The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 01, 1941, Image 1

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Î ïî
VOL. xxxvn.
NO. 16.
Nels Osmundson
Saved from Drowning
By Three Boys
A heroic rescue from death by
drowning was the record three Co­
quille boys made at Bandon last
Sunday. The boys were Bob and
David Khne and Tommy Martin,
while Nels Osmundson, former Co­
quille- resident who with Mrs. Os-
mundaon has been living at Nature­
land south of Bandog, was the one
Mrs. Kline and. the boys went down
to spend the week-end at Natureland
and Sunday morning Mr. Osmundson
went out with them qahing from the
nock which juts out into the ocean
near Natureland.
-USL-4 At 4J9 o’clock Mrs Kline drove
Front Street Cops
Pay Fines
They don’t all get sore and threuten
boycott of Coquille as did one travel­
ing man recently because he received
an over-time parking tag and had to
fork over a dollars to the city re­
Down on Front street a group of the
business men agreed among them­
selves to watch for overtime parking
by anyone of the group, and whether
his car had been tagged or not, if
one of the group was notified by any
Of the others that he had been parked
there for more than an hour in viola-'
tion Of the city ordinance that he
would voluntarily go to the city, hall
and pay a dollar.
Fred R. Bull was instigate« of the
plan and Monday morning one of the
others caught his car parked on
Front street for more than an hour.
Like a man Fred immediately chased
himself up to the city hall and
coughed up a dollar.
Probably some of the others will
do well to watch Fred’s checking now
on their cars!
Mr. Bull says the agreement has
been In effect there for more than
two weeks and during that time there
has been plenty of parking space on
Front street.
Might be a pretty good idea if the
agreement area was widened and
covered all the business section where
parking is restricted to one hour.
No One Hurt,
Logging Trude
Complete Wreck
May Day Festival At
H. S. Gymnasium
Saturday Evening
Iva Bates Bride
Of Lloyd Laird
Bert Kay, Stricken
. In California,
Buried Yesterday
Announcement of a marriage which
will be a surprise to their many Co­
quille friends, was contained in a
letter to the girls in the telephone
office yesterday morning that Miss
Iva Bates was to be married at eight
o'clock Wednesday morning to Mr.
Lloyd Laird, at Petaluma, California.
Miss Bates, who has been chief
operator of the WeBt Coast Tele­
phone company here for the past
eleven yean, and has worked for
the company for the last 23 yeara,
took a three months leave of absence
early in March. Several weeks ago,
Miss Bates, who was recovering from
the 'effects qf a major operation, went
to California to convalesce.
According to reports here Mr.
and Mrs. Laird will live in Petaluma,
where Mr. Lard and his mother, Mrs.
Mabie Laird, ure operating a chicken
Misa Helen Endicott, who was act­
ing as chief operator of the Coquille
exchange during Miss Bates’ absence,
will continue in that position.
Very seldom do trucks come to­
Gay costumes are being
„___ fitted; a
E. M. (Bert) Kay, a resident of
gether with such force as did the two final polish is being put on dance
Coquille for twenty ,or more years,
a couple of miles above Bridge, on routines; fresh streamers are being
passed away at Napa, Calif., last
the highway, at eight o'clock yester­ fastened to twp Maypoles; all in
Saturday morning. A sudden heart
day morning with some personal in­ preparation for the 16th annual May
attack was the cause of his demise
Day Festival, sponsored by the Co­
He and Mrs. Kay went to Napa last
Chas. Kash was driving hik Chev­ quille Woman’s club. The program
December where Mr. Kay had an
excellent position.
rolet truck and trailer up to the mill to honor Virginia Young. May Queen,
at Bradford station, near Camas Val­ will be held Saturday at 8:00 p. m.
