The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 31, 1941, Image 1

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    A -
’ 1
Fine Response
To Building
Was Practically
Glaisyers Here
Curry County—Wèlter Laird New President Several Days ,
Pioneer Association Enlarged To Take In
Ninety-six per cent of the voters
who went to the city hall last Friday
to vote on the question of the city’s is­
suing $0,000 worth of two per cent
bonds, to assist in the construction of
the new community building, civic
center and library quarters, cast their
votes in the affirmative, the count
showing 148 votes for the proposal
to six against
= ” "■
While the total vote waa only a
small percentage of what would have
been cast had it been a contest be­
tween individuals seeking’ office,
there is no question of the legality of
the proceedings and election and it
is doubtful that there would have
been many more negative votes cast
had a thousand availed themselves
of the opportunity to vote.
How June Tax
Collection, $136,898
Will Be Distributed
Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer, Co­
Peter Johnson, who lives St the
e Star Spangled Banner,* the
residents for 18 years but who
singing to the orchestral ac­
edge of Coquille, across the highway
have been living at Redmond for the
from the Coquille Auto Court, was companiment.
probably the oldest attendant at the
Members of the orchestra partici­ past four years, left Wednesday after
visiting old friends here since last
The Coquille Chamber of Com­
pating ware:
Pioneers Association picnic
County Treasurer Chas. Stauff has
Friday evening.
merce, at its Tuesday noon session in
Community Building here 11
just completed segregating the $136,-
Having been off duty for the past 898.76 tax collection In June. More
. the hotel, voted to contribute $400
vey, Ronald Williams Jack Carroll,
day. He is past 95
to the Community Building fund—
Geraldine Qerdlng and Maurice Wil­ two months “Doc” felt that he must than a third of it—$54394.69—is for
has been a resident of
get back on the job Aug. 1. He is school purposes. That amount is dis­
$200 this year and $300 next.
many decades.
' This followed the report of Chair­
Cellos—Ruth B«yers Horace Nelson. feeling very good now, in fact says tributed by the treasurer to the fol­
There were 185 who re
man Qeo. A. Ulett that $3000 at in­
Bass—Chas. Stauff. Woodrow How­ that he never felt otherwise; that his lowing funds:
attendance at the get-
recant trouble was the rupturing of a
dividual subscriptions had already
there were many more wl»
Special schools, $37,944.82.
been pledged, which is to be aug-
Saxophones— Gerry Howell, Marian blood vessel in his nose and it re­
qualify as members of the
High school tuition, $530.45.
quired a long time to get it stopped
mented by goodly contributions from
Nun-High, $8,469.39.
who did not give their names to
He was in the hospital a month and
service clubs, the Coquille Grange,
Flute—Albert Seelig.
Mason who did the registering.
County school fund, $7,950.03.
and further individual subscriptions
Oboes—Allan Buck, Bertha Jane underwent two transfusions, his son
Because of the rain all ~
Other funds which will receive re­
which Mr. Ulett expressed himself as
mittances from the treasurer in the
night both the dinner and
The latter, Who recently graduated near future are:
very hopeful \yould aggregate from
Clarinets—Sherman Gregory, Chris
were held in the buildings
from a veterinary college, is now with
$9.QQ0 to $10,000
With the city’s
General fund, $45,703.99.
ing over 200 who ate their bMRet Lee. ,
P. C. A. hospital in San Francisco,
$6,006, the day’s donation of work
General roads, $6.16332
lunches at the long tables, and there
Trumpets—H. S. Norton, Dick
by the employees at the Smith plant,
were in excess of 500 present for the I Gregory.
'.................. ............... where it is more in the nature of an
Market roads, $2,825 85.
interneship he to serving before he Is
tn»- voftiT tout ton ot rum ocr and other
Trombone—Claud DeLand.
Bridges, $893.63.
fine program Pres. J. E. Norton had
supplies by the Smith plant and other
Plano—Ruth Pagel, Bobbie Burns. ready to begin private practice.
Reforestation, $89.20.
concerns, Mr. Ulett was optimistic
Pres. Norton then introduced Mrs.
Fire patrol, $1,439.89.
At the business session
that a modem and handsome building
1. D. Ward, of Bandon, who presented
Special road districts, $238.34.
the program the association
could be erected which would cost at
Clarence Osika of this city has been include Curry county, making it the the W. R. C. traveling flag and ex­
Marshfield fire district, $85.32.
least $25,000 If it was contracted.
named as one of the judges at the Coos-Curry Pioneer Association. It plained the flag’s significance. The
Powers Water district, $218.86
He said he had been before the national spitting contest to be held was left to the board of directors to audience joined her in repeating the
Drainage districts. $862.14.
county court to request the use of a on Coos Buy Saturday noon. This determine whether the annual sum­ oath of allegiance.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C- Farr returned
Ports $8,739.11.
steam shovel to do the excavating contest is bift one of the features of mer, picnic should continue to be held
The Cornfield Canaries were given last week from a pleasant two week
Cities, $14,784.68.
for the basement and found the court the regatta, which the Coos Bay in^ Coquille exclusively or should be a hearty welcome as they rose to vacation trip.
