The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 27, 1941, Page 11, Image 11

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Little by little priorities are being ■ the taxpayers for additional thous-
extended to various metals and com- * I ands. Several new state activities
modi ties; manufacturers of consumer were created by the lawmakers.
goods will be limited in their supplies. These will represent not only con­
The first article on the priority list is tinual cost of maintenance but, if
The livestock market at the Port­
aluminum and manufacturers of past experiece can be relied upon,
land Union Stock Yards for the week
aluminum goods will be out of busi­ constantly increasing cost as those
ended March 22, tended to the strong
ness when their present stock is ex- new activities take root and grow un­
side with hogs taking the lead in the
haused unless they can buy scrap der the encouragement of ambitious
advance. There were 2,165 cattle, 330
aluminum from airplane factories at public officials.
calves, 3 285 hogs and 2,960 sheep
11 cents a pound, the price fixed by
As finally enacted the cigarette sold on the open market during the
the government. Priorities is one • tax bill allocates one-sixth of the past week.
way of dealing with the condition. revenue anticipated from this source
This Week’s market opened Monday
Another is a plan, not yet approved, to the support of vocational educa­
with 1,890 cattle, 190 calves, 1,190
to pay workers a certain percentage tion. Orginally the bill provided far
hogs and 1,990 sheep in the open mar­
of their wage in government securi­ a tithe to the general fund but this ket tradingA
was amended in the senate and it
Washington, D. C., March 19—No ties having a distant maturity.
Monday's cattle market showed a
was this amendment or rather fail- ( good demand and prices on nearly all
one in the national capital knows nor
ure to amend the title of the bill to < classes were strong with several sales
will even guess how long the war will
conform to the body of the measure, i up to 25c higher, and good beef cows
be or what the world will be like
that nearly resulted in its defeat.
i and
when peace eventually comes. But
bulls were mostly 25c higher. .
Based upon the experience of Medium to good fed steers sold from
they do know that the United States
Washington which has had a cig­ 39.50 to 10.75 mainly, with a few
is getting into debt head over heels
arette tax in force for several years, loads at light weights up to 311.00.
for aid to the British and national de­
the Oregon tax is expected to yield One load of 873 lb. averages scored
fense and that notwithstanding toxas
approximately $1,900,000 a year at 311.25, a new recent high for car­
wiB be heavily increased, revenues
the rate of two cents on each pack­ loads Common steers ranged down
cannot meet more than part of the
outgo. To aid the British the presi­
Oregon's forty-first legislative as­ age. Of this amount one-sixth or to 38.50 with very thin offerings down
dent asked for seven billion dollars, a sembly stands adjourned after 62 days slightly more than $300,000 will go to 37.50. One load of highly finished
colossal sum, and yet this is only the devoted to the business of law mak­ toward the support of vocational ed­ baby beef steers and heifers scored
beginning of the aid and is not to be ing, the second longest session in the ucation and the remaining $1,600,000 311.00. Fed heifers bulked at 39.25
confused with what the national de­ history of the state, being exceeded toward increasing pension payments to 310.00, jvith common to medium
to Oregon’s needy aged.
fense program will cost. Since June only by the 66-day session of 1939.
heifers, mainly of dairy type at 36.75
1 up to last month the United States
If, as is threatened, the measure it to 8.50. Canner and cutter cows sold
While the clocks in the House and
had made contracts, for national de­ Sehate were stopped at, midnight and referred to the people, collection of from $4-75 to 6.00, with fat dairy cows
fense, of $12,575,860,000 and produc­ the official records wilt show that the the tax will be deferred until after up to 37.00, outstanding Holsteins
tion will not be in full awing before adjournment came at 11:49 p. m. Sat­ the general election in November, selling at $7.50. Good beef cows
the end of this year, and propably not urday, as a matter of fact the gavels 1942. When the lawmakers passed bulked at $8.00 to 8.50, with a few
before 1942.
of the presiding officers sounded the this bill sponsors of another measure young cow. at $8 60 to 8.85, mixed
providing for a property* tax for cows and heifers selling to $9.35.
Great Britain still owes the United death knoll at 3:00 a. m. Sunday.
States five billion dollars from the
Sine die adjournment came after the support of vocational educa­ Medium to good bulls cashed at $7.25
Good to choice vealers
first world war. This time there are one of the moat hectic night sessions tion withdrew their bill.
A meas­ to 8.50.
no illusions about helping the British. within the memory of veteran ob­ ure passed earlier in the session pro­ scored $12.50 to 13.50.
Hog prices advanced sharply, with
The American taxpayer—you, and servers of the proceedings of Ore­ vides for the*creation of a system of
*' you, and you—knows that he is to pay gon's law making organizations. The regional vocational schools.
the carlot top 40c higher than the ex­
as a gift to the British more money House was a scene of continual tur­
The only other major school meas­ treme top last Monday. Truck-ins
than he loaned them in the first world moil with members demanding a ure, House Bill 420, which provided weighing around 170 to 215 lbs. sold
war. There is no expectation of re­ “call of the House" on practically for the equalization of school costs mostly at $9.00, with a spread of
ceiving a red nickel back; there is no every action, bills being reconsidered, through a state levy on property was from $8.50 to 9.10, and two selected
propect of ever receiving a single laid on the table and taken off again, left peacefully slumbering on the lots to $9.25. Sorted carloads bulked
dollar or piece of land from the and the Speaker resorting to re­ senate calendar when the session ad­ at $9.10. Butchers weighing around
British for that unpaid five billions. peated poundings of his gavel in an journed. The measure had passed the 225 to 270 lbs. sold at $845 to 8.50,
How and why we are in the war is attempt to preserve some semblance House and had received the “okeh” with a few at $8.60. Light lights
in dispute, will be for years, but that of order. The closing hours in the of the senate committee on education made $8.00 to 8.50. Packing sows
the United States is committed and senate were very orderly but the when it was suddenly thrown into bulked at $7.00 to 7.50, with smooth
wijl go through to the finish is not in night session was marked by one the senate committee on assessment sorts up to $7.75. Feeder pigs bulked
development that had the parliamen­ and taxation on Friday. It came out at $8.00 to 8.50 but choice 550 lb.
