Marjorie Knight Heads Junior Club day. After luncheon the group went to the Gould home for cards. Mrs. Hob Nelson was high and Mri. Gould^ second. Mrs. Charles Meyers was a guest for the afternoon. Members present included Mesdames Wendall Sandall, T. K. Foas, L. B. Gould, G. L. Maynard, Bob Nelson, J. X. Hen­ ninger and Harold Stromquist. A. J. Millhorn Dies At Grants Pass widow, Peart M. Millhorn, four sons, three daughters, 17 grandcihldren and M gnat grandcihldren. Hull & Hull, funeral directors at Grants Pass, sends the Sentinel in­ formation concerning a former Co­ quille resident, Andrew Jackson Mill­ horn, who died in the hospital there last Friday, and was buried on Sun­ day. He had lived in Grants Pass for the past three yean. Mr. Millhom was 85 yean of age, having been born in Bristol, Penn., May 10, 185«. He is survived by his Card of Thanh» For the kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent bereave­ ment and for the floral display at the services held for our departed mother, we wish to express our sincere thanks. Dr. John R. Seeley, Tverett J. Seeley, Mark Seeley, Linus Seeley. Blank Warranty Deeds for sale al this office. Lewis, Jack McLaren and Hughes. SUNNY BROOK O. E. S. Mother's Doy Program "With all this extra work due to the defense program and everything, they sure keep me hoppin'. "But before I. S° too far, here's what I really wanted you to know . . . there's no contem­ plated restrictions on my working for you. As for industry, regardless of rising prices of other services I am still offering my ser­ vices at a mighty low wage oer hour and the more they use the cheaper I'll work. "You see, I and my associates have been de­ veloped by private industry and initiative Your Electrical Servant Mountain States Power Co Have your smooth tires C linic S ervice capped now with SUPER-CAPS RflLKLEFF FttfiRMfliy , wji ij . Thornton’s Tire Service