Spending most ot
Dairy herd inspection, 70 cents.
members agreeably to the suggestion. Pirates are sponsoring Saturday and rotated between the various towns render some of the songs which were their time in the north, they were for­
•X A. Lamb asked the group if they Sunday, August 3 and 3. Another in the two counties.
so greatly enjoyed during the old Corn tunate in evading the heat wave which
had ever considered the possibility of judge is Prof. C. B. Hyslop at the O.
Walter M. Laird, who lives on the Show Days. J. L. Smith in a humor­ swept the greater part of the country.
putting the building somewhere else S. C. faculty and the third is Robert Myrtle Point highway near the North ous vein, introduced the other mem­ Though they stopped at Eugene to
in order to maintain as a park the N. Ward, feature writer ¡for a Seattle Fork bridge, was unanimously chosen bers of the quintette, E. D. Webb, F. see their daughter, Mrs. William L.
entire tract of myrtle trees and area paper.
as president for the coming year. G. Leslie, Earl Leslie and O. T. Gant, Thompson most of their lime was
Two young men from Bunker Hill
in front of them. The city paid $6,000
No one is banned from entering the Mrs. Mary Randleman, of the Co­ remarking that “the first two seemed spent at Albion, Washington, with Mr.
for the tract many yean ago and contest but one should be acquainted quille section of the valley was to have gotten most of the corn.” The Farr's mother and_ other relatives. were brought to the Coquille Hospi­
tal Sunday evening for treatment
twice a building was put there, the with the rules before he does so.
elected Vice-president and Mrs. Inez audience did not tire of their several Mrs. Farr’s brother, Wesley Haines
They were Clarence Beck 19, and Eu­
myrtle grove would be hidden and he
R. Chase, of Coquille, waa re-elected numbers any more than audiences did and Mrs. Haines of Eugene accompan­
gene Mann 23, who was driving the
wondered if at some future time the
car which hit that of Louis Sell at
people of the city would not regret
Going by way of Spokane, the party
The board of directors named con­ event in Coquille.
that most dangerous curve on the
that the wonderful myrtle grove had
sists of Chas. E. Schroeder, of Ban­
to Bandon, about a mile be­
not been preserved for strictly park
don; K. E. Marcy and J. Albert Mat- conditions and episodes, written by al Park, where despite the warnings
low Riverton.
purposes (It ca.n be stated here^hat
Due to expanding business, the son, of Marshfield; J. H. McCloskey, read by her sister, Mrs. Margaret Wil­
Just how the accident occurred the
no myrtle bee is to be lost to the
Waterton lake in Canada. Neither
for a larger space for keeping of Norway; T. D. Guerin, of Myrtle
boys did not know except that they
grove when the new building is con­
Point; John Danielson, of Empire;
records,, and the employment of ad­
got into loose gravel on the turn.
st i <i.ted j
presented difficulties. Customs offi­
Jas. Watson, of Coquille; F. B. Tiabe- Pres. Norton’s request.
Harold Norris, owner of the car,
Tallant Greenough, city attorney,
Frank B. Tichenor speaker of the cials sent them through with a mini­
nor, of Port Orford; G W Meaervey,
pointed out the fact that the $6,000 Western Mercantile Agency which is of Agness, and Mary Gauntlett, of day, was then introduced and kept mum of questioning. On\the way nor Mr. Sell were injured but the
voted by the city could not be used also the Coquille Credit Bureau, to Gold Beach.
his audience greatly interested for home they stopped at Taebma for cars were both pretty badly wrecked.
move its office from the room adja-
Mann suffered 8 masted tatt
‘ 3r at an Mur with his romta- Ute Haines children.
The ateociatiun voted
cent to the Gardner Maehine Shop on
and lacerated face: Beck
and accounts at early south-
Mr. Farr, who has been conva­
expense incidental to accumula
groups which are sponsoring the pro- Hail street, to the room recently va­
ineidants and history. lescing. is now back at the stbreeidl fractured left’arm. Both
to leave the hospital and go
ja rt n smU r Jta (M nrojTff Ij ated w d a y cated Uy Gross Wood in the Roxy counties and the membership was He htauseK, was Mm wMMn a few feeling fine.
building, on Second street.
next day.
other location for the building.
enthusiastic over the proposal to have
Under the management of Ilo H.
