The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 27, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. Willard
Mrs. Harold
lk?y and Mrs.
Caudle gave
a miscellaneous bridal shower Fri­
day evening at the Caudle home for
Miss Agnes Caudle, bride-elect of Mr.
Ray Reilly. The nuptials will take
place April 8. Mias Caudle received
quantities of beautiful presents from
her many friends, moat of whom at­
tended the party. Gifts were opened
bearing cards from Mesdames Wil­
liam Hughes, Bert Sanders, Minnie
Leach, Roy Caudle, Fred Miller, Tom
Gamblin, Vic Denning, Ray Buckles,
Al Goodwin, Roy Folsom, Russell Wil­
son, Clara Pierce, LaVina Finley,
Earl Duncan, Roy Smith, Harold
Blum, Zeita Betchel, Jack Smith,
Howard Detlefsen, Willard Matejka,
Harold Dey, Ambrose Caudle, the
Misses Jane Brault, Helen Brandt,
Jottie Watson, Harriet Danielson,
Margaret Stewart, Lena Martin, Lor­
etta Ramsey, Beatrice Chapelle and
Margaret Staninger.
Mrs. Neil McGilvery was the Tues­
day afternoon hostess for the C. S. C.
club, whose members met to sew.
Tea was served by Mn. McGilvery
to Mesdames Jack Arnpjd, Sam Arn­
old Sr. W. E. Cross, George Gilman,
W. L. Kistner, Neil McGilvery and
Maggie Simmons.
son, Mn. Tad Buck. Mn. Dora Hul-
tin, Mr. and Mn. Earl Hardenbrook.
Mr. and Mn. Walter Cairns and four
sons and two daughters of Eugene,
Martha Denzer and son, Marion, Mn.
Elsie Travis, Mn. Addie McCulloch,
Mn. Belle Hooton, Altha Culbertson,
Mrs. Joe Murphy, Mn. Allen of Cali­
fornia Elsie Peart, Jennie Hods&p,
Genevieve Peart.
By one of the happy nuts who were
to their repeated requests for an in­
crease in their per diem pay, they can
find it in such tumultuous arena« as
those enacted in the House on the
closing night of the recent session.
And if, as has been charged, this neg­
ative reaction is a bit more pronounced
in Marion county than in other sec­
tions of the state it is only because
the voters of this country are closer
to the scene of action and are more
frequent spectators at these disgust­
ing scenes than are those of more
distant sections.
Granting that the inebriated repre­
sentatives constituted only a small
minority of the House membership
antf that their antics were anything
but typical of the conduct of the leg­
islature as a whole, it can not be de­
nied that it is upon such demonstra­
tions as these that opinion is based
in the minds of a public that is prone
to judge by surface indications.
Secretary of State Snell; R. H. stat*.
Bal dock, state highway engineer, and
Charles P. Pray, superintendent of
state police, spent- meet of last week
in San Francisco in conference with
United States army officials regard­
ing problems of transportation that
might be involved in the event of an
emergency requiring the movement
of large bodies of troops and their
equipment over the’ highways of this
Mrs. LeRoy Swinney gave a birth­
day party Tuesday afternoon for her
small daughter Janet, who has just
attained the important age of three.
It was an Easter party. There were
bunny favors for each child, jello
Robert B. Smith and Doris I. Mor­
bunnies trimmed with whipped cream
were married at the home of Rev.
for dessert and a birthday cake
circled with candy bunnies.
The Howard L. Graybeal, last Saturday,
children present were Patty Homing. March 22, at six o’clock in the eve­
Miss Frankie Edgmon and
John and Paul Clayton, Alan Dun- ning,
gey. Gerry Barrows, Sandra Elliott, Russell Nelson were attendants to
Janice and Donna Schroeder, Virginia the bride and groom. The bride and
and Sammie George and Janet and bridesmaid were dressed in velvet
The state hospital for insane at Sa­
Bobbie Swinney. The mothers who and had gardienia corsages.
lem came in for seven critcism at
Guests at the wedding were Mrs.
enjoyed the party were Mesdames
the hands of the Marion county grand
Ray Schroeder, Marion Clayton, Nina Morgan, mother of the bride; jury which made its annual inspec­
Members of the Charts club met William Barrow, Arlin Elliott and W. R. Smith father of the groom; tion of state institutions this week.
Aurora Willard, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Thursday for a delightful one o’clock Marion George.
