I ■■■■ ! k Marriage Licenses noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Heffley held open house Sunday evening when about thirty of their friends and neighbors gathered at their home to welcome them to the neighborhood. March 27 will be “Achievement Night" at the Parkersburg playshed. Mr. Roeenlulde will show a free movie on an interesting subject. We beljeve it will be the Panama Canal and also summer school 4-H club work at Corvallis. Dorothy Bishop, county home demonstration agent, will give a talk and music will be furnished by the school children and people of the community. Work done by the school children will be on display. This is a public meeting and everyone is urged to attend. noon. The McKinley school children en­ joyed Thursday and Friday as spring vacation. Mrs. Nellie Brown visited Friday with Mrs. Darrell Cox of Coquille. We are offering for sale at greatly re duced prices twenty of the most beauti fui home sites in Coquille Coquille Heights Coast Guard Wants Recruits A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND BALANCE TO SUIT S. M. Nosier, Owner J. S. Barton. Realtor. Agent Phone 2U Former owners of lowest-priced cars say. MwrfA/y Ttrymenfc on my Pontiac are hardly notice the difference!” S unny B rooi I KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHBKKT,BANI Cepyright IMI* Nstieaal Distillers Pled. Carp., N. T. Church Pontiac Co FRONT A WILLARD STS. COQ MMiMMl