Mr. Ulett also said that the Coquille
Orford, in a house which had once
... history _ and incidents of life in belonged to Joaquin Miller.
Grange which had expected to put
ing in importance and efficiency the
two count>—
up a budding of its own just outside
One of Mr. Tichenor’s predictions
” “ some permanent record form be­ was that the hills in the Eckley coun­
the city was now considering throw­ past few years and is filling a real fore
ing its building fund into the pot if it need of business houses in the com­ passed from this scene of action.
try, above Powers, would some day
Geo. E. Oerd'ng has purchased the
could have use of the building for munity.
Last Saturday evening Jimmy, the
The session gave a vote of thanks boast of the greatest gold-producing Rufus Truman building on the main
regular meetings once a month
to al! who had helped In any way to mines in thè world.
business street in Bandon and after 13-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Dr. W. V. Glaisyer a guest at the
In closing he introduced F. W. Hil­
make this year’s picnic a success, and
remodelling the front and repairing I. Anderson of Myrtle Point, was
luncheon referred to bis visit as “com­
especially to Cliff Yarbrough of the ton, publisher of the Port Orford the building will, in two or three brought to the Coquille Hospital. He
ing home," but invited anyone from
Cow Bell Dairy, who for four years Post. Mr Hilton recently came to weeks, open a branch of his real was currying their liorse in the barn
liere who «rant over into “God’s
now has made and served the coffee Port Orford from Wyoming. He is estate and insurance agency business and says he must have scratched too
country," to look him up at Redmond.
League Standtag
the author of ten historical novels and in that town.
hard, for the animal kicked him on
at the dinner.
the hope that he might have
* W
President Norton, who introduced
Mr. Truman is moving out all his the right side of the face, fracturing
r* nwers ......0.^^....* ......7
1 - .875 the numbers on the program, stated a part in publishing an authentic equipment down there and will de­ his cheek bone, causing concussion
Bandon _____ _.... ...... 8
.800 that Mayor R. F. Milne had been history of the two counties which vote his entire time to his business and making three laceratioris. Al­
P. O.-Langlois
556 called out of town and was unable have been so closely allied since the here which he conducts in the Roxy though still in Use hospital he is im­
North Bend
.556 to deliver a welcome to the city’s first advent of the white man on this building.
Marshfield .....
......... 5
.500 guests.
An assistant minister for the Coos
Mr. Oerding has not yet announced
Th? eighth annual picnic of the who will be in charge of the Bandon
The Coquille Orchestra, first of the
and Curry County Missions of the
Myrtle Point
. .. .2
.200 program presented a fine selection of Pioneer Association closed with the branch.
Episcopal Church arrived Wednesday
Empire ...... _....... -...... «
.000 six numbers. Under the direction of general feeling that it had been a
evening. He is Mr. Richard B. Bart­
Miss Muriel Dae the orchestra of 22 splendid session, and that it afforded Stole a Cash Register From
lett, Itfte uf Portland
Next Sunday’s schedule calls for gave a half hour of musical enter­ a fine opportunity to meet old friends
Mr. Bartlett, who is not yet or­
Swerving her car Saturday to avoid
Abandoned Service Station
dained (he is a Postulant for Holy Coquille to play at Bandon, Powers at tainment. Beginning with “Stars and and talk over the early days when
hitting a dog. Mrs. William Gaffey,
Stripes,” they followed with “Poet waterways were about the only means
Orders, and a licensed lay-reader),
who with her husband and son. Bud.
is a graduate of San Diego State Col­ Point and Empire at Port Orford- and Peasant,” “The Old South,” a trio of travel and news of world events from Marshfield by the state police was driving home from Eugene, found
number by Miss Dae, Mrs. Beyers was much slower reaching this south­
lege, and did two years of post-grad­
Last Sunday the Powers team and Ruth Pagel; Cowboy selections by western Oregon empire than it is to­ $1000 bail set by Justice G. N. Bolt. herself clinging to the wheel as the
uate work in English and Philosophy
They are Clay Barker and Leroy M. car rolled over three times Neither
at the University of California. He knocked Bandon from its No. 1 posi­ the orchestra musianettes, and closed day
Brige who are accused of stealing a Bud nor Mnf. Gaffey was hurt but
attended the Church Divinity School tion in the league and took first place
cash register from the abandoned ser­ Mr. Gaffey had to stop at Keizer hos­
of the Pacific in Berkeley, California.
vice station just this side of Bunker pital in North Bend, while an ex­
Myrtle Point won from Empire and
He has had a year’s experience as a
Hill and selling it to a junk dealer tensive stitching job was done on
business executive in California.