While the management of the hos­
Panter. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton White,
luncheon given by Mn. Edna Stew­
pital was given a clean bill of health,
art. In observance of a special anni­
The Tuesday Pinochle club diet this
the institution was said to be "almost
The young couple are making their
versary Mn. Ernest Whereat was week for luncheqp with Mrs. A. A.
unbearably overcrowded" while cer­
given a. present by fellow members. Kyle. Mrs. Ernest Whereat won first home in Riverton.
tain of the buildings in which inmates
Mn. Ellis Martindale won first prize prize, Mn. Jack McLaren second and
e '
' ' '
an housed were decland to be “fire
at pinochle and Mn. D. G. Ireland Mrs. Ralph Menning, traveling. Mem­
traps of great hazard.” The first
won the traveling prize and consola­ bers present were Mesdames A. O.
move in a building program to im­
tion. Mrs. Martindale was a club Culbertson Ralph Hurlbutt, A. A.
A good crowd attended Coquille prove conditions at this institution
guest. Members present were Mes­ Kyle, Ben Leatherwood, Charles Townsend Club, No. 1 meeting Tues­ was taken by the recent legislature
dames Jay Carter, Vai Harless, D. G. Lewis, Leslie McElhaney, Jack Mc­ day evening—60 members and three which, acting upon the recommenda­
Inland Walter Paulson Ted Snyder, Laren, Ralph Menning, Albert Wells, visitors. This was birthday dinner tions of the Board of Control author­
Edna Stewart and Ernest Whereat. Roy Wheeler, Ernest Whereat and Ed night and there were three tables full ized the construction of a 200-bed
of Townsenditee, all of whom did hospital building to cost an estimated
Mrs. Harold Ziegler was the Sat­
justice to the feast. There were also $325,000.
urday evening hostess for her bridge Riverton News
five lovely birthday cakes and six
club. Mrs. Don McCune wasAhe win­
Honoring Mrs. C. M. Hartwell and people having natal honors.
Kenneth G. Martin, of Portland,
ning player.
Refreshments were Mrs. Nettie Peterson, members of the
Miss Evelyn McKee played several has been selected as the successor to
served after cards to the following Riverton Birthday club met Thurs­ sections on the piano and accordion Linden McCullough as superintendent
members: Messrs, and Mesdames R. day for a potluck dinner at the Peter­ and there were readings by Mrs. Von of the Blind Trade School in Portland
E. Boober, Don McCune, W. E. Bos- son home. Two beautiful decorated Pegert and Mr. Doolittle. Door pr4p it was announced following a meeting
serman and Harold Ziegler.
birthday cakes, one for each of the was won by Mr. Strang.
of the Commission for the Blind Sat­
honored guests, were attractions of
Keep in mind the county caravan to urday. McCullough has resigned as
Mn. Wendell Sandall entertained the patty. Mrs. William Churcfi be held at Myrtle Point March 30 head of the blind school effective
her bridge club Thursday afternoon baked one of the cakes and Mn. Ellis at 10 a. m., potluck luncheon at noon, April 1. Martin, who was a member
at dessert luncheon. Mn. T. K. Foss Holbrook made the other. While club at the play by the Evergreen Players, of the commission for the blind, has
was asked to join the club to take members were sewing and knitting, “Scientific Romeo,” two-hour show. been interested in the blind and their
the place of Mrs. R. F. Beals, who has Mn. W. T. Alpine played several Admission 30c. Students 15c. Good problems for more than 20 years.
recently moved to Tillamook. High piano solos. Two guests joined mem-
score was held by Mn. Sandall. Sub­ ben of the club in celebrating the
For the fint time since October,
A national speaker will be at Myrtle
stitutes invited to the party were Mn. birthdays. They were Mrs. Frances Point Wednesday, April 2, at 8:00 1911, no state banks in Oregon are
Fred Jensen and Mn. Stanley Ayen. Sell and Mn. Mary F. Anderson of
p. m. She comes from Garden City, in process of liquidation. This an­
Members present were Mesdames Roy. Club members present included
Kansas, to bring us a message, so nouncement was made by A. A. Rog­
Harold Stromquist, G. L. Maynard, Mesdames William Church Clifford
en, state superintendent of banks
don’t fail to hear her.
