Give • nice box of stationery for Easter. We can monogram the papei for a »mall extra charge We also print the name on leather gooch and fountain pens, at Norton's. s Hudson's Drug Store ATTENTION FISH HUMAN atari the »»as an with tackle that's. “FK for Fishing.” We have a complete stack at: »UEH SPIN NEBS ho 6 ks FOR THAT EASTER GIFT Coraageo for every coatume Other flower a and planta BETTER BLOSSOMS Across from Phone Office YOUR EASTER.... Purkey Furniture ■ :J 1 y R 1 1 ■ i Smart Naw Spriug Colors and Styles " Volume with Small Prof ltd* io our Motto' Free Delivery, €. 0. D. Service — Phone IM H.B. Tall Cans — H.B. Tall Cans A. FRUITS f°r SALAD llc VECET, for SALAD 13c Half or Whole NEBEBGALL A We have a complete stock of men’; furnishings to complete your en semble for the Easter Parade— _ DODGE FESTIVAL Easter Ham PEANUT BUT CATSUP Bottle ....................... ... Here is a good TOMATO JUICE at a reasonable price Packed in Douglas County 4W O O 2M> sire Cans for AvC KITCHEN QUEEN All merchandise priced uniformly low. No loss leaders Io be made up elsewhere; FESTIVAL PEAS PX or VELVET 1 i i , ‘ ” * < ».