The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 03, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    i healing work of Truth. Thereafter
> Peter stood firmly for the truth
1 which he professed. He learned how tag. It to not the forcing ot cosjclu-
f to withstand the suggestions of sions by human will. Itto the
Christian Science: How To
l animal magnetism or hypnotism; inz of the human will to omnipotent
:, and from the depths of his own ex- harmony, established by thedivine
Apply It
' which seems to be han
, perience he counseled others to re- wiU. It to not making oneself or
| many things today. Those wbo have
’ list the devil ‘stedfast in the faith,” others perfect. It to the realization
enjoyed the healing power of the
Peter B. Biggins, C. S.B.
! strong in the understanding of the of the immutable fact that man m
Christ know it efficacy. AU may
el Seattle, Washington
> supremacy of divine Truth and Love, God’s likeness already to perfect It
prove it for themselves.
known surgeons, wbo informed him
Mrs. Eddy’s Application of Truth
Member of the Board of Lecture­
Those of you who are in need of i that if he would put himself in their
Mrs. Eddy, in telling of the effect,
ship of The Mother Church, The
hands, and 1 I undergo another major
• upon her own con
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
has seemed to hide that which to
operation, thia
i Christ, Truth, writes in
in Boston, Massachusetts
real. It cannot be reversed, delayed,
truths used by our Master and by overcome,
me, * but they held out no hope
■ tion and Introspection” (p. 31), ----- impeded nor interfered with by per-
> first spontaneous motion of Truth soual sense. It to the immutable
The auditorium of the Washington his disciples, and today revealed in that it would bring the desired result.
Christian Science. God governs His They also i i informed him the he was
i and Love, acting through Christian decree of divine Principle. It to ip
school building was well filled Mon­ creation with unerring wisdom and la
a victim of tuberculosis and advised
. Science on my roused consciousness, fo^in accordance with the inspired
day evening when Mrs. O. S. Sanford love. He has already given to you, i him to go to a Warm climate, and
I banished at once and forever the saying of Scripture: “Whatsoever
we gain the desire for this under- fundamental error of faith in things
introduced the speaker of the evening.
ness, wisdom, joy, strength, and verdict plunged him into a state of standing. Christian Science meets a i material; for this trust to the unseen God doeth, it shall be for ever; noth­
Peter B. Biggins, who gave the fol­ abundant supply. All these blessings hopeless despondency.
ing can be put to it, nor any thing
vital human need by appealing to > sin, the unknown foe,—the heart*«
lowing address:
are as truly yours as are the genial
He did not consent to undergi io this
___ man's spiritual sense. This does not ; untamed desire which breaketh the taken from it; and God doeth it,
sunshine and the fresh air.
This operation but in his extremity, at prevent us from giving practical at­ divine commandments.” Mrs. Eddy that man should fear before him.
That which hath been to now; and
On i was quickly healed by this divine that which to to be hath already
Today it is a matter of common wisdom discerned mkkes clear the the advice of a friend, he called on tention to our human affairs.
a Christian Science practitioner. the contrary, it enables us to fulfill . power; and it may be said of her, aa been;
and God requireth that which
knowledge that Christian Science is human problem, in meeting rightly He had no hope that Christian Sci­
It was said of the mother of Peter’s
our obligations better.
giving to those who study and apply every situation in life, however diffi­ ence could 1 help him.
He believed it
Since the understanding of Chris­ wife, “she arose,'and ministered unto to past.” s.<
The greatest need of humanity and
During his talk tian Science can be applied to every them." From the time of her healini
it health of body, peace of mind, and cult or trying It may seem to be. I was now too late.
can be with the practitioner, i*
it seemed to human situation, it is a glorious and throughout her long and usefu of each individual to to be so con­
an ever-expanding hope for better
■Mother him
a great weight
___ that _
_ t like thou­ work to discover the speccific appli­ career, Mrs Eddy’s life was one at scious of the perfection and presence
tilings. Many people are endeavoring
Aa you i p sands
of .„..«A.
pounds was 11*
lifted off his cation of Truth to the various needs loving ministration to the needs of of God as to bring out harmonious
tnt nus all space, shoulders. Up to that time he had of the human family. Experience in humanity Today it to freely ac- results in human lives When Moaes
to learn how these good results are
brought about. It is my purpose to and that you are, in reaUty, spirit­ been unable to walk the length of a Christian Science leads one to the knokledged by increasing numbers was proceeding to lead the children
ual, inseparable from Spirit, you are
pain. When inescapable conclusion that the solu­ that it is rigjit that Christians should of Israel out of Egypt into the land of
block without great pain,
answer some of the questions you gaining the understanding which city
he left the practitiioners
practitiioneris h<
home he tion of every human problem is af­ heal the sick by means of their re­ promise, and had a keen sense of the
may be asking as to how to apply will free you from any sense of lack, seemed to be walking on air.
