The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 31, 1941, Page 9, Image 9

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The Coquille Valley Sentinel
on his hands. Every moment counted.
“Lost, some time between sunrise and
sunset, sixty silver minutes, set with
sixty golden seconds. -No reward is
offered, for they are gone forever."
Thia was a religion with Juniper. It
was the only religion he had. He kept
his church membership in his wife’s
But I’ve got gobs at time.
never in demand, so 1 am privileged
to remain at home at night and get
acquainted with the wife and kiddies.
I’m nut the hawk-eyed, square-jawed
executive during my working day.
Therefore my nerves are seldom
frayed when I go home, and I am
usually In fairly good trim to discuss
the activities of The Woman’s Club
with my wife; take on a jig saw
puzzle with Junior; or watch little
sister stage an impersonation of Hop-
along Cassidy, the two-gun man from
Texas. Friend wife and I can’t hope
to live always, and the children will
There wat never a greater profi­
teering old scoundrel at work in
America today than Old Father Time
with his tempting. juicy morsel top
belled “Success.’’ And the price eome
of us ate willing to pay, for tt is ap­
' What kind of success? Any kind!
The Old Pirate offers a variety from
which to choose, but the most com­
monly sought ’ after is his favorite
selling brand -Business Success
One reads and hears quite a bit be £i-own and married before I re­
lately about our successful American alist it. Might as well put in some
business man. It is usually an ac­ of that surplus time with them while
count of his sudden demise! At the I can.
But I can’t get poor old Juniper out
prime age of forty he goes to his re­
ward. The doctor pronounces it heart of my mind. Being such an all-fired
disease, and his friends give tiim a go-getter he went to breakfast with
big funeral. Eventually there will be his nose buried in the financial page
of the morning paper, and kept it
SÊi « * '
a tombstone which says:
"Sacred to the memory of J. OC­ there until he automatically pecked
TAVIUS JUNIPER, pioneer business his wife on the cheek just before he
leader and the community’s Number rode off to add a few more thousands
to the family bankroll. If he bad ever
One Citizen."
J. Octavius Juniper had been a •elf- taken time off to kiss his wife, she
made man. He started to work in the would have probably declared the
railroad yards, or in the office, or in man insane. No doubt he was very
the bank, or in whatever place the fond of her, but just too darn busy to
J. Octavius Junipers start to work, at demonstrate it.
His son, Juniper, Junior, be knew
the tender age of sixteen yean. He
had “hit the ball” continuously. Mr. only as someone who toiled not,
Juniper thought nothing of working neither did he spin—only spend—and
eighteen hours a day, and a vacation he had no idea his daughter bad
was something he knew nothing about matrimonial intentions until she
—he had never taken one. Poor, old, brought home a husband for him to
hard-working Juniper! He’s taking take care of.
Yes, it must be thrilling to be a
one now—a long one, a permanent
successful American business man.
Mr. Juniper left a vast fortune and Never a dull moment. I don’t know
a trem ndoua business. He had to how much real happiness Juniper
leave it because he couldn’t very well got out of it, but he ought to have
take it with him. Imagine keeping gotten a lot. He paid dearly enough
one’s none to the grindstone for for it.
Maybe I’m just dumb. Maybe I’m
twenty lang years to accumulate
something one loses in the end. Pa- just a plain sap in not having tried
to become successful. And then again,
thetic, isn’t it?
And now, his business associates maybe It was poor old Juniper who
will squabble over his business, and was dumb. T
his relatives will squabble over his who was just a plain
fortune, and end up by squandering •nd get himself so successful,
most of it. His- wife will probably accumulated a lot of money, but
marry again and in luxury support a I’ll be hanged if I can see what good
husband on the money poor old Oc­ it’s doing him now. He had a M of
tavius Juniper sweated to make. Poor business acumen, and was known as
old Juniper! One of our business ty­ a dose trader in real estate, but he
coons. A truly successful man, ac­ doesn’t seem to be able to swap off
cording to modern American stand­ that six-foot plot of ground.
piled up a lot of social prestige, but
Someone should have spoken words it didn’t keep him from “kicking
of wisdom to poor old Juniper. Some­ the bucket” in the very prime of life.
What price success? Brother, it
one should have taken him into a
pretty high, if you ask me. It’s
Lions Club. He burned up energy as
an antiquated car burns up gas. And a whale of a price to pay far all the
it got him in the end. But that’s the headaches it gives you. So I think
price the Junipers pay, most uf them; I’ll just continue to plug along ■ a
•nd if they think they’re getting their steady Lion, and let the J. Octavius
money’s worth it ought to be none of Junipers set the woods on fire. And
my affair. Frankly, I think they’re when I pick up my morning paper
and read where another one of “the
getting gypped
Of course I cannot appreciate J. Juniper buys” has bit the dust, I’ll
Octavius Juniper because I am not a just cut another notch against the
successful man. I am one of the record of those ambitious souls whose
drones in the beehive of Life -but I’m vim, vigor and go hustled them right
• live drone! 1 never work eighteen into the middle of the graveyard. And
hours • day if I can help it, and the I’ll ask myself that same old ques­
only reason I take a vacation only tion What price success’ I want no
once a year because the concern I part of it. It comes too high for me
work for doesn’t give vacations twice
a year. I haven’t built up a greet
business nor accumulated a vast for-
tune. And there wont be enough left
when I’m dead and gone for my folks
to get "all het up" over.
I’ve got a job which I happen to
Happiness is the legitimate fruitage
like; and I haven’t any more ambition , of love and service —Arthur S. Hardy.
than to have worked for this same
Pure humanity, friendship home,
concern for twenty-four years. There­
the interchange of love, bring to earth
fore, I’m in a rut. I have managed
a foretaste of heaven
They unite
to stay pretty well out of debt, and, 1
terrestrial and celestial Joys, and
by pinching corners, hope to have
crown them with blessings infinite —
a few dollars for the proverbial rainy 1
Mary Baker Eddy
day. I have a car which is paid for
Seek happiness for its own sake,
•nd I carry a moderate amount of life
insurance. 1 hope to finish paying for i and you will not find it; soak for duty,
my home by the time I’m too old to and happiness will follow as the
work. And 1 keep up my Lions work i shadow comes with sunshine.—Tryon
and my club dues.
1 detest responsibility; but, if
If the principles of contentment are
pushed, am willing to accept my share ( not within us. the height of station
and no more. I have long since iesm- •nd worldy grandeur will as aeon add
ed that the more, responsibility I am a cubit to a man’s stature as to his
willing to assume, the more my fellovy '
citizens are willing to thrust upon me.
Responsibility doesn’t permit me to
I try to
by on a
... minimum mnount
Dtegusling. isn’t ;
Incidentally, at forty-two, '
rm in perfect health, which couldn’t
be said of poor old hustling Juniper
It is absurd to compare myself with ,
J. Octavius Juniper. It only makes ,
me look ridiculous—a sort of hare- ;
and-tortoise affair. Octavius literally
burned up the track, became tired,
and took a nap He’s still sleeping, (
and I’m plodding on.
Juniper never had any spare tune |
gtog JJL-JUI.X W
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