The body arrived here Monday eve­
ley, when on a curve th^ logging at the high school. Sharing honors
ning and funeral services were held
truck of Merle (Toughie) Bryant with Queen Virginia are Donna Dunn,
at the Gano Funeral Home at 2:00 p.
crashed into it, hitting just back M Pat Holveralott, Eileen Griffin, Rheo
m. yesterday. Rev. W. S. Smith of­
the cab. The logger lost both front­ .Walker, Marvin Myers and Helen
ficiated at the services and interment
wheel» in the collision, plunged over Nelson, princesses in the royal court.
wax in 1. O. O. F. cemetery. No I.
the bank and down for 150 feet with­
Building her program on the theme
Ethelbert M. Kay was born at
out turning over, and Bryant emerged of dances of many nations, Mrs. T. B.
Bridgeville, California, Sept. 19, 1878,
being seven month« and seven days
with only a slight bruised spot on bis Currie, general chairman of the fes­
The logger was a complete tival for the Woman’s club, planned
out as near as the road allowed to
past 62 year« of age at the time of his
numbers that are colorful and enter­
pick up the boys. Mr. Osmundson
passing. He came to Coos county in
The Chev. was whirled in toward taining. Special emphasis has been
had been lying on the rock while the
the‘bank, the trailer going over the placed on our own American folk
boys fished and as they were getting
He was united in marriage, Dec. 32,
edge on the river side without break­ dances.
ready to leave he started to arise.
1906, to Miss Isabel Alice Hazelton,
ing loose, but the side of the truck
Following is an outline of the pro­
A cramp in his leg caused him to fall
who survive» him. He is also sur­
over backward, striking his head on
was sheared off, the drive shaft gram:
vived by three children, all of whom
broken, and the agetlqwte of what it
“Princess of India,” played by the
live in the Coquille valley—Wm. H.
the rock and partially stunning him.
will cost to repair is around MOO high school band, directed by Tom
He then rolled off the rock into deep
Kay; Mrs. Leia Paulson and Mrs.
or $700.
Cauthers. music
Doris Laird, ' A grandson is John
Walter Paulson.
Bob saw him go over the edge and
Mr. Kash suffered no injury of any
Processional of the
and her
J. E. Norton recently received word
kind, and both drivers agree he could court. Among the little flower girls
Mr. Kay Is also survived by one
he and Dave plunged in with all their
not have gotten any further over to are: Nana Foos, Faye Herpey. Marcie from Gov. Sprague that the latter sister, Mrs Ray Bates, of Bandon, and
clothes oh and swam with him to the
avoid being hit.
Mauney, Bobbie Jean Harris, Helen has appointed him as chairman of the eight brothers—E. J. Kay, of Bridge­
rock where Tom assisted by pulling
. ‘f
Taylor, Donna Schroeder, Mary Kist- Rogue River Co-ordinating Board. ville, Calif.; C. B., of Yreka; J. D.
from above. Nels had swallowed con­
This board, which serves without of Notrh Bend; D. C., of Bandon; L.
ner, Nancy Lee Perrott and Diana
siderable suit waiter apd had not the
Just as we thought! “Revenge i»
Schroeder. Master BiUy Bourns will salary, will attempt to work out a S„ of Richmond, Calif.; A. R.,of Valle­
boys jumped in promptly would un­
sweet" chortled Fred yesterday when
bear the crown which Senior Coun­ solution of the Rogue river trouble jo, Calif.; E. L., of Coquille and R. D ,
doubtedly have drowned.
cilman O. L. Wood will place upon between miners and fishermen. It’S of Stockton, Calif.
He wtts.atiU partially stunned and it he caught the car of Herb Souder,
The brothers
dark curls of Queen Virginia. a trouble of long standing, the fish­ acted as pallbearers at the service.
• required considerable effort on tbe
ermen protesting to every state agen­
part of the boys to get him out and, oO Front street, and the
Mr. Kay had been a member of the
Mrs. Lawrence Gulseth toft thia morn­ The train bearers are Bobbie Swin­
with Mrs. Kline's assistance, up to and his way to the city hall to contribute ing on that trip during which they ney, Billy Church and Johnnie Clay­ cy that the dumping of refuse in the Odd Fellows lodge for 41 years and
a dollar when Fred reported it to the
river by the miners in Josephine was also a member of the Rebekah
into the car.