He forded in the pages of Science and ligion. It is because of Mrs. Eddy's greatness of this undertaking, he re­
tramcar he had Health. This to a large claim. Never­ ceaseless lifework that this admis­ ceived this assurance from God, “My
this Science to your own individual and open up to you unlimited possi­ forgot about the trai
presence shall go with thee, and I
bilities. Ths tender presence of the meant to take, and walked back to theless it to true. The spiritual truth sion is so freely made. ■
■ ■
will give thee rest.” This is always the
Christ .will comfort you in any sor­ his hotel, a distance of about two expressed therein to sufficient, when
JesMf ApptteoUen of Truth
row support you in every trial, make miles. After a good night’s sleep, the rightly applied, to meet every need. of the New York Herald, at one time result of the consciousness of God s
Christ Jesus made clear the basis you victorious—over astf—In every best he had had for months, he felt In this textbook, Mrs. Eddy gives called of Mrs Eddy. An account of presence, practically
utilised. It
of the application of Truth to the seeming conflict.
that after all he was not bound hand specific instruction to the applica­ his interview was later published in brings rest, peace and security to the
needs of humanity, when, in his
Let us consider further how Christ and foot, and that he just needed to tion pf spiritual truth to heal physi­ that paper. In it he wrote (The human heart. How greatly this is
Sermon on the Mount he said, “Be Jesus applied the truth to the heel­ become better acquainted with his cal disease and other phases of inhar­ First Cnurch of Christ Scientist, needed by ail men and women today!
ye therefore perfect, even as your ing of the sick. A man came to him true birthright, his perfect spiritual mony We are wise to use her teach­ and Miscellany, pp. 345, 348):
“We Most people in times of stress reach
Father which is in heaven is per­ complai lining that he could nog see. selfhood, in order to find complete ing as she gives it The student finds talked on many subjects, some only out to a power outside of themselves.
fect.” He set forth the grand results When the blind
man was
~ he freedom. His “point of despair” had the use of the Concordance to Sci­ of which are here touched upon, and How desirable it is to understand
of this correct application when, at went away saying, in effect “I can "been ch
to a “point of hope.” ence to her other writings helpful her views, strictly and always from how to do this intelligently all the
the end of this discourse, he said, see.” Mrs. Eddy, in telling of this Next
he went to a Christian in applying the specific require­ the standpoint of Christian Science, time, thus to be “strong in God”!
“Therefore whosoever heareth these healing, writes in her book, “Miscel- Science Rea
Room and bought a ments
In the latest editions of were continually ’surprising.
She Christian Science enables us to do
sayings of mine, and doeth them, I laneoux Writings" (p. 258): "When, copy, of the
Science text- Science and Health there to pub­ talks as one who has lived with her this in a most effectual way. It as­
will liken him unto a wise man, through Mind he (Jesus) restored
Science and Health with Key lished at the end a comprehensive subject for a lifetime,—an ordinary sures us that God is good, practical
which built his house upon a rock: sight to the blind figuratively and to the Scriptures’* by Mary Baker list of marginal headings The use lifetime; and so far from being good, demonstrable good. Herein lies
and the rain descended, and the literally spat upon matter; and, Eddy, and a copy of the Bible. He of these also to an aid to finding the puzzled by any question, welcomes it the efficacy of Christian Science, the
floods came and the winds blew, and anointing the wounded spirit with then left for the west coast, and desired topic in.our textbook
its appeal, the success of
as another opportunity for present­
beat upon that house; and it fell the great truth that God is All, be while there he spent some time
People who have
Mrs. Eddy gained her spiritual en­ ing another view of her religion.”