J. it. Henninger, George McClellan Martin, C. M. Hartwell, Ira Baum­
Next Tuesday evening cake, sand­ as he mailed out checks this week
and T. K. Foss.
gartner, Nettie Peterson, W. A. Bean, wiches and coffee are on the bill of covering the final dividend payment
Gertrude Danielson, Ellis Holbrook, fare.—Press Cor.
to depositors in the old Albany State
The Neighborhood Bridge club met Alton McCue, Clifford White, George
Bank which closed its doors in Octo­
Wednesday afternoon with Mn. Ir­ Steward, John Smith, R. B. Royce,
ber. 1933.
ving Larson for dessert luncheon. W. T. Alpine. Eli Brault Glenn Gil­
Mrs. Don Gillespie held high score bert, Lester Clausen, Lucille Minor
and Mrs. K. P. Lawrence was second. and Miss June Danielson.
Mn. Harold Stromquist substituted
for Mn. George Johnson. Members . Members of the staff of the River­
present were Mesdames Don Gilles­ ton school system gave a surprise
pie, Lester Greene, George Holbrook, dinner party Monday evening for
Fred Hudson Fred Jensen. Irving Carroll Rycraft, who the past five
Larson and K. P. Lawrence.
years has been the Smith-Hughes
Labor made
director at Riverton. Mr. Rycraft re-
Mn. M. R. Clayton gave a pinochle cently resigned from that post to take through enactments of the recent leg­
party Friday evening in celebration a position at Coquille with S. F. A. islative session. Amendments writ­
of her husband’s birthday. Both Mr.
The party was held at the Rycraft’s ten into the workmen’s compensation
and Mn. Clayton were deightfully cottage at Bandon. On behalf of the act and the unemployment act pro­
surprised when the guests brought a school staff, Mr. Harold Beall pre­ vide for increased benefits aggregating
camelia plant and a geranium plant sented Mr. Rycraft with a myrtle­ more than $1,140,000 a year.
for their garden. High score prizes wood lamp. Members of the party
A new schedule of awards written
were won by Mn. LeRoy Swinney were Messrs, and Mesdames Norris into the workmen’s compensation act
and Ray Schroeder Mrs. Ernest Ben­ Kemp. Ellis Holbrook, Randall John­ provide for increased benefit pay-
The Ford Motor Company’s
ham and George Holbrook were con­ son, James Leonard, Gross Rycraft, menta to injured workmen and their
soled. Refreshments were served to Mesdames Marcella Rawe, Mary El­ dependents amounting to an esti-
business has always been to
the following guests: Messrs, and len Bogard, Genevieve Nettleton, the mated $522.000 annually.
serve the needs of the American
Mesdames Alton Dungey LeRoy Misses Georgia Philpott and Opal
Amendments to the unemployment
people. In providing them with
Swinney, Ernest Benham George Hol­ Robison and Harold Beall. ,
compensation act provide for increas­
low-cost transportation for the
brook and Ray Schroeder.
ed benefit payments to temporarily
past 38 years, we have devel­
A group of Riverton's younger peo­ jobless workers amounting to an es­
Mrs. George Burr entertained ple went to the Rycraft cottage at timated $821,000 a year. Reduction
oped one of the country’s larg­
friends Friday evening at a pinochle Bandon last Wednesday evening for of the waiting period from three to
est and most useful industrial
party. As a surprise for her guests, a beach party given by Miss Freda two weeks alone accounts for an
units. During a national emer­
Mrs. Burr gave each one a fragile, Johnson. Healthy appetites were increase of $250,000 a year in benefit
crystal vase and a piece of costume stimulated by games on the beach. payments while changes written into
gency, we feel that these facili­
jewelry presents she chose for her Miss Johnson served refreshments at the seasonality section of the act will
ties should be devoted without
friends several month* «8°. when she the cottage after the games. Mr. and increase benefit payments by an­
reserve to our country’s needs.
was traveling in the East. The re­ Mrs. Rycraft chaperoned the party, other $300,000.
Toward that end we started
freshment table was adorned with a whose members included the Misses
centerpiece of purple iris effectively Patricia Rawe, Mamie Royer, Mar­
rolling months ago, with these
Increased premium rates averaging
arranged in a yellow holder. Guests garita Carlson, Genevieve Fetch, Vir­ 15 per cent were announced by the
included Mesdames Guy Torrey, El­ ginia Dickens, Zetta Gibson, Claudia State Industrial accident commission
A $21,000,000 Ford airplane en­
lis Martindale. E. E. Benham, Melvin Lee Varney, Helen Haga and Messrs. this week in order to meet increased
gine factory, started only 6 months
Giles, James McGuffin, Jim Towne, Tom McKenny, Keith Young, Phillip drains upon the workmen’s compen­
ago, is nearly completed. Production
Ronald Burr. O. E Larson and Miss «♦»«en Orville Young, Jam*« Staten,
sation fund. Still further increases
will start with an initial order for
Irene Burr.
