The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 02, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Arago News
served cake and hot chocolate to present. Mrs. Ward Evans was in farewell get-together for Franklin
her guests.
charge of the meeting.
Wilson, who left Monday with this
Tiie fresliman initiation party was
Mrs. NUe Miller was a Saturday call of selectees.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bell, of Los
Angeles, visited at the home of Mr. held in tiie Arago gym last Friday guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Edgar Gillespie visited with
•nd Mrs. E. J, Myers from Tuesday evening. A good time was enjoyed Emmett Hammack, of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Edith Fellows last Wednesday.
Mrs. Hauraschlldt and Judy, at Co­
till Thursday last week. Mrs. BeU is by ail, with stunts, volley ball, bas­
Mr and Mrs. Warren Haga, Mr.
a niece of Mr. Myers. They also ket ball and other games throughout quille, were Sunday guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Arthur Albertson and Mr.
, *
and Mrs. Roy Enlund are spending a
visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter. the evening, and doughnuts, cake and | Mrs. Frank Burbank.
Frank Burbank is having his house week in eastern Oregon hunting.
Ted Thompson, of California, vis­ eider were served for refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milter have repainted this week.
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.
moved on to Mrs. Sarah Barklow’s
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E.
B. Sevy last Friday.
J. Myers included: Mrs. Lizzie Lett
Choir practice was held at the ranch on Hall’s creek.
Harvey and Oliver Myers gave and Mrs. Emil Peterson and Donald,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Schiel
Frank Haney is now home from
last Thursday evening with the fol­ Lawrence Barklow’s house a fresh of Norway, I. B. Sevy, Mrs. Edith the hospital and seems to be very
lowing attendance: Mr. and Mrs
much improved.
Clarence Mullins and Kenton and Mrs. S. C. McAllister.
Melden Carl, Mrs. L B. Sevy, Mrs.
The Charley Belshaws went to
Mr., apd Mrs. Herman Summerlin
Ward Evans, Mrs. 8. C. McAllister. Myers spent several days at Brad­
visit their daughter, Mrs. Alvin
Miss Bernice Gillespie, David C. ford’s lookout station near Roseburg visited at the home of- her mother Spragg, in her new home up above
in Klamath county several days last
I^ek and Mr. and Mrs. Schiel. They last week on a hunting trip.
the John O’Sullivan ranch. Mr. and
Mrs. George Gillespie came in on week. Mr. Summerlin went mute
will meet at the home of Mrs. Ward
Mrs. Spragg have been living in their
Evans this Thursday at 8:00 p. m. At
new house for a week now.
Mrs. I. B. Sevy, Mrs. Ward Evans,
the close of the practice the hostess end at her home in Arago, return­
Mr. and Mrs. George Glenn are
ing to her school on Catching Creek Mrs. C. A. Keltner, Mrs. Nile Milter
moving this week into their new
Sunday evening.
* »
and Mrs. S. C. McAllister attended
woodshed and are tearing down their
Mrs. Lyle Pauli was a Monday the County W.C.T.U. Institute held
old house, preparatory to building a
Robert Fish.
in Coquille last Tuesday.
new house where the old one now
has been in on a 15-
Tuesday evening David C. Leek
day furlough from Camp Ord, Cali­ took a load of young folks to Co-
Reuben Brown drove Saturday to
fornia. He returned there Saturday, quille to attend the Y. T. C. meeting
Two Mile after Mrs. Brown, who
after visiting relatives and and held at the Church of Christ. Those
has been picking cranberries for her
friends in Coos county.
attending were: Pamela Evans, Lil-
uncle, Ennis Loahbaugh. Marvin has
Mrs. Nile Milter and laverle Myers, Betty Reiber, Glenda
been staying with his aun|, Rosabel
Sunday dinner guests of i Lillie, Yvonne Holycross, Thelma
and Alice with her grandmother.
Fred Christensen in Co- ; and Nola Crawford and Mr. Leek.
The McKinley Grange met Sat­
Oliver Myers and Mrs. Winnifred
urday night for a regular meeting.
Ellis Rackleff left Friday for Cor- Ray drove to Crescent City Saturday
A very pretty and effective booster
vallis, where he will resume his where they went to take Mrs. Mary
studies at O. S. C. again this winter. Mix, who was returning to her home night program was presented by
worthy lecturer, Mrs. Harry Mast,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Mrs. in California.
the form of a tableau, presenting
J. L. Burtis returned home Monday
___ „
Miss ______
Maxine _______
Rackleff, _ who
from their trip to Fort Lewis and Ta- 1 working in Coquille spent the week- the chaplaimythe flag of U. S. A., the
coma. On the way home Mr. and > end visiting at the home of her par- master and the different committees,
Mrs. Carl visited at the home of Mr. j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rack- each as called upon telling what their
work represented.
and Mrs. Ira W. Carl in Portland and I left.
