meeting said he ty commissioner of Coos county, was stand up under the strain which St. Monica’s church in Marshfield at summer, either in the cities or rural
clusive, at a special session of the did not believe that politics should be flagged down at the curved Fat Elk the pumper exerts in sucking the ten o'clock yesterday morning , and districts, is given by Clarence H.
city council held Monday evening. suspended during the war, that the bridge or) the dike Monday morning water from the pipes but with a 960 interment was in Sunset cemetery at Coe, Civilian Defense council chair­
The entire personnel of the fire de­ United States had always had the as lie was coming in to the store. pound pressure, the pressure at the the Bay.
man for Coos county, to Judge E. L.
partment were named as inspectors two-party system and that it was nec­ He thought it was a young man but hydrant near Gregg's store stood at
Mrs. Cary was born in Cadillac, Peterson and the county court.
whose duties will be not only to lqok essary for the protection of the rights when he got out he saw it was a girl 75 pounds on the dial, and up at the Mich., Sept. 23, 1882, and was just
The program, which now embrace«
over yards and lota for accumulated of all that nothing smacking of dic­ in slacks who was crying and rubbing •nd of Eleventh street, in the north­ six months past 59 years of age. She half a dozen or more agencies, was
trash or grass and brush, but to in­ tatorship replace the time-honored her arms.
east corner of town, the hydrant pres­ was the daughter of Col. and Mrs. started five months ago, and Judge
Asked what was the matter she sure showed 25 pounds on the dial. William Coach, and she had lived Peterson has worked on the program
spect houses basements, garrets, and system.
’ '...
store rooms to see that there
The need for getting every republi­ pointed down among the boulders on This is the same as the pressure due in Coos county for the past 93 years and attended meetings over the state
fire hazards maintained anywhere. can voter, whose name is not on the the upper side of the dike where her to tiie reservoir being located at a the greater part of the time in Co­ where protection against fire was
They will function beffyv the clean­ voting list now, registered at once car was lying.
the thqme, indefatigably.
higher elevation than the hydrants. quille.
•Is anyone down there?” Mr. Norton
The agencies which are now joined
up week, and the orders are that was stressed, and delegates, from the
Besides her husband, Leo J/Cary, to
During the test on Second street,
papers, metals and other mailer be various precincts were urged to see inquired,
the pumper was throwing water, whom she was married some 36 years for the protection of southwestern
“No, I was alone,” was the reply. , through the hose, for a block or more ago, she is survived be five children Oregon from fire are the army, the
^aggregated into piles of one kind that republicans- men and women--
"How about the other car?” was of distance.
of material or metal in each.
were nominated for county central
—Mary Ella, of Coquille, Florence, Interior Department, the federal For­
his next inquiry.
City Treasurer C. G. Caugheli was committeemen.
This is the first time that the north Dorothy and John, of Portland, and estry Department, the Staig Fores­
“I don’t know anything about it,” end of Coquille has had adequate fire Leo Justine of Gardiner.
named as the city’s publicity chair­
try Department, the Coo« Ffte Patrol,
The urgency of finding some one to
man for th« clean-up program. Fire represent the Coos-Curry legislative she replied. “It was there when I protection except for the chemical.
Mrs. Cary will long be remembered the county court, the Coo« county
Chief Ted Snyder, councilman, Geo district at Salem, to replace the pres­ got here.”
The pressure there has been so low by her friends and acquaintances be* Chamber of Commerce, the owners of
A black car was lying alongside that water could not be thrown on cause of her many good and kind timber lands and the separate com­
W. Taylor and Geo. E. Oerding were ent occupant of the office was forci­
named as the committee in charge of bly brought out and a committee, con­ her«, but the driver had gone.
a fire except at a few feet distance. deeds and acta of charity which she munities of the county.
Coming on to the slippery bridge
the program, and Mrs. Jack Dolan as sisting of Andy Newhouse, J, E. Ax­
At a meeting of all mayors in the
The city ia having a pipe fitted up performed without any self-publicity
the salvage committee, to arrange for tell and L. A Cutlip, was appointed from Bandon, where she had spent which will be immersed in the river during the past.
county, with the county court, the
collection of whatever may be brought to confer with Geo R. Dickinson, the night- and returning early to gat at one end so that fires in the Front
She inherited a strong will but she week of Abril IS to 26, both inclusive,
to light which can be used in any fqrmerly a Coquille banker who is to work, she said she was driving at Street section can be fought with was a kind woman and no one ever was set as clean-up week
sort of defense matters—paper, tin, now manager of the Curry County a 30-mile speed, when her car skid­ water from the river, and a second appealed to her for succor in vain.
mayor agreed to appoint committees
metals, etc;
and handle everything within their
Abstract Co. at Gold Beach, and ded to the river side of the bridge, pipe, a little further down stream,
Mayor Milne reported that the persuade him to run tor. the office, hit the end of the railing and was will be set later as a hydrant from
respective towns and the court is to
thrown across the pavement and which the pumper draws water af­
Hooton Electric Shop which is to be. ■ if possible.
arrange for the districts outside the
closed soon, had a sufficient amount
The joint representative has always rolled over going down the steep ter the hose is attached.
embankment into the rocks.
of wire on hand to wire the library been elected from Curry county.