not; for it was founded upon a rock." demonstrated the healings power and reading Science and Health. During
igion, because they could
Thus did Mrs. Eddy show the
That rock is Christ, Truth? That la supremacy of the law of Life and a sudden attack he bought some lightenment from the Bible.
learned, and proved scientifically, broad applicability of her teaching not see that it was practical in
‘ th«-'teaching of Love." The application of the great compounds and applications from a that the truths set forth in this to every human problem. Her con­ everyday affairs or in meeting the
the rock on which
Christian Science _ is built. That is fact of God’s allness healed the man. chemist’s shop, intending to use sacred volume can be applied defi­ temporaries marveled at her youth­ many problems of life, have revised
the foundation of its practice,
From Jesus’ own words we may them on his return to his temporary nitely to the healing of disease. Her fulness even when her years were their
and embraced
basis of its practical application to learn further how he applied his home. The package which he bought writings abound in clear explana­ advanced.
They noted the radiant Christian ■ Science when they haqp
your needs and to mine.
understanding of the truth of being. was lying on one side of his dresser, tions of Scripture. These help the health she expressed, after she had seen, as this teaching makes clear,
According to the account in Mat­ He said, “My meat to to do the wifi and Science and Health on the other. student to make practical use of the been lifted from the couch of in­ that God is practical good, good ren­
thew, about the time when Jesus de­ of him that sent me, and to finish He picked up the package, and was precious truths which the Bible con­ validism.
They remarked on the dered practical.
livered his Sermon on the Mount, he his work."
In this simple statement about to, break it open, when it tains.
scope of her mentality, her poise and
In the sweet consciousness of God's
went into the home of Peter, one of lies the key to the Master’s applica­ seemed that a voice, speaking to his
Sometimes we find a child or maturity of thought. She exempli­ dear presence we find true compan­
his disciples. Here we may gain an tion of this de
ble Science of consciousness, said, “Wait." Then he young person who has difficulty with fied the facts which she had pro­ ionship; and the result is that in
interesting sidelight into the help­ being. He
divine will, not recalled how a little reading of Sci­ some particular line of study. He claimed in her teaching. She had an human experience that which is most
fulness of Jesus in the homes which the will of the
carnal mind, ence and Health had helped him, may be good at composition, excel exalted sense of spiritual reality. She needful for our growth and develop­
he visited. He found that the mother Our Master.
, that God is and he concluded that if he settled in languages and in music, but seem mw that the perfection of being to ment comes to light. In this realiza­
of Peter’s wife was suiiering from
•J • perfect and that man-Hii creation, down to a consecrated study of the
clear is perfect like Himself. On this truth it contained he would find to be very deficient in mathematics. present and available here now. tion of God’s nearness, we find an
fever. Our Master, with his del
Science corrects this defect.
was no merely abstract sense abundant supply of right id
ideas, and
sense of the truth of being, his basis, he taught us to turn away complete freedom from his physical faculties of divine Mind are perfect Here
Truth. It was what she herself that is seen in the availafeilii
"lty of all
recognition of perfect God and per­ always from the imperfections of difficulties. He did so and perse­ and man reflects Mind’s perfect of
necessary resources enjoyed h
fect man, perfect Father and perfect mortal material, personal sense of vered in his study. At once he found faculties.
Knowing that God s man ing preseice of Christ, Truth, which here and now. In this sense i of God
___ ’s
child heated her of the fever in­ the glorious perfecti
Immortal relief from pain, and immediately reflects the one unerring and perfect healed the sick”
(Science and supremacy is true health, and this is
stantly. “He.touched her hand, and spiritual sense, the
state of the wounds began to heal. He re­ Mind, one to led to go rightly all Health, p. 351).
She used the word manifest in physical, mental and
the fever left her: and she arose, and man governed by
turned home a few weeks later com­ that one has to do. This spiritual of Truth effectually in her own heal­ moral healing. By this recognition
ministered unto them.” While she
pletely healed. At the same time he method, properly applied, to infi­ ing work. In Science and Health she of God’s true nature we find our
was ill,
The prophet
was healed of biliousnss, constipa­ nitely superior to the methods de­ has made clear how to use the word rightful activity, and this is exter­
soon as
the coming of the
tion, and other recurring ills.
