•■J. •’-■* fagrnini . CLASSIFIED W. A C. fi. Has I k Day Service Last _ A vegp impressive Pledge Day ser­ vice was held at a meeting of the W. St James' Episcopal Church I S. C. S. of Pioneer church last Thurs- Cor. 3rd and Elliott Streets . day. Mrs. Georgia Richmond vice The Bev. Charles M. Guilbert, Vicar i president at the society, conducted 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. : thio service, assisted by Lena Mc- 9:45 a. m. Church School. , Curdy, president. 11:00 a. m. Morninc Prayer and > Lillian Zeigler led thf singing df Litany. Sermon by the Vicar. ! several inspirational hymns and Mrs. Dally j Richmond led in a responsive read- 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. ( ing. Mrs. Walter Oerding, accom- i panied by Mrs. Frank Leslie at the 1:00 p. m. St. James* Guild. piano, sang “Lead, Kindly Light.” A' 7:90 p. m. Adult Confirmation Class. i' Quartette, Composed of Dera Oerding, Friday .s.” <. i Lillian Zeigler, Birdie Sheets and 7:00 p. m. Choir Practice. i Clarice Gormley, sang, “Another Yeer ! is Downing.” 11:00 a. m. Young People’s Confir­ Eight ladies of the society put on a mation Class. pretty candle lighting service. Four­ teen candles representing divisions of ' the work of the W. 8. C. 8„ were lighted from a large candle which represented the M. E. Church as an organization. Mrs. Lena McCurdy then gave an explanation of the pledge card which was signed by all members present, promising to sup­ port the work of the W. & C. 8. by their prayers work in service and gifts of money. After this devotional meeting a committee composed of Zoe Fugelson, Noble Chowning, Blanche Davis and Luella Davis, served dainty refresh­ ments to thirty-four .members and three visitors. Members present were: Mesdames Ernest Purvance, Gerald Stark, Zeiia Ireland, Georgia Richmond, Lena McCurdy, Clara Savage, Frank Leslie, Esther Tay­ lor, Bello Knife, Helen Lundquist, Friday 7:30 Biby Study, conducted Lillian Zeigler, Dora Oerding, Mary Harriman, Birdie Skeeii, Ella Nelson, by the Pastor. Clarice Gormley, Miranda Way, Blanche Davis, Emily Hersey, Minnie Laws, Eula Schram, R. T. Newton, Zoe Fugelson, Harold Varney, 8. F Stevens, Helen Howe, Neita Oddy, Noble Chowning, Walter Couden, R. B. Rogers, G. A. Gray, Kennet Law­ rence, Londy Peart and Helen Peter­ son. The visitors were Mesdames Frank Freeman, H. E. Cole and Geo. Hermann. The executive council will meet at the home of the president, Mrs Lena McCurdy, at 900 p. m., Thursday, Jan. 22. • FOR RENT—room fiultahl» for two. Flora E. Dunne, Ml'So. Henry St. (; ■ tfs If you are thinking of brightening up your home on these dark winter days come in to Norton's and pick out a pair ot new pictures. We have beautiful floral prints, original French Etchings and scenic pictures in several sizes for you to choose from. a WANTED—To buy old horses, cows and calves for mink feed. Call B. T. Hepler, phone 9R5, Coquille. lt»»S DESIRABLE Apartment for rent, fur­ nished, to reliable party. Adults. Inquire at 209 North Henry, op­ posite Sanford store. lt*s FOR SALE—5-room House, bath and store room, 7 apple trees, large garden, lot 50x150; price $975.00. 277 W. 10th St., Coquille, on paved street lt*s Used Outboard Motor Bargaim 1 Repossessed T lit*1* 1 Champion Single Motor. 1 Sea King Twin Motor AU Priced for Quick Sale. J. A. LAMB COMPANY Emanuel Baptist fhfwh Rev. Edwin C. Swanson, Pastor 150 So. Elliott St. The Church with a bible ministry where Jesus Christ is captain and men are crew. 9:40, Sunday school. 11.•90, Morning Worship. Sermon: “Casting Away Your Faith." 0:90 p. m.. Young People’s hour. 7:90 p. m., Evangelistic services. Sermon: “You Can't Sin and Get Away With It.” lit Finley will be preaching at both morning and evening services in the absence of the pastor Church of God 7th at Henry St Orval L. Kerr, Pastor Where the full gospel is preached. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday school, Mrs. C. Helvie Supt. * ' 11:00 a. m. — Morning Worship. Sermon subject: “Restoration through Salvation.” * 0:90 p. m. — Christian Crusaders* aervioe. r 7:90 p. m. — Evening Evangelistic Service,' 10:90 a. m. Tuesday—Cottage pray­ er service. 7:W p. m. Thursday — Midweek prayer service. 3:00 p. m. Friday—Kiddies’ Story hour. ATTENTION—to your car now at a reasonable cost may save you a Mg bill later on. Come in for a check - up. Terms if desired. Church Pontiac Co. • WE SPECIALIZE—on Body and Fen- der work. Our expert workmen can make your ear look like new. Our mechanical experts can also make it run like now. Terms. Church Pontiac Co. » Attention to Details WASHING MACHINE Repair — We mrvice all »witee of washers Coast Maytag Co., 420 1st St. Phone 17. tfs FOR SALE—9-reom house and gar­ age, at 545 North Henry Inquire at that address. lt*s X FOR SALE—New Home, broadloom carpet inlaid linoleum, Venetian blinds, new electric water tank. Price very reasonable. Inquire 450 North Health. it’s ---- F. E. McCRACKEN Phene 115R ATTORNEY-AT-LAW \ Has sieved office to 114 Laird Bldg ....... ,,,,,........ SAVE YOUR TIRES—ride a bicycle. We have a few left at pre-war prices. FARR A ELWOOD. s WATER SYSTEM — Electric Auto­ matic Water Systems. Have Run- nix« Water in your home and pay <* the F. H. A. Financing Plan. See us for details. J. A. LAMB .COMPANY. • tfs Honest Advice Proper Guidance LADY IN ATTENDANCE. Gano Funeral Home ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW—Early chicks are early layers. Place your order today. FARR A EL WOODS Used Farm Machines 1—McCormick 10-30 Tractor. Just overhauled. 1—Two-Bottom 14 in. Tractor Flow, ;A-1 condition. 1—Alfalfa Cultivator. Priced for Quick Sale. 1—15-90 Tractor. Priced to Sell Immediately.' 1—14 in. Sulky Plow. A-l condition. Coat new $92.00. You can have it for $20 00 casti. Act now. 1—Used Fordson with plow. A-l condition. Barnes Transfer Phone 280-R . Successor to ; Mansell Dray & Delivery Fuel Oil 1 - - ■ ; il i i - Hauling , . . Coal ............... * J. A. Lamb Company Anywhere For Hire BAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — 8TORAGE Piano and Accordion aw ML ' IM Went Sew Agents for Oregou-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Hues