Attics are to be inspected and
All the fire department members
She had presence of mind as she express their gratification to the city
room in the new Community Build­
For the office of Coos county rep­
cleaned. The reason for this is that
Only nine candidates have as yet
ing. .The council voted to buy and resentative, which prior to the pres­ went over and turned off the igni­ tor the splendid piece of new equip­
should the improbable happen and
filed for the primary which is to ba
have it stored until the building is ent set-up had been that the state tion. She was thrown from the car ment which will afford better pro­
an incendiary bomb be dropped on a
held on May IS this year, and four
ready for wiring and finishing.
senator should be chosen on the Bay before it stopped and was bruised tection for the whole city and its en­
roof it will not be so likely to set
of them are for Port commissioners.
Fire Chief Snyder was authorized side and the representative from the and shaken, but not seriously hurt virons.
a fire in the upper part of the house.
t I The following have filed:
<to purchase incendiary bombs which valley two names were suggested but
“Guess I’m not a good newspaper
A program for burt.’ng brush, down
Chas. Stauff Feb. 17, republican,
will later be used in a public demon-» neither of them has as yet consented man” continued Mr. Norton in telling
timber, the Irish Furze along the
for county treasurer.
“It’s forty
> stration ufwhat to do should the Japs to run. They were Mrs. L. A. Cutlip, this reporter the story.
coast and other combustibles during
Ralph Christensen. Mar. 14, and J.
drop bombs here this summer.
, ~ of North Bend, and Harry A. Slack, years since I worked at the business
the dry season, has been worked out
E. Waistram Mar. 19, for commis­
Three bids were opened for fire of Coquille. The committee named and I didn't getter name.”
for cleaning and burning by these co­
sioner of the Port, of Bandon.
Inquiry among the garages failed
hose for which the city had adver­ to secure the consent of some one to
operating agencies, before the fire
19ie means which federal and state
Franck G. SM«, Mar. 14, and Joe
tised. That of Munnell & Sherill of run for is composed of to reveal who it was that pulled the
health agencies are preparing to em­ A. Larson, Mar. M, for commissioner
Portland, was the lowest. The order Mrs. Cutlip, Mr. Slack, Edgar Mc­ two cars back on to the highway
It Is the first time all these several
ploy in an all-out struggle against of the Port of Coos Bay.
given was for 300 feet at 2% inch hose Daniel, Mrs. O. C. Sanford and H. K. and the name of the owners.
agencies have ever co-operated in
venereal disease will be described hare
The black car accident had p
at 91.35 per foot and 200 feet of 1ft Hansen.
one big program. Heretofore there
Friday, April 3. by Mrs. George lor constable of ManhfleM, district
inch at 95 cents.
has been more of a tendency to pass
Secretary Raleigh Greene’s finan- bly happened the same way the y
,. ..
cftl report showed that-toere war in fedjHi did. ----- -
of Health and Dr. Adolph Weinziri,
Ennis Keizer of North Bend, Mur
ent Henry street bridge became excess of »80 in the central commit
started, and then argue over whose
head of the Division of Social Hygiene 15, republican, for county coroner.
decrepit, the city might want to make tee’s funds at this time.
duty it is to stop it
Education at the University of Ore­
Ira C. Wilson, Mar. 17, democrat,
—- ----
A fill on the next street east. Coulter,
Clarence Coe and the county Civil­
gon Medical School. These two lead­ candidate for constable, North Bend
between Fourth and 8ixth, the coun­
ian Defense Council members are de­
ers in the nwivcment to acquaint peo­ district No. 1.
cil decided not io comply with J. P.
serving, along with the county court
ple fully with the facts pertaining to
P. W. Culver, Mar. 18 republican,
Beyers’ request for vacation of lota
members, for the unified co-opera­
St. James’ Episcopal Church is pre­ the venereal diseases will speak to for county commissioner.
in the gulch there. He had intended
tion which will function before, dur-
paring to welcome its Bishop, the union members here at the Coquille
J E. Norton, March 24, republican, ing and after the late summer
buying adjoining lota, the whole to
Protection from fire of the Bandon Right Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, D. Labor Temple at 7:90 p. m. The for county commissioner.
