* L» * ...r. J; • y. . >>• • .•'fr*'.’.,, ,'.T ' : Ji* PAGRTWtLFR I Ployground Notes t Last Friday's doB-show was a huge success with mure than W dolls be­ ing entered. The biggest dotla were entered by Bobbie Jetui Harris and Sonya Hultin; smallest dolls, Nancy Perrott and Phyllis Jean Thomas; oldest doll, Rose Marie and Joanne Peart; newest doll, Barbara Slater; funniest doll, Diana Schroeder; pret­ tiest doll Cynthia Rust; foreign doll, Nancy Godard; best-dressed doll, Donna Woodward. All the entrants were awarded suckers. A coloring contest was also held for the smaller children, with Eldena Soeeder being first, Norma Jean Cole, secondi and Phyllis J**n Thomas, •hady Md ideal far (Friday) there will Eaglos Circus and Carnival COQUILLE Job Placements Break Record Substitutes For - OPENING TVBSDAY, AUG. 5—For One Week Sbpwtioundn Across Bridge—South of Town Jf Headat >-Tïfr~ ¿ferae« — Shetland Ponieo — A-g- '---- '-f ¿fears—Ape«—Moitié,« AND LUCY ¿Aelfeifeuwd Elephant who jitter- SEE THpCHAPPELL BROS^worUTo hlgheet urv&tiatu who perform ISA feet in the air without THESE BLOCKS^F GLITTERING MIDWAY Sarpneeing the night» of old Arabia A MODERN WORLD'S FAIR ON WHEELS Aluminum Cookers INTEREST USED CAR B WILL ♦ We have the ear you waul — backed by a reputable 1 dealer. Get a bang-up deal • . . on price, allowance. All Jle «priced DOWN 3O00 FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE 1937 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan New Paint. Good Rubber. Yon will have to see this ear to appreciate it r I h 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor Original Finish. Radio. This car has been through our Shop and ready to give you many miles of trouble-free Service. ——— ■ I. ■■■■■!! H TRUCKERS! 1937 Ford Coupe Pickup Spadai buys lor you^ too Very popular model for work or pleasure. 'kW . ««A M' mat Ct! I!) Ó ‘ - BOSUJOKTH MOTOR CD kjtct o—r, —u,„11,1 1 ,1 kj T '“2 :*;:*.*