Mr. and Mrs. Louise Laird, Rosalie
Mrs. Burtis visited her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Sara Margaret Anderson and
Rex Bunnage and her aunt, Mrs. F. Spencer Rackleff of Coquille were and Arden, and Mrs% Belle Shep­
C. Hendricks. They also were din­ Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and herd were visitors.
The Juvenile grange also met Sat­
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff.
night. Applications for mem­
Carl at McMinnville and visited Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff
and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and Mrs. motored to Bandon Sunday evening. bership were presented for Donald
Hatfield, Rosalie and Arden Laird.
Naomi Robison in Corvallis.
The Juvenile grangers are planning
Schroeder came on in to Arago with
a program to be presented some time
them and visited at the home of his
early in December.
daughter, Mrs. Frank Burbank, until
The Jolly Gardeners have decided
The Fairview Home Extension Unit
Saturday when he returned to his
to drop their program for October
home irf Corvallis.
Mrs. Shorty Shull, of Myrtle Point, Fairview Orange hall. The subject until some time in the spring. .
who was hired as a third teacher in of thè demonstration was “Party
If you would like to choose your
the grade school at Arago, started her Planning and Re-organization. Pro­
color schemes at homo, borrow our
ject leaders were: Mrs. Perry Neal
fami ho 8-W Stylo Guido. No ob-
work Monday.
11^ (al Stop u> or pho»«
Mr. and Mrs. James Lewellen, who and Mrs. Cortland Ellis. A potluck
recently moved from Myrtle Point to lunch was served at noon to the fol­
Hillsboro, were week-end guests of lowing: Mesdames Perry Neal, H. M.
Organization of 4-H Clubs for
Hall, Charles Holverstbtt, Cortland 1941-42 have been getting under way
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank.
311 W. Front 8L, Coquille
Mrs. Avon Wilcox and Miss Gladys Ellis, Charles Geitner, Robert Hol- during the past few weeks.
Miller have been picking cranberries verstott, Owen Barton Paul Bales,
Two Clothing clubs have been or­
Ernest Hatcher, James Millard, Harry ganized. One is at Bridge with Mrs.
near Bandon the past week.
Charles Schroeder, of Bandon, and Lindsay and Mrs. Elmer Stode, a Woody Mason as leader.
The next Mathews was elected president; Ruby
Frank Schroeder, of Coquille, are visitor from Brewster.
helping build the new silo on the J' meeting will be on school lunches.
Shipp, vice-president; Charlotte Wat­
Mrs. Lawrence Ryan and daughter, son, secretary. The other clothing
D. Carl ranch.
Yr and< Mrs. Wayne Woodward
club is at Lee Valley; Mrs. Helen C.
came in from Albany Saturday, of last week after visiting several Mast is leader and Letha Purdy, pres­
where Mr. Woodward ia working days with relatives in Portland and ident; Betty Jean Hutchinson, vice-
now. They visited at the home of Albany and with June Jones at Rose­ president, and Betty Summerlin, sec­
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. My­ burg. — -
We have twe Cabinet Maker«
Mrs, Verlin Moore, of Gravel Ford,
ers till Sunday evening when they
-v Three Health clubs have been or­
Associated With Us
visited last Monday with Mrs. T. H.
returned to Albany.
ganized as follows; Hauser, Mrs.
Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday at Benham.
Ethel Siestreem, leader;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prince, of Fair­
the church..
Ready, president; Edgar Bowen, vice-
There was no Bible study last week view, have sold their ranch and will president; Patricia Sanford, secre­
but the class will meet again next soon move away.
tary. At Parkersburg, Mrs. Sylvia
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Campbell and
Tuesday at the church at 8:00 p. m.
Craine is leader; Anna Lucille Haga,
Lee Finley, of Coquille, conducted three daughters and Ralph Crump, president; Bill Giffen, vice-president;
tiie regular Sunday morning church of Rink Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. A. George Domenighini, secretary. The
service. Sunday school followed with J. Crump and two sons and Joe third club ia at Lakeside, Mrs. Mary
an attendance of 35 There will be Crump, ot Lee, visited last Saturday A.'Munson, Hauser, is leader; Eldan
services against next Sunday as fol­ with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crump.
Walker, president; Bobby Monson,
The Fairview Ladies Club will
lows: ' praeaching at 10 a. m. and
vice-president, and
meet at the Fairview Grange hall
Sunday school at 11 a. m.
Walker is secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby McAllister on Wednesday of next week for their
One-room improvement club at the
and Scott, of Marshfield, were Sun­ regular meeting. A potluck lunch Fat Elk school has been organized
day dinner guests at the home of will be served at noon. . ....
under the direction of Mrs. Florence
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stelzer, at Rose­
Mr. and Mrs S. C. McAllister. In
A. Oerding. This is the beginning of
the afternoon they all drove to Myr­ burg, visited last Sunday with Mr. the eleventh year of leadership for
tle Point and visited at the home of
Mrs. Oerding. The officers of this
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher. ily.
club are: Calvin Fults president; Inez
The regular monthly missionary
Fults, vice-president, and Clarence
meeting will be held next Tuesday, 73», held its regular meeting last Norris as secretary.
