P AGE TWO Marriage Licenses SorUtg anà (¡Hubs Mrs. by Catherine Maynard, Telephone 185-L Mrs. Paul Martin was guest of honor at a farewell party Wednes­ day afternoon, given by fellow work­ ers in the Smith Wood office. Wed­ nesday evening, she bid farewell to members of the Bachelor Girls club when she entertained the girls at a contract rummy party at her home. Norene McKeown wen first prize and Maxine Johnson, consolation. At each party, Mrs. Martin was presented with a nice gift from her friends. The Bachelor girl guests were Elie Brax­ ton. Margaret Beiloni, Maxine John­ son, Carol Young, Winnifred Stone, Norene McKeown, Helen Lund, Mar­ tha Young. Marjorie Knight and Rose Matney. Mr*. J. L. Smith, Mrs. M. a Haw­ kins and Mrs. L. L. Rosa were host­ esses Friday at 1 o'clock luncheon at the Hawkins home, where J. G. W. members gathered from over the county. The luncheon table carried an exquisite centerpiece of pink tul­ ips. About the rooms were bouquets of choice roses, grown by Mr. Haw­ kins. Club members sewed during the afternoon. Those present were Mesdames Bert Folsom, C. J. Fuhr­ man of Sixes, C. E. Huling at March­ field, E. E. Johnson, J. A. Lamb, E. at Marsh Marsh- ­ Chief business before Job’s Daugh - W. Lorenz, Marvin Lyons of field, J. E. Norton, Birdie Skeels, J. ten Monday evening was the inter* L. Smith, James Walstrom of Baa- esting report given by Donna Dunn, don, doo, Charles Lorenz, M. Q. O Hawkins, honor queen, and Clarabelle Watson, ||. N. I-oren^, 1-orenz, R. V Mel- ­ senior princess, on the Grand Guard­ fl. V. j Wilhelm of Mel rose, Montana Montana and and Tom Tom Dimmick Dimmick of ofiian Council at Klamath Falls, April rose, Ophir. ' 17, 1« and 1«. Ophir. > —■ | Harriet Tozier, who won the con- Mrs £. D. McCune entertained at test for bringing the largest number 1 o'clock dessert luncheon and bridge of guests to February and. March Thursday afternoon. Attractively ar-meetings, was presented with a dain- SIWE’S ^GROCERY “Fotame with Small Profitti U our Motto* Free Delivera, C. O. D. Service — Phone 1U Halves or Sliced Large Cana PEACHES STIHNC BEANl OO* A VITAFOOD quille. April »—Geo. Reeve, Jr., of North Bend, and Estelle Spiva, of March­ Special on pictures for Mother's _ ’ . _ Day; 30 per cent reduction on all field. pictures in stock. This is a real op­ portunity to obtain some very beau­ tiful pictures at a real saving, at Norton's. Make Mother Happy On Her Day May 11th With One of These Delightful Bemberg Sheer Frocks An affiliation degree was awarded by tiie Order of the Eastern Star Thursday evening io Mr. B. Harriman and Lals Fenn, who have trun*ferred from other chapters to Beulah chapter here. For Mrs. Cora Little, whose home burned recently, chapter members gave a shower after th« business meeting. Members of the refreshment com­ mittee were Harriett Qeika, Hattie Leslie, Dena Pierce, June Welker, P. M. Norton. Lafe Compton and Ed Walker. Specially Purchased and Specially Priced for thia event They come in Lovely Color Combinations: Spring Green with Lavender and White Floral Designs, also Lavender background with Green Prints; Then there are Black with White and Copen Blue with Blaok and White Prints. Many Flattering Styles with Shirrings and Pleats. Best of all they look just twice what the ticket says •5.98 Miss Ruth Towne Gives Recital 89c and $1-°° at Hallock’s gg _ DOG FOOD 6 c- 25® THE PLACE— CAKE FLOUR SWANSDOWN LARGE NO. 2h TOMATO MMTC April 24—Donald A. Burch and Verna Esther Reynolds, both uf Co­ Where Ne Gift ta Too Small to Wrap1 — lO« DODGE FANCY SPINACH Large Cans CATSUP There May Be bottle SPERRY PANCAKE flour Advances 4 1b. 25* Large Cans Silver Thistle Jelly Assorted Flavors 12 oz. Glass 10c Cross&Blackwell Date Nut Bread SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar FLUFFY A FRESH Ä MARSHMALLOWS 10* Red Sour > ' Ruth Towne ••Scherzo in B Oat" - "Scottish Tone Picture" “Tango in D Major** 'Source in b minor" Wayne A. Smith Thomas “Connais-tu le pays?" Hodges “I See a Tree” del Riego “A Russian lament" Delibes “Les Filles de Cadiz“ - • Pitted MASMBCt 2 Cans "Slumber Song” "Fiddle sad J" . - ■ Ruth Towne Mattei Goodeve Can • ••••• ^| Cradle Baby Jam Regular 14c sise Special Sc Fillet of Anchovies—Imported Small Oval Cans each “ ~ 10c Jergen's Fine Toilet Soap 3 Cakes for 1 Cake FREE Woodbury s Facial Soap Golden Wedding Tuesday At Powers SOLID PACK TOMATOES Several local people were among the 40 guests attending the golden wedding celebrated Tuesday evening at Powers of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pur­ vis. Since both Mr. and Mrs. Purvis have been prominent Eastern Star members—Mrs. Purvis is a past wor­ thy matron aad Mr. Ptuvis, a funner officer in the Masonic lodge—Powers For ‘Thu Ski« you love to touch" £ CAKES for 29c