CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—Grave markers, cement blocks for foundation. BuiM chim­ neys, cesspools or cement work. John 8. Sanders, Ml West «th. Phone 133L. df STEADY WORK - OOOD PAY— RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in North Coos County. No experience or capital required. Write MR. INMAN, 2433 MagnolU SL, Oakland, Calif. 2413* FOR RENT—Part or all at warehouse. J. L. Smith. A.- , FOR RENT—Modern house, unfur­ nished—four rooms and bath. Near highway, halfway between town and high school. See Mrs. C. W. Ashton, E. 1st St. Phone 130-J. It* FOR RENT — 3-room Furnished Apartment. Adults only. At 332 North Taylor. Call 174J. WANTED—Woman to care for elder­ ly lady. Middle-aged or able bodied elderly woman preferred. Box 414, Coquille, Oregon. FOR SALE—Trailer, nearly new, en­ closed with veneer top and sides: ball-socket hitch; good tires Will sell for cost of material. L. Lane, 31« N. Henry. > T, it* Fairview News FOR SALE—Good grass hay cheap,, or harvest on shares. J. L. Smith. WE STOCK BUILDING MATERI- ALL OF ALL KINDS, ASK US. Farr & Elwood. s WANTED FOR CASH—Old Jewelry set with small diamonds. W. Matajka, Jeweler, First St., Co­ quille. 24t3s IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT — Ask . for free estimate on your irrigation needs, no obligation. FARR A EL­ WOOD. s FOR RENT—3-room furnished Cot­ tage, water furnished; «30 a month; at »33 West Fourth. Call at that address. lt*s AUTHORIZED WORK Auto Loans JFe Guarantee AU Our Work BORROW money an your car or re­ finance your present obligation. No deUy. Easy terms. Tri-State Acceptance Corp. Lie. M. 303. < GEORGE E. OERDING INSURANCE J AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY ] x First National Bank Bldg. TRACTOR—Used T-20 McCormick Deering tractor. Motor in A-l condition, new tracks. Priced for quick sale.—J. A Lamb Company J WHO own YOU CHEVROLET BUICK GOING TO PAINT? Use Republic paint, high in quality, low in price. FARR A EL-WOOD. s 1 1 * , 5 We collect delinquent accounts. No collection, no charge. Western Mercantile Agency. Phone 101, Co­ quille, Oregon. I. H. Heaton. Mgr. FRYERS A FAT HENS — Choice r chickens for your holiday dinners. | FARR A ELWOOD. a d FOR RENT—« room house at 3M South Coulter. 4 bedrooms, both, pantry, woodshed, garage. See M. W. Pinkston, at Coquille Hospital. It’s . w DRIVE IN and lot us inspect your tires for hidden defects before you take that trip. Thia service is free and may save you trouble and ex­ pense away from home. Thornton Tira Service. tfs FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, with private bath, electric range, refrigerator; hot and cold water furnished. No animals, located near the plant at 543 South Henry St. Phone 40J. Mrs. E. A. Wimer. Its USED WOOD and Coal Ranges — »13.00 up. Coast Maytag Co., 420 1st St. Phone 17. Its coqonxs Davenports la Good Sham $9.95 $1150 Cream Separator e» nm "»»ir AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC STOVES $9.95 RECONDITIONED ranges $6.50 to $22.50 Buy SnapShop m Front & WlUorl Wrecker Service OîMft JUorSL’”**© 1 I *M>****' « a - YO0 •*® tn T a S v Î^J or ~ Call Coquille Day 83—Night 105 green CHEVROLET & BUICK