The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 01, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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    Allister and I. B. Sevy. They will
meet at the home of Mr*. Nile Miller
this Wednesday and «tart work on a
quilt for her.
Mr*. C. E. Howe, of Washington,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Burtis several days last week,
She left Thursday for Portland, where
she will visit relatives for a few day*
before returning to her own home.
The regular weekly Bible atudy
sy was held Tuesday evening at the
e* church with H. E. Watkins leading
the discussion on the first chapter of
»y Acts. Those present were: Mr. and
rt. Mrs. H. E. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs.
ir. R. W. Bishop, Mr. and Mr*. Robert
id Munford, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAl-
ts lister, I B. Sevy. Mrs. Ward Evans,
Mrs. Frank Miller, Miss Ruth Wood- <
•y ward and Arthur R. Jones, of Myrtle I
re Point.
Mrs. George Gillespie spent the <
i- week-end visiting at her home in <
Arago, returning to her school at
ji Catching creek Sunday evening.
Sunday school was held at 10 a.
. m. Sunday morning with an atten- i
d dance of 35. The regular church ser-
g vice was dismissed so the Arago group
p. could go to Coquille and attend the
g farewell services conducted by Rev. (
H. A. Minter. Services will be held
it again next Sunday as usual, preaching
it at 10 a. m. and Sunday school at 11
a. m.
Mrs. L. M. Aaaen was ill’with the
>. flu several day* last week.
Liliaverie Myers fell und injured
her spine while roller skating and
was confined to her bed for several
days. She returned to school again
Munday morning
The Arago high school Senior and
> Junior banquet was served in the
' church basement Friday evening,
1 April 25 and the Ladies Aid was in
charge. The program was as follows:
I. B. Sevy, toastmaster; toast by Ger­
ald Woodward; songs by the group;
Welcome to Seniors, by Junior Gul- .
strom; Response by Maxine Rack­
left; Senior Prophecy, Jean McAllis­
ter. Those attending were: Mr. and
Mrs. I. B. Sevy, Arney Houser, Jean
McAllister, Gerald Woodward. Max­
ine Rackleff Clyde Lillie, Virginia
King, Woodrow Robinson, Betty
Biondell, Junior Gulstrom, Bernice
Lillie. Ellis Rackleff.
Music week will be obaerved with
a program held at the Arago gym May _
9. Everyone is cordially invited to
There will be a Mother’s Day pro­
gram held at the church May 11 and
the offering for the Sunday school
will be given to the Children’s Farm
home. The Baccalaureate service
will be held at the Arago church Sun­
day evennig May 11 at eight o’clock.
The Junior and Senior play, “The
Chintz Cottage,” a three-act come­
dy, will be presented at the Arago
gym Friday evening, May 2, at eight
Purkey Furniture
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No wonder it's tie—
of tie gear!
Fairview News
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