’v County Jail Arrivals Ralph Crump was sentenced to 30 days in jail in justice court at Marsh­ field last Friday, and Richard Marley to 30 days, 20 of which were suspend­ ed, in justice court at North Bend, We have some beautiful Mother’s on petty larceny convictions. They Day box stationery, which we will took equipment belonging to a con­ monogram; $1.00 per box. including tractor near Powers and other stuff imprinting, at Norton's. at various points in the county. Angelo Braseeeco was fined $30 in Justice Barton's court here for being drunk on a public highway. Fashion Flow Blue Mohair Davenoand Chair Regular Price Insurance ■ $84.50 Slightly Damaged la Shipping — as h $70.00 Purkey Furniture F. R. Bull Insurance Agency 43$ Front BL. Coquille Home Phone 2T3L Office F M arket Coma in to Rooton Electric Shop and see the new Famous General S & W Mellow'd Coffee 1-lb. tin 26c Pork & Beans Lge. 2H cans, 3 for 25c I WHEATIES or JKORNKIX BABY WE: '3^' IltAHtTIt 7c Carnation milk Med. Size 344 2 doz. 4) £ SUNKIST ORANGES A 4 COQUILLE, OC.E. AMERICAN INGENUITY IS DEFENSE ASSET SPUDS 45c Fresh GREEN ONIONS or RADISHES S Quality Mkt Where Quality & Price Meet Sliced Bacon * Derind Morrell« J4 IkWlo Sausage Always good Lb. * - tel •C te Sunkist ORANGES JÊ fl Large 220 size 2 doz. "tad RflCKLEFF PHflRMACy i.--'--, n I I. i. i i r Ji • H IIC| SPERRY’S Lge.Pkg.4R/ WHEAT HEARTS Al BAKING POWDER ■wTi C u o -> a I 3 1 pkg.