Marshfield. * While they are his head.
Mr. Bartlett will assist the Rev. quille Indians lower in the race by
thought to have been mixed up in
Charles M. Guilbert by conducting
There was no fire in the Commun­ other thefts no other charges have Fox Breeders To M<et
Musicians and sacred drama players
services in St John's Church, Ban­ The visitors accumulated 15 hits to
are returning to Coquille tomorrow ity Building about five o’clock Sun­ as yet been filed agaiqst them.
On Rogue River Sunday
don, and in Christ Church. Port Orford.
(Friday) nigbt to present a new day evening, although the alarm
Mr. Guilbert remains Vicar of these
’ The entire membership of the Co­
drama, “Our Mother's God," by Man­ called the department together and
places, has supervision over the work, Springling And Regular Charge
quille unit of the Oregon Fox and
ford Evans, at the Pioneer Methodist the boys strung out a line of hose.
and will continue to administer the Still Remains al $2.65
Mink Breeders association, plans to
This production takes one Chief Snyder had promised J. E.
Sacraments in the whole area.
spend Sunday at the Gus Schneidau
In the Sentinel's item about water to the snow-capped Alaskan moun­ Norton that the department would re­
Mr. Bartlett was accompanied by rates last week an error of 50 cents
mink farm on the Rogue river near
tains, and the gold mining regions turn the tables and benches used at
A good gallery is expected Sunday Wedderburn. After a picnic dinner
his wife. They will live in Bandon. was made in the sprinkling cost rev­
of that district. Mrs. Watson plays the Pioneer picnic that noon, to the for the two club golf tournament at
■ *
• ■'■■■■*"*■—.....
in the grove across from the Schnei­
enue. The use of 7,000 gallons to city the leading role, Mr. Watson doubles proper places, which they did. The
the Coquille Valley Country club, dau place, the men plan to hold their
Southwestern Motors Crew
users continues at $2 per month and for two parts, and the part of the chief used the alarm to call the boys
when members of the Business and own salmon derby. Chief business
13000 additional gallons for sprinkling Christian mother will be played by a together for that purpose.
Buys |2048 Defense Bonds
Professional Women’s club will vie of the morning meeting will be dis­
at five cents per thousand, or 65 cents, local lady from the Methodist church.
There are 32 on Southwestern Mo­
for club championship. According to cussion of the fox and mink school
makes a total charge for 20,000 gal­ The Watson family who are musi­
tors payroll, including the representa­
rumors floating about town, Mary here on August 13.
lons of $2 65, the same cost as it has cians and singers will also give a
tives at Myrtle Point and Bandon,
Margaret Gedney is touted to win.
been. Instead of the $2.15 figure given. musical program, featuring violin
and they have purchased $2040 worth
Ellen Braxton, chairman of the Health “Bundles For Britain” T<
duets and vocal numbers.
of defense bonds and stamps. Quite
committee, is in charge of the tourna­
To Be Held Next Tuesday
The Watsons are well knowft in
a record for one group and they have Gravenstein Tree Has Fruit
Coquille, their oldest daughter, Joyce,
The local unit of Bundles for
not yet been challenged by any other And Blossoms At Same Time
was born at the Knife hospital here
Britain, Inc., will hold a silver tea
group to meet any. higher figure.
Bobbie Burns this morning reports
Bay Regatta
Saturday, Sunday
Farrs Enjoy
Two-Weeks Trip
Cars Wrecked
Below Rivetton
Credit Company
Moves To Roxy
To Open Branch
Office In Bandon
Horse Objected
To Manicuring
Powers Takes
League Lead
An Assistant
For Mr. Guilbert
Car Rolled Over
Three Times
Talented Family
Coming Friday
Alarm Sunday
To Call Firemen
B. P. W. To Have
Golf Tourney
ed »even pounds, four ounces^ was
born last Friday at the Coquille Hos­
pital to M> and Mrs. Wm. Winke), of
They also appeared at the Methodist
applies but it is also beginning to
church here last summer in a sacred
blossom again. Nature pulb some
drama presentation. The youngest
funny stunts occasionally fh lieaven-
daughter, Lolita Jewell, is an added
blessed Coquille valley.
feature this year and will »»ng “God
enee Osika entered the Belle Knife
Hospital on Tuesday for treatment
He got his left forefinger too close to
the pruning shears he .was using!
years old. The public is invited and
admission is free.
play will be knitted garments, hos­
pital garments and baby clothes, all
made by local workers.
from the tea will be used to
Harriet Lorenz, who has been here
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
H. N. Lorenz,
to her
‘ A
Judge Dal M King has set tomor
row Friday ar motion day in circuit