The vised by the human mind to make of Truth. She has also taught what nalized in the right work, which we
to tlwnfts
__ _ “shall call his nam
tuberculosis also vanished; and some up fqr its defects.
is necessary in Christian living, are able to do with helpfulness to
healing in •Christian’ Science
it Matthew, in reprei
years later, wpen medically ev-
Many people engaged in athletics, whereby the use of the word of others. In other words, the practical
awakens the unselfed desire to help words, adds l‘wh
a mined for
---------- - he was who have suffered from strains and Truth to vitalized. _ _,
realization of God’s presence and per­
others aa one has been helped, and preted is God Wit
found to be so u
that a policy for dislocations,
been helped
fection, and of man’s perfection as
it imparts the ability to do so.
words, the helpful, „___ _______ , a very
urn was issued to through the application of Christian
Christian Science kindles right de­ God’s idea, necessarily has its out­
In the Christian Science textbook, ct our great Master, sssiwpHfylng him. Today be is in excellent health,
sire, the longing for spiritual good. ward results in better human condi- .
“Science and Health with. Key to the the Christ, was evidence that God Is actively engaged as senior partner
Scriptures,” Mary Baker Eddy, the here, dispelling evil and showing in a business with far - reaching this teaching, they had taken weeks This right desire, this fervent tions along every line. All thkt is '
steadfastly maintained, will good will come to you as you allow
Discoverer and Founder of Christian forth only gixxi.
Eddy has scope. He became a member of a
Science, explains the basis on which written in Science and Health (p. branch church, and of The hfother called remedies, they have been very glow into a fuller radiance, until the rourself to be led lovingly by the
ofttimes instantaneously, actual perfection of being—which is land of Truth in the way of wisdom.
Christ Jesus healed the sick in these 34), “If Christ, Truth, has come to t Church, and has taken active part in healed
by Christian Science. Not the really always here—is seen to be the Thus you are finding what belongs to
words on page 478: “Jesus beheld in us in demonstration no other com­ the work of his church.
application of oil or ointments, or all and only.
Depravity to as a your true spiritual, selfhood and limi­
Science the perfect man, who ap­ memoration to requisite, for demosi-
In considering how to apply Chris­ liniments to one's body, but the ap­ shadow that hides man’s true and tations fall away. This is the result
peared to him where sinning mortal st rat ion to Immanuel, ar God wtth
plication of spiritual truth to one's spiritual selfhood, as a cloud seems of the practical application of Christ­
man appears to mortals. In this per­ ue: and if a friend be with us, why tian Science to one's individual
fect man the Saviour saw God’s own need we memorials of that frfendr’ needs, ohe important point should hinking, brings true and permanent to shut out the sunshine and the ian Science. This Is your demonstra­
But “behind the tion, your proof of Immanuel God is
likeness, and this correct view of
In the Gulf of St. Lawrence«, on be noted. In order to apply Chris­ healing, and freedom from pain and clear, blue sky.
clouds is the sun still shining” The with you.
man heeled the sick." Where mor­ the Gaspe Peninsula, there stands a tian Science consistently, correctly, disease.
What has been said here about clear blue of the sky to always there,
tals saw a sick, sinning, dying mortal, cape which in earlier days was and continuously, one needs to be in
Jesus saw God's
perfect image, known as Cap Desespoir—Cape De­ sympathy with the Christian Sci­ how to apply Christian Science to and you see it when you rise above
meant to be exclusive. It to not the cloud, or as the cloud to dis­
healthy, happy, holy, and well, ex­ spair. Today, as for many decades
pressing the activity and abundance past, it has an effective lighthouse, mean that in order to be healed you intended as a final word on the sub­ pelled by the sunshine
of Life and Love. It is our privilege whose kindly light gleams across the must join the Christian Science ject.- It has been given simply to beliefs and practices do not belong
Coquille Townsend Club, No, 1, met
and necessity to replace the false water for many miles. Now it to
sense of ourselves ana of others with known as Cap d’Espoir—the Cape of taneously even before he gains an applied. The possibilities of applica­ Depravity to evil, devil. Man, in re­ i regular session Tuesday evening
the true and perfect sense.