J... J will encircle the” United States, being
county is driving the fish from the lodge. The attendance at the services
Both the boys are expert swimmers Sentinel.
practically every state
Ranchers will play “San Antonio river.
rid Bob has a cherished Boy Seoul
of the members of these two organi­
around the perimeter of the U. B.
The other members of the board zations and the gathering of friends
fe-saving badge which he further
(Continued on page six)
They go first to Spokane, then
are R. R. Alden, of Galice, and T. V. who wanted to pay their last respects
through Yellowstone Park ahd on to
Scott, of Wedderbum
to one whom they honored and cher­
Minnesota where Mr. Gulseth's par­
The new law passed by the last ished, crowded the funeral parlors to
ents reside. The trek from there is
legislature does not go into effect its capacity.
The Safety Patrol plun which was southwest to Iowa, W
until June 14, when this commission
At the cemetery tbe Odd Fellows,
HiuuMurated by
Coauiile Laions Moines, aqd then up iota
would take over, but the three heads aiaieisd by tbe Web sire he, conduct«
where Mrs. Nosier’s father
In commenting upon the Music of state departments who have formed their ritualistic graveside service
«hoot ts nut this month If the equip­ his early days. Thejrewill visit a
program, which will be held the board personnel under the old
Bert Kay was a carpenter, and
Verna Reynolds daughter of Mr. ment the Lions have ordered arrives nephew in Boston. Mrs. Marvel Skeels here Tuesday, May 6, at 8:00 p. m. law. have named the three appointed
good one, by trade, and he had con­
text Mrs. E. E. Smith of Corvallis, in time. If not it will be ready to in New York the Lyman Carrier fam­ at Pioneer Methodist Church, Mu­ by the governor to serve in their stead
tracted or helped in constructing of
and Don Burch, »an of Mr. and Mrs. start in September when school ily in Virginia and then go down to
until June 14, and Mr. Norton ex­ many homes and buildings in Coquille
the southernmost tip of Florida. *
Albert Burch, were married Saturday opens.
pects to go out to Salem within a
Officer Sherm Morris lias been
From there they start west, as soon particular care had been taken to few days to get further information during the past two decades. He was
at 8:09 p. in. at a pretty ceremony
a man of fine character, an upstand­
as they get far-enough north to pass
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
one knows and loves. There will be as to what the new board is expected ing citizen who was an asset to any
Ho H. Heaton
cowboy music, southern music and to do and can do.
community where he resided, and his .
Rev. E. C. Swanson performed thé boys in the Washington building. It and on to Los Angeles and San Diego well-known, popular American class-
sudden passing came as a personal
double ring ceremony before a large
ics, as well as Spanish American num-
grief to hundreds in Coos county who
Mr Nosier said Tuesday that they
Window which was flanked with
bers, chosen to stress the Good Neigh­
had known him for the gcxxl man and
White baskets filled with pink snap­ as safety zones and the boys, ac­ had estimated it to be a three month»’
friend that he was.
bor policy.
dragons. pink tulips, bridal wreath
This is the eighth year that Coquille
ahd blue scillias. Other bouquets of and -tafety hand signs, will patrol anywhere and if it takes more than
has had a National Music Week pro­
Rev. Chas. M. Guilbert, vicar of
pastel shaded flowers were placed
To Sam it will be all virgin terri- I gram. Maud Skaggs Woodyard, is St. James' Episcopal church here,
about the rooms.
Lighted tapers school, during the noon hour and at
county chaM^ of National Music was elected dean of the Southwestern
tory for all his traveling heretofore- '
gave their glowing warmth to the recess time.
In choosing Muriel Dae as Oregon Convocation which was held
has been up and down the coast, from Week
chairman for Coquille, Mrs. here last Monday, succeeding Rev.
The Coquille Valley County club
The bride was given away by her
was assured of having a Geo. R. Turney, of Marshfield, who
fornia. Mrs. Nosier, some yean ago
golfers, playing on a strange course
fattier, E. E. Smith. Muriel Smith
program that would reflect the pro­ had served for the past year.
at Cottage Grove last Sunday, lost the
was her sister’s attendant.