be used for garden purposes.
ardous season.
area, where furze and down timber D., on Palm Sunday. March 29. He meeting is sponsored by the Coos
The only other business done was might be the cause of another disas­ arrives to begin his spring visitation
County Health Department.
the allowing of three bills,'held over
trous fire such as wiped out that city of the Coos and Curry County
Mrs. Moorhead, a former Coquille
from the March 2 meeting which were
He will officiate and resident is now director of health
in September, 1938, and evacuation churches.
for expenses in connection with the roads from that section were the prin­ preach at St. James’ on Sunday eve­
education of the Marion County
air warden’s supervision and eats.
cipal subjects of discussion at the ning at 7:90 o’clock, having visited Health department. Dr. Weinsiri at­
Mrs. Herman Brown, who was for­
County Chamber of Commerce meet­ arid confirmed at Emmanuel, Marsh­ tained national prominence as health
So many are looking forward to the
Miss Eula Doak of thia city concert on April 14, sponsored by the
ing held in the Minute Cafe at'Ban-
officer for the city of Portland, a
don Monday evening, with 24 in at­ Myrtle Point, (his first visit since the poet he left several months ago to and who returned a month ago from Business and Professional Women's
tendance and J. E. Norton presiding. organization of that Mission) in the head the new department of socra] Panama where Mr. Brown had been club, that Mrs. Florence Hallock,
located, when he was sent to sea with chairman of music in the club has
The decision of those present was afternoon..
hygiene education at the State Uni­
a navy vessel, received word Sunday asked that highlights be touched upon
The VTcar of St. James’, Rev. versity Medical School.
An interesting film showing the that considerable burning should be
from the Navy department that he so the public may be informed as to
proper handling and control of in­ done before the fire season starts, Charles M. Guilbert, has been In­
Two talking motion pictures, “Im
cendiary bombs was shown at the but it was learned Tuesday that plans structing and will present to the Defense of the Nation” and “With had passed away while aboard the what is in store for them. The or­
noon meeting of the Rotary club yes­ for doing just what the chamber Bishop a clasu to be confirmed by These Weapons,” dealing with var­ vessel. No particulars, nor the cause chestra of thirty members will play
terday at the Coquille Hotel.
urged, were made at the meeting of him* An informal reception for the ious aspects of the venereal disease of his death were given. The body ia classics and semi-classics chosen to
The film was a talkie and was from the county court, mayors and defense Bishop and the confirmands will be problem, will be shown at the meet­ being shipped to his old home in Loui­ appeal to all whether music minded or
siana, where he will be buried.
the high school and was shown by council in the court house this week. held immediately after the service in ing.
Jay Doak, father of the widow, in­
George Folsom at the projector.
Bandon's designated evacuation the Parish House to which the public
Mr. Horace Nelson, of Port Orford,
On Thurday night, April 2, there
A quartet with wind instruments, road is up Lamps creek from the is invited, as they are to the service will be a similar meeting, open to the forms the Sentinel that the couple an outstanding artist, is going to play
were married on the east coast and
also from the high school and com­ highway, but should the need arise itself.
solos, including as a special request
public at the North Bend City Hall.
he had never seen his son-in-law.
posed of Mary L. Woodhurst, Bettie and the army be twing No. 101, there
During his stay in Coquille, Bishop
number, Chas. Wakefield Cadman’s
Preston, Sherman Gregory and Wally should be another road for evacuees Dagwell will meet with the Bishop’s
Land of the Sky Blue Water.” Ve-
Moore presented two numbers in a in the Bear creek section.
committees of Coquille and Myrtle
rene Bailey, unusually talented pi­
very pleasing manner.
Bandon residents are still working Point at luncheons and will visit the
anist, will play the Lists Hungarian
The new management of the hotel on that problem^
Missions in Port Orford and Bandon.
Rhapsody No. 1, accompanied by the
was congratulated by the president of
He will probably leave Coo« county
orchestra under the direction of Miss
County Agent Geo. H Jenkins, who
Like the Coos County Chamber of Dae. The musicanettes have prepar­
the club for the excellent ifieal sup­ Rebekahs Meet
on Wednesday..
recently traded his home property Commerce session the evening be­ ed something very different from
plied. but Lafe was also present and
Last Tuesday was the regular meet­
on Second street, just east of the fore the Coquille C. of C. luncheon in the usual programs but fitting to this
hogged the credit for his «election of ing of the Rsbdtah, Leis Stevens in Farr & Elwood Remodeling
Washington School, for the Miller the hotel Tuesday noon was devoted concert. Mr. Dunn and the school
a manager.