Our Hope. Many people have at some understanding of Christian Science. tion are unlimited. Each individual aUty, to not “oppressed of the devil.” with Mr. Tilghman, vice president,
Master said, “Be ye therefore per­ time come to the place where they But this fact to plain: those who go who studies Science and Health finds It to only depraved sense that to acting in place of Fred Von Pegert,
fect,” because he understood' that have almost despaired of finding the forward and prove progressively the applications suiited to his own indi­ oppressed. The understanding of the
man as God's idea already is perfect. solution of life’s problems. In their possibilities of Christian Science for vidual need. Hence the wisdom of Christ reveals man as perfect now. our president, who is in Buffalo, N. Y.,
Peter had witnessed many such extremity they have been led to in­ good in their lives, naturally conform turning to the Bible and Science and This understanding of man’s perfec­ attending the national convention.
This brings Health for the light and help that tion as God’s idea frees the indi­ There were 42 present and after the
He had listened to the vestigate Christian Science. With to its requirements.
vidual from the depraved beliefs
teaching of the Master as they sat the coming • of the light of Truth, them into harmony with the edu­ are needed.
which have seemed to take posses­ business session there was a abort
Evil Exposed aa a Ue
on the hillside in the golden Pales­ this proves to be the turning point cational and religious system of
program and pie and coffee were
We recall that Peter, when speak­ sion of human consciousness.
tinian sunshine, as they walked in their lives. Their “point of da­
through the cornfields, as they pair” becomes their “point of hope.” denced eventually by their member­ ing the curative work of Christ
Oftentimes in the morning you served and a social time was enjoyed.
sailed the Sea of Galilee in tiny The despair of recovery—hopeless­ ship in The Mother Church and in Jesus, said that he healed “all that have seen beautiful cloud effects,
—Press Correspondent.
fishing boats. As a result of this ness as to being able to meet life’s a branch church, and their active were oppressed of the devil.’’ If you the rising sun tinting many a dark
wish to leam that nature of this cloud with golden beauty. Thus it to,
teaching, he also had learned to difficulties—gives place to confidence
Jesus preached or revealed Christ, “devil” that seems to oppress hu­ too, in one’s experience, aa the sun
apply this practical truth taught by in the fact that divine Love solves
In addition to our Rental Library
the Master this truth about perfect every problem, heals every ill. They Truth in his Sermon on the Mount manity, you cannot do better than of Truth arises with heaing in its
God and perfect man. So in after awaken to the fact that God is with to which refrence has been made; read what Mrs Eddy has written on wings. Much that is beautiful in here at Norton’s we now have the
years he was able to testify cou­ them. This is their demonstration, and the Christ, Truth, to being re­ this subpect on page 584 of Science human character comes to light as famous line of Pocket Books which -
vealed today through the Christian and Health. Here we find this il­ Truth gains the ascendancy
rageously to the power of the Christ. their proof of Immanuel.
in sell at 25c. These are just the thing
In explaining to a Roman centurion,
Christian Science enables us to see Science Quarterly Bible Lessons. luminating definition: “Devil. Evil; thought. It to right to cherish all
named Cornelius, the operation of that we are living in God living Anyone who faithfully studies these a lie; error! neither corporeality nor that is beautiful, noble, and good, to take along on your vacation trip
They contain the
the Christ-power, he said, “God in good, and not in matter. There­ Lessons daily cannot fail to make mind; the opposite of Truth; a be­ for these are expressions of man’s for relaxation.
anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the fore there to nothing in God’s uni­ progress in all those things which lief in sin. sickness, and death; true selfhood. With the first coming world's best Fiction.
Holy Ghost and with power: who verse of which man need be afraid. mean most in life. The Christian animal magnetism of hypnotism ef the Christ-idea to one’s con­
went about doing good, and healing Plainly, no one could be afraid of Science Lesson-Sermon preaches an the lust of the flesh, which saith: *1 sciousness evangelization has begun,
all that were oppressed of the devil; unlimited good. No one could be effective sermon without sermoniz­ am life and intelligence in matter. and will continue until all that does
for God was with him.”
terrified over the fact that man to. ing. It presents a wholesome stand­ There to more than one mind for I not belong to man’s true and perfect
This statement points to the prac­ the image and likeness of the in­ ard of morals without moralizing, am mind,—a wicked mind, self-made selfhood has been displaced. This
ticality of
«’ Jesus’ mission. It indi- finitely good creator. In fact, the it affords a righteous basis for hu­ or created by a tribal god and put salvation is for everyone.