Oct. 7, at the church, with Mrs. Al­ Saturday evening at the Grange hall
A Cooking club has been organized
bert Lilhe and Mrs Albert Gulstrom Dancing was enjoyed after the busi­ at Broadbent. Ellen Arrill is leader
ness meeting and a paper bag lunch
in charge of the meeting.
with Betty Jean Smith, president;
was served to ail.
Tiie L. T. L. met at the church Sat­
Dolores Barkley, vice-president and
urday afternoon with ten members
Laura DePeel, secretary.
McKinley News
October 17; Englewood, October 11; Portland to take part in the Pacific
Green Acres Grunge Hall, October International Livestock show’s stock
23; Charleston, October 24; Fairview, judging contest.
Members of the
October 28.
team are Dick Bemetz, Jack White
and Emery Thompson. Jack Koch,
Smith - Hughes instructor, will ac­
company the team to Portland.
Extension Unit
Training School
Mrs. Azalea Sager, state home
demonetration leader of the Oregon
State College Extension Service at
Corvallis will be in Coos county on
October 7 to conduct an .officers'
training school for all officers of
Coon County Extension Unite, and
other persona who are interes ted in
Parlimentary Procedure. The meet­
ing will bo held at the Coquille High
School fom 10:90 a. m. to 3:00 p. m.
according to an announcement made
by Dorothy E. Bishop, county home
demonstration agent, assisted by the
county committee as follows: Mrs.
Freda Ward, Bullards Route, Coquille;
Mrs. Eula Richards, Englewood Gar­
dens, Marshfield; Mrs. Bethel Nor­
ris, Coquille, McKinley Route; Mrs.
Faye Thompson, Route 1, Marshfield;
Mrs. Ray Epperson, Myrtle Point;
Mrs. Anne Montgomery, Route 1
Marshfield; Mrs. Orla Rood, Coos
River, Marshfield.
Parlimentary practice has come out
of a background of Democracy. It
ia designed to help insure democracy
in practice; for this reason some
method of parlimentary procedure
should become a part of the business
practice of every group or organiza­
tion in a democratic country.
Riverton F.F.A. Boys To
Pacific International Friday
Howdy Folks; We’ve finally
found out what sort of a horse
is safe to put your shirt on. A
Going from horse« to authors,
did you hear about the writer
who was rejected by his girl
friend and threw himself in the
waste basket!
When some movie actors
try to get into the public
eye, they merely get ia the
public's hair.
Our Motor Rebuilt job« is oon-
«taintIy in the public eye because
of lots of extra vlaue.
Why not try the best next time
M&WAuto Service
The Riverton F. F. A. Boys Stock
Judging team will leave Friday for
Used Gir Bargains
Fairview News
40 Pontiac I - 4-Door
39 Plymouth - 4-Door
36 Buick - 4-Door -
36 Dodge Pickup -
35 Dodge - 4-Door -
34 Plymoutt - 4-Door
34 Studebaker - 4-Door
Seven 4-H Clubs
Gregg Hardware
Theae are all good care
Church Pontiac
Parkersburg News
Fee the meet aüteage al the
Snap Shop
Front & Willard
Mrs. Kenneth Haga and children
visited at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Don Fellows, last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Albertson, of
Reedsport, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Haga.
Mrs. John Haga has been quite ill
for the past week, being confined to
her bed a part of the time.
Mrs. Benton Minor, who has been
in a hospital at Coquille for the past
two weeks, is recovering very satis­
She planned to return
home Tuesday. Mrs. Clarissa Gil­
lespie will assist her with her work
for a few days.
Lester Haga and family, of Co­
quille, drove down to visit relatives
on the creek for a while Saturday
, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar AueP, of Sa-
We Service All Makes of Washers
420 W 1st
Phone 17
ing relatives here. They have rent­
ed their property at Salem and plan
to make their home here if Mr. Auer
finds suitable employment.
Mrs. Rosa Beach visited her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Rose Clinton, of Coquille,
last week and is visiting another
daughter. Mrs. Laura Morgan, of Ban­
don thia week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heffley were
dinner guests at the Wilson home in
Bullards Sunday. The occasion was
a combined birthday dinner and a
To Help Families
Plan Budgets
Family Financial Ptamnkqr will be
the subject of the demonstrations to
be presented to the Home Extension
Units by Dorothy E. Bishop, County
Home Demonstration Agent, as she
meets with them some time during
October and November.
* Perhaps this year more than ever,
every homemaker is going to be more
alert for ways and means of obtaining
the gveatent value for every dollar
spent In order to accomplish this
■there will be more need than ever for
Do the Browns, the Grahams, and
the Jones need a bJdget? Very pro­
bably, but there is no ajl-purpqne bud-
n«ed a simple routine plan which will
aid them in keeping track of money
received and money spent.
“How the Family can Han Ma Own
Budget” will be explained at this
A acbedute at the moetmga to aa
follows: CaSchrng Intel, home of
Mrs C. J. Huntley, October 8; Sum­
ner Grange Hall, October 8; Norway,
October 18; Cooa River, October 14;
Broadbeat School Gymnasium, Octo­
ber 15; Bayview, October 18; Eaetaide
M l
Greene & Jensen