Watson Family To Present Drama Variety anò (Elu ha At Pioneer Church Friday Evening by Catherine Maynard, Telephone 185-L Mrs. William Sullivan and Mrs. Jack Hultin could congratulate them­ selves on their good fortune in hav­ ing summer birtlkdays Friday evening, when Mrs. Leland McGilvery and Mrs. Howard Taylor entertained the Birthday club in their honor, Tfte party was held in the Sullivan's out­ door dining room. Caney Islands, roasted at the barbecue fireplace, were smothered with spicy sauce and tucked into fresh, hot rolls. Salads, cake and other luscious picnic staples completed the fare. After supper, the group sat around the fire and visited. Those present were Mesdames Lee Atkinson, Eli Brauit, Jack Cooper, Clovis Church, Bart Gasner, Shirley Hatcher, Andrew Huhtala, Jack Hul­ tin, D. G. Ireland, Leland McGilvery, Augur Molthu, Adolph Molthu, Wil­ liam Peart, Clyde Minard, Richard Summers, WUliam Sullivan, Howard Taylor, Ernest Whereat arid Leland Barktow. A big picnic party tieadquartered Sunday at the Elmer Benham cottage at Croft Lake. Boating, swimming and hiking offered their varied at­ tractions, and a liearty picnic dinner gave zest to the vigorous exercise. Members the party included Messrs and Mesdames Alton Dungey, Ernest Whereat, l