5uy The We are offering for sale at greatly re duced prices twenty of the most beauti • / . fuJ home sites in Coquille Coquille Heights Picture« were taken Monday after­ noon of the youngsters who joined Dale Ellingson, in celebrating his third birthday at a party given by his mother, Mrs. Denton Ellingson. The popping of pink and blue balloons punctuated the children's excitement S. M. Nosier, Owner1 J. S. Barton, Realtor, Agent Phone 21J ■ •* »o'* TO ATTEND THE CELEBRATION of our SATURDAY, APRIL 5 FURNITURE at our Shop Free Coffee and Doughnuts will be served all day Home Made Bakery Products Under the same rigid rule» of quality and sanitation Come in and Inspect Our Plant Phone 243 1st Street, Coqouille