the chair. Two candidates were in- 1 1 Their Store Room
ranch on. Cunningham, a mile out of principally to the protection of south- board are cooperating graciously in
Harry Nasburg, of Marshfield, was itiated, they being Mabel Mitts and
Farr & Elwood are remodeling town, moved yesterday to his new wetern Oregon from fire this coming
Mildred Curtip. The degree staff
the only Rotarian guest present
offering the use of the new gym in
Besidji|‘U» paiteman nMMtanad < were lovely in green formal« wearing their store room in the Farr build­ home. Herman Floten, with whom summer. Clarence Coe of Marsh­ order that a larger crowd tuay be
above Jack Martin, of Seattle, for­ camelia corsages. Mrs. Helen Arney ing by moving out the office of the deal was made, moved to the field, chairman of the doo« Civilian accommodated for enjoyment of the
Defense Council, was present and told program of this fine civic organiza­
mer graduate of Coquille Hi, and on was a visitor from the Tillamook Benham Transfer and building a par­ Jenkins place.
of the preparations now in progress tion.
his spring vacation from Washing­ lodge. Those having birthdays in tition separating the hay and feed
to prevent fires thia summer an out­
March were honored Refreshment- storage room at the north of the
ton University, was also present.
line of which appears elsewhere in
were served with the special birth­ building from the store proper. This
this issue.
day table decorated in keeping with will give them much needed room
In the absence of President O. L.
St. Patrick’s day. The other tables add reduce the dust nuisance from
were decorated with daffodills grown tiie warehouse.
According to a Portland daily this Wood, Vice President Geo. E. Oerd-
by Bert Gould. The refreshment com­ , Benham Transfer has moved into week John E. Ross, former Coquille ing wielded the gavel at the session.
T. M. Medford, a former Coquille
mittee waa Edith Gruenwald, Hester the office with Spike Leslie next to banker who has been in Portland
J. E. Norton,- ex-county judge of
groceryman but who has been with
Molverstott, Iola Moore and Bert
and St. Helens since leaving here
Coos county, on Tuesday this week
Safeway for the past 12 years, Was a
several years ago, is now manager of
tiled with the county clerk his appli­
visitor here Tuesday calling on old
the Gold Beach Curry County Bank
cation to have his name appear on
friends and checking with Lin 8wain,
branch at Port Qrford. John always
the republican ballot, at the primary
Edgar McDaniel, publisher at the local Safeway manager. Mr. Med-
election May IS as a candidate for
--- vrrv’w’ - -------
.. .
Tuesday noon to ask if Coquille had
Last Friday was one of those
____ per-I** 8>ad to see him again
l>eer*t>ombed by the Jap«. He re­ California since the first of this year,
Mere's one far the book.' or Ripley, fist spring days which southwesterp ■ '
■■ ■
"« ■■ ■- ■ .........* ferred to the highway corner on Front hi» territory comprising what form­
time« heart}, that he was not going to
He made the announcement or any resident of Coo« county who Oregon usually enjoys in February
Mrs Vesta Treadgold, principal at street where, Ole Paulson Recently erly consisted of three Safeway dis­
that he would run a month ar mare will find it hard to believe.
but^whjch tailed to make an appear­ the Washington school building here razed the Richfield service- station tricts
A representative of the E. H. & F. ance last month
ago. which should have left sc 'rea­
The thermometer who had been in the Coquille Hos­ building, which Stanley Fitzgerald
A. who makes a monthly trip to still hovers around the freezing pital since last Saturday suffering
son for doubt
operated for many yean.
Mr. Norton is as well qualified and Coos county, and has been doing it point, standing at 30 degrees Monday with a serious throat infection, was
as able a man as there is in the county for the past 21 months regularly, has morning and 31 Tuesday
sufficiently improved today that she
The J.
was able to leave thé hospital and
tor handling a corporation the size never seen it rain in Coos county!
of Coos county, and the Sentinel He was in Coquille yestrday but was
Mis.« Carolyn Permit, who has been go down to Bandon to spend the
repeats its prediction of a month ago up the coast when it rained yesterday attending O. S. CL, came home yes­ week-end with her mother-in-law.
that ho will be nominated and elected. morning
terday fur all indefinite stay
Mrs. Claire Treadgold.
Filings For The
May 15 Primary
To Talk On
Venereal Disease
County C. of C
Met At Bandon
Bishop To Be
Here Sunday
Husband Passes
In Canal Zone
Highlights of
April 14 Concert
Bombing Picture
Shown To Rotary
Ranch Traded For '
Town Home
Coquille C. of C.
Talks Protection
John Ross Now
At Port Orford
J. E. Norton
Filed Tuesday
Left Here Twelve
Years Ago
No,’Coquille Was
Fast Friday A
â. V
Not Bombed