Lin the effect on grown drivers may be with her brother, the late Geo. T. I
fessional touch that Miss Dae’s wide
Bishop B. D. Dagwell was
greater percentage of their matches,
Swain, a cousin of the groom, was
experience on the concert stage and tendance at all the meteings
only ten of the local members coming
best man. The bride wore a dainty girl’s lite may be saved during the but beyond there it is something new '
day which included a session
for all four of them.
out ahead with 26 pairs playing
afternoon dress of blue with matching noon rush to and from work.
ladies, the Southwestern Oregon Even the Coquille valley champion
(Continued on Page Three)
jacket. Her corsage was made of
Deanery, at three o’clock, a dinner at dropped his match to the Grove
pink rosebuds, bouvardia and deep
6:30 and the convocation.
lavender sweet peas. In her hair she
There were 41 ladies present at
Following is the score sheet of win­
wore a cluster of rosebud« and for­
the afternoon meeting, the list in­ ners and losers;
Muriel Smith, the
.. jr
cluding delegates from Medford,
bridesmaid, wore an afternoon frock
Effective this morning, Mrs. Ruth
There was considerable discussion
Roseburg, Coquille, Myrtle Fbint,
Coq. Valley Club
of old rose and lace, which harmon­ at Tuesday noon’s session of the H. Sutton became the proprietress of
Cottage Grove
A crew of five from the federal
Sid MiUigan 2% Clem Howard %
iste! perfectly with the bride’s Mue chamber of commerce as to what Co­ the Town Cafe in the Shelley building Wage and Hours division in Portland Bandon and Marshfield.
The ladies were addressed by Mrs. Ten Denson 2*$ George Linn ft
dre ■«. Her corsage was made of gar­ quille can do this summer tn the way on Hall street, having purchased the is in the county now and next week
Robert Aroeson, of Oswego, diocesan Bill Zemmerly 3 Dutch Clinton 0
denias and forget-me-nots
I of a public celebration of some kind. business and equipment from Jas. a portion of that crew will open an president of the Women’s Auxiliary,
Jack McLarin 0
After the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. 1 That as one of the things mentioned Town this week.
office in the court house and call on who outlined the program for the Ray Lemley 3
John Arnold 1ft
Heaton gave a reception for the new­ mote often than anything else in the
Earl Hill 1ft
After selling out their interest here employer» who come under that act
(Continued on Page Six)
I^s Summerlin 0
ly married couple
Mrs. Burch cut chamber’s recent postal card survey a month ago Mr. and Mrs. Sutton in­ to submit their books for inspection
C. Morelock 3
the first slice from an elaborately of the vslley as to what those living vestigated possibilities in Portland to ascertain if there has been com­
J. Langston 2ft Spike Leslie ft
S. Norton 0
A. Jones 3
decorated, tiered wedding cake. Ré­ outside of< Coquille think the city and as far east as Pendleton but did pliance with the requirements of the
Bill Barrows 0
L. Schroeder 3
édition guests were Messrs and Mes­ «hould do to make it a more attrac­ not find any place that suited them wage and hour law. Being a federal
Pat McLarrin 0
Steve Gasper 3
dames E. E. Smith, of Corvallis, Al­
as well as does their Coquille home law it affects those engaged in inter­
tive center.
Roland Bowles 2
bert Burch. George Griggs. Ilo H.
President Stewart stated that next
state business.
Geo. McQueen 0 Pete Norton 3
Heaton. Lin Swain, Clyde Brown, week he would appoint a committee
Besides Mr. Sutton, who will be
L. A. Peifer, the inspector in charge,
Charles Guilbert gave an interest­ H. French ft
Pat Rickard 1ft
uf Reedsport. Charles Gochenour, of to canvas the merchants and learn chef, and herself, there will be five will be the speaker at the Chamber of
ing talk on Victoria, B. C„ at the Ro­
of Corvallsi, Miss Muriel Smith and their desires as to a celebration.
employed there. ,
Commerce session next Tuesday noon, tary club yesterday for the benefit of Bill Sunderland 0 Jap Morgan 3
Ed Sempert 0
H. Swartz 3
Chris Gwillam.