Roger Winters. Lyle Bowman, Max In rates are in store for Oregon in­
4,236 eighteen cylinder, air-cooled,
Mullen, Grant Hartwell, Phillip Wil­ dustries in order to meet increased
double-row, radial engines.
Mr. and Mn. Charles Briggs gave liams and Winston Gibson.
benefit payments written into the
We are building a new $800,000
another of their popular pinochle
law by the last legislature but which
Ford magnesium alloy foundry,
parties Saturday evening. Much of Grandma Carter Surprised
do not become effective until after
one of the few in the country- It •»
the gaiety and amusement of the
On Her 81st Birthday
already producing lightweight air­
party was provided by the original
plane engine castings.
When Grandma* Carter returned
tally cards made by Mn. Briggs. The
taUies, which guests drew gave each
person a new name to be used for ning the house was seemingly as dark not only, next to that of 1939, the
v tary vehicles of an entirely new
longest on record in Oregon but, also
type — are rolling off special Ford
the evening. Mn. WiUiam Preston and silent as a tomb. Grandma came
assembly lines at the rate of more
and Ernest Whereat won fint prizes in as brave as a lion, stopped at the next to that of 1939, the moat costly.
than 600 a month. We have produced
and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Clausen were sitting room door, gave a funny lit­ The payrolls of both the House and
Army staff cars and bomber service
Mrs. George McClellan tle sniff aa if she detected something Senate were substantially higher than
won the traveling prize. Those pres­ putrid in Peru. Some one giggled, those of the 1935 session which lacked
ent were Messrs, and Mesdames Ray then a whole bevy of voices ex­ only two days of equalling that of
The government has given the
Vaughan, William Preston, Alton claimed, “Happy Birthday Grand­ 1941 although considerably under
"go-ahead" and work is now
Clausen, George McClellan Ernest ma.” Grandma was petrified for a that of the 1939 session.
minute, then cbming to herself man- clerks and stenographers drew an
Whereat and Charles Briggs.
—¡ed to
to ask. How did all you nuts aggregate of 428,974 in payment for
k their services during the recent ««4-
vfapjmnroared’to »32,033 for the 1939
(ained Thursday afternoon byMrs.
session and $21.644.90 for foe 1935
Ina Sandine, who gave a'sewing par­ will five a big'brown nui (doughnut)
session. House clerks and stenog­
ty for her fellow members of the
raphers were paid $44,279 for their
Refreshments were who will solveotKjs mystery. .
during the recent session,,
served late in the afternoon. Guests
were Marie and Eloise Standly and Many lovely gifts were received and compared to $47,047 in the 1939 ses­
Mrs. Dewey Beyers. Members pres­ after a bountiful lunch, everyone re­ sion and $38,278 in 1935.
ent included Mesdames Edna Ander­ turned to their homes wishing her
If the members of the Oregon legis­
son, Helen Anderson, Aina Eckholm, many more happy birthdays.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. lature are looking for an answer to
Beryl Mullin, Margaret Mullin, Ina
Sandine Margaret Southmayd Alice Homer Detwiler Mrs. Everett Thomp- the negative reaction of the voters
Robert Smith,
Doris Morgan Wed
Townsend Club
smaH budget
plaid and a plain jacket wWi
matching skirts. Add flashes
of color in blouses and
sweaters. You’ll be the envy
of all your friends I
to America
Several months ago
started, on our own initiative, on
an entirely new 1500 horsepower air­
plane engine especially designed for
mass production. This engine is now
in the test stage and plans are being
developed for producing it in large
quantities when and if needed.
That is a report of progress
to date.
The experience and facilities
of this company can be used
to do much of the job which
America now needs to get done
in a hurry.
Our way of working, which
avoids all possible red tape, en­
ables us to get results and get
them fast. This benefits users
of our products and workers
who produce them.
We are ready to make any­
thing we know how to make,
to make it to the limit of our
capacity if need be, to make it
as fast as we can go, and to start
the next job whenever our
country asks us to. And to this
,end, we know we have the full
confidence and loyal
support of the workmen
throughout our jianf«