All men
cates the • source of his power—“God realization of the truth that God. man living without self-righteous­ into the opposite mind termed will eventually gain this understand­
good good, to All, and man to His likeness, ness. It imparts true goodness, free matter, thenpe to reproduce a mortal ing. The clouds are dispersed as men
was with him.1
was with him. Therefore impotent s the certain remedy foe fear. Even from sanctimoniousness. In short, it universe, including man, not after yield to the redeeming influence of
evil vanished from his presence. The physicians, working from a material upholds the original, genuine, perfect the image and likeness of Spirit, but the Christ As this goes on, there to
nature of disease is also dearly standpoint recognize that fear has standard of the Christ
after its own image* *’
less sin. less sickness, less poverty,
An Epic of the Old Wert
shown here, in these word, "healing much to do with disease. Christian
There are people who recognize
How skillfully Mrs Eddy has less discord of every kind, and man
all that were oppressed
crr~—“• of the devil, ” Science makes this still clearer. By and appreciate the fruits of Chris­ analyzed the nature of evil! By her expresses more of his normal free­
pressed by evil
seemingly oppressed
__ the continual contemplation of the tian Science, who are not yet willing definition of devil as animal magnet­ dom, strength, and harmony
sufferers were healed as a result sof truths taught in Christian Science, to agree with this teaching. The fact ism or hypnotism, she put her finger
In “Rudimental Divine Science”
the Master's perception of the pres­ the Student finds that fears which is that Christian Science and its directly on the solution of the prob­ Mrs. Eddy outlines briefly the simple
ence and supremacy of pood. Thus formerly bound him disappear, and fruits are inseparable, and to acknow­ lem of evil, as no one else has done fundamentals of her teaching.
it is plain that disease is never true, he becomes more fully aware of the ledge its fruits is to admit ita effl- since the days of Jesus of Nazareth question is asked in this book
(p. •)
because it contradicts the truth of presence of divine Love, which casts
To illustrate: you go up to an Our Master, when seeking to open “How should I undertake to demon
being the fact that man is made in out fear. Some people seem to be
tree, laden with delicious ap- Peter’s eyes to the nature of evil, strata Christian Science in healing
the image and likeness of God. For afraid in the dark, wh
while they are
and you pluck as many as said to him: "Simon Simon, behold, the sick?" And Mrs. Eddy answers:
the same reason discord _of any kind leas
less afraid in daylight. Fear to al- : you wish and enjoy them But sup­ Satan hath desired to have you, that “As 1 have given you only
ily an epit-
is never true. Man, as God's image, ways an evidence
‘ _ 1___ that
2_ *____
one’s ___
thought pose
you were to say. I enjoy these he may sift you as wheat; but I ome of the Principle, so I can give
and harmonious, is more or lees
is always
less darkened. It is
to man
’s < delicious apples, but as for
the have prayed for thee, that thy faith you here nothing but an outline of
and disease
belong to* him.
prtvitatm i to abide in the «light of tree
on which they grow, I have no use fail not; and when thou art con­ the practice. Be honest, be true to
understood _.jth,
in the sunshine of Love. This I for it How could you enjoy the fruit verted, • strengthen thy brethren"
thyself, and true to others; then it
that God is perfect Love, and he ability to acquired by entertaining if
I you removed the tree? How could
It is worth noting that, as modern follows thou wilt be strong in God,
himself perfectly reflected Love, as thoughi
____ its of Truth and Love.
rix* appreciate the fruits of Chrto- translatprs fnaka clear, our Master the eternal good. Heal through
proved by his ministrations. Mrs.
Man, made In God’s likeness, to
Truth and Love; there is
s.. presents
- a helpful
lelpful point in the ever aware of the
Christian Science
cases of fever.
■ ffiioLTdto?.
Townsend Clubs
that you should love this not the only one who were being when we have an upleaaant experi­
teaching as much as you now ap­ put to the test Humanity itself was ence we may be apt to blame some,
preciate ita fruits
being tested at that crucial hour, one else for it However in the light
are led to
tested today We
first. Then
are har-
injustice, no evil of 'any
In God’s likeness is nevi
of the seeming opposites o
T*,llit«r*sttaiXtame I
is in the