Mr. and Mrs. Town will continue explaining who comes under the op­
B. W. Dunn told at greater length
Harry Dement 1ft
Mrs. Burch’s going-away costume than he did before of his ideas for a to live in the apartment above the eration of the law, what they must do, quite a number of the delegates and H. Wolford 1ft
Dick Arnold 1
was a navy gabardine suit, light blue celebration, using the river as a motif, cafe for a month, after which Mr. und telling what the penalty is for Rotarians who expect to attend the B. Trask 2
district convention to*be held there
Hank Holmes 0
hat, dusty pink blouse and navy ac­ with a parade of decorated boats, and Mrs SutUyi and their son will failure to comply with the law.
R. Mickey 3
in about two weeks. Mr. Guilbert D. Scott 0
Lloyd Wilson 3
cessories. The young couple took a such logger contests as might fit into occupy it.
has just returned from a trip north on C. Sharp 0
Bob McLarrin 3
shbrt trip down the coast. For the a river fete, and poaibly a street pa­
which he visited both Victoria and H. Swanson ft
O Hendricks 3ft
present, Mrs. Burch plans to continue rade and other features
Vancouver, going by the way of the J. Peck 0
A. Anderson 3
her work at the Coquille Hospital.
It now seems ^probable that Co­
Olympic peninsula. .....
A.* Dunlop 1 " - B. Dunn 2
quille will have some kind of a cele­
Rotarian Frank Skewis, of the E. Hendricks ft
Bob Littrell 2ft
bration at a time when it will not
The Marshfield team is to furnish Marsh-Bend club was the only guest Jim Clinton 0
Clayton Mast 3
conflict with the county fair at Myr­
Oeo. R McGee and Robert Buzzard the o|
itlon to the Coquille elub present
Clayton Mast was in charge of the
tle Point, the regatta at Coos Bay ar
’ Southwestern
job of pairing the men at' and getting
Tuesday to make* a survey of the league on Sunday, May 11.
---------------- - -------------
The new elevator in the Coquille
the games started.
Hotel, is to be put into operation this
Mrs Inca Chase, teacher in the water system, rates, etc., as requested other three games that day will find
A new floor in the west room of
week although the finishing around Washington building. Is planning an by the city council. They expected Gold Bench pteying at Powers, Ban­
County Clerk and Mrs L. W Oddy
the entrance to the shaft has not yet eastern trip this summer during which to finish their work today aad after don at Myrtle Point, and Port Orford- the bank building, painting and re­
returned Monday from their Califor­
been completed When all the work she will visit her daughter, Miss Gen­ working over the material resulting Langlois at North Bend All game« decorating of the interior, indicates
that this room, vacant for the past nia trip. Mr. Oddy returned to duty
has been completed Mine Host Comp­ evieve, who is located in New York from the survey, will make recom­ will start at two o’clock.
in the court house this morning.
ton expects to extend an invitation city. Mrs. Chase wiHi also be delegate mendations as to rates and present
In the practice game last Sunday two years, is to be again, occupied.
to the people of Coquille to come in from the Coon County Teachers As­ those recommendations to the coun­ with the Powers team Coquille won However C. M. Howard, local bank
und inspect the new improvement sociation to the National Educational cil.
out in the last of the ninth by a 7-6 managar, said Tuesday that until the
and the other embellishments which Association convention which will be
score. Alan Bailey pitched the first year’s lease had been signed he did
put the Coquille Hotel in the front held In Boston, Mass., from June 29
half of the game and LeRoy Gilbert not care to make any public statement
as to the occupancy.
until July 3.
rank of modern
finished on the
Governor Names
J. E. Norton On Board
To Be Gone Three
Months or Longer
Safety Patrol
Music Week
J uesday
Verna Re
Rev. C. .M Guilbert
Dean For District
Valley Golfers
Lose In Lane Co
City Will Have
A Celebration
Mrs. Sutton Buys
Town Cafe
To Talk Wage}
Hours Law
Tells Rotary Of
Canadian Visit
Hotel Elevator To
P.U.C. Officials
Making Survey
League Season
Opens May 11