Wars are costly and wasteful. Con­ tarians going around in circles. That of that committee without recommen­ weights noted up to $9.00.
The sheep trade Monday was un­
sider just two items. Every night the development led to the defeat of the dations on Saturday, the committee
German flyers drop bombs on Eng­ cigarette tax when the senators voted dividing four to three. It then took even with fed wooled lambs strong
land, Scotland and Wales. They un­ IS to 14 in support of a motion to its place on the calender for consid­ to 15c higher and shorn lambs weak­
leash thousands of bombs. A single indefinitely postpone the measure eration the following date. Since there ' er Good to choice »0 lb. fed wooled
bomb costs as much as the entire put by Senator Dickson. Tempor­ was to be no “following day” sup­ lambs scored $11.00 for a new high
yearly income of an American family. arily stunned by this sudden turn of porters of the bill tried to suspend J this season. Medium to good truck­
One-third of America is ill-fed, ill- events—the measure having been tt}e rules in order to advance the in lambs brought $9.50 to 10.25, with
clothed and ill-housed, and in this passed by a 17 to 13 vote earlier in measure for immediate consideration odd head up to $10.50. Early shorn
underprivileged class are many the day—the parliamentary experts but failed to muster the required lambs, including two decks of 102
lb. weights, brought $9.25 with re­
thousands of .families whose income among the supporters of this measure votes.
. for a year is only $350 (government upon recovery from their surprise
This measure was strenuously op­ cently shorn offerings mainly at $8.85
figures) and this is the price of one found that the motion had been put posed by most of the eastern Oregon down.' Good to Choice spring lambs
of those German bombs. The Garand at a time when the measure was not counties whose taxpayers would sold at $12.50, with sorts out at $9.00
semi-automatic rifle is the mew arm before the assembly for consideration have been hit in order to subsidize to 11.75. Good slaughter ewes
of American troops. To tire a Gar­ and was therefore not in order. Per­ schools in the Willamette valley and reached $6.50, with common ewes
and for one hour would cost $5,000. suading President Walker of the er­ western Oregon.
The Multnomah down to $4.00.
The following quotations are based
Of course these rifles will never have ror of his ruling the cigarette tax county delegation divided on the bilT.
one hour of continuous firing, but advocates then succeeded in having It would have cost that county ap­ on prices being paid in Monday’s
that is what it would cost. Just one the action resulting in the defeat of proximately $400,000 a year in added trading:
Garand could destroy ammunition the bill “expunged" from the record taxes.
CATTLE—Good grain-fed steers,
costing more money than a majority and the bill restored to life. The
Distinction as the “screwiest” devel­ $9.75 to 11.00, one load at $11.25.
of the 131,000,000 American people House then came to the rescue of the opment of the session goes to an in­ Good grain-fed heifers $9.25 to 10.
earn in 12 months. That is war, and bill, recalled it from the senate took nocent appearing bit of legislation Good beef cows $8.00 to 8.50, young
the United States is preparing to pro­ from it an amendment in which the known as the “parsonage bill.” As cows to $8.85, medium $7.00 to 7.75,
duce bombs, Garand rifles, torpe­ Senate had refused to concur and re­ introduced and passed in the House common $6.25 to 7.00, canners $4.75
does, smokeless powder and similar passed the measure as it had pre­ this measure would have exempted to 5.75. Bulls medium to good $7.25
instrumentalities in unheard of quan­ viously passed the senate and the parsonages from assessment and tax­ to 8.50, common $6.50 to 7.00. Vealers
tities for no one knows how long. state now has a cigarette tax law ation. AS n came out of the senate good to choice 12.50 to 13.50.
HOGS —Good to choice carlots
These items are to be not alone for with a defective title, the validity of committtee on assessment and taxa­
national defense but for the British, which is questioned by many and tion all reference to pars rma^s had $9.10; 170 to 215 lb. truckins $8.85 to
Greeks, Chinese, and any other Coun- which representatives of the cigarette been eliminated and in place thereoof 945; 230 to 285 lb butchers $8.25 to
makers declare will be referred to the the bill had been amended to provide 8.60; lightweight butchers $8.00 to
try the president decides to help.
fbr an ad valorem tax on municipal 8.50; packing sows $7.00 to 7.75
All this means employment for people.
When the Oregon lawmakers went and public power districts.
When Feeder pigs $8.00 to 9.00.
American men and women. Jobs have
SHEEP—Good to choice fed wooled
been so scarce for the past 12 years into the night session shortly after this development was discovered the
that unions have refused to train ap­ dinner Saturday they still had be­ senators sent the bill beck to the lambs $11.00; medium to good $9.50
prentices; the urtions did not want fore them for final consideration committee with instructions to re­ to 10.25; common $845 to 9.25.
competition for the available jobs. many of the major measures of the store it to its original form. This the Slaughter ewes good to choice $6.00
Now, with a great demand for skilled session. In addition to the cigarette committee did but its proponents to 6.50. Spring lambs, good to choice.
mechanics, there is a national short­ tax, these included the school fund were not able to bring it up for third $13.50, common down to $9.00.
age. To partly meet this situation equalization bill which was left sleep­ reading before adjournment and it
the federal government is opening ing on the senate calendar, the Burke remains on the calendar.
schools to teach the youth of the land wine bill which was killed by the
the fundamentals of trades. Already House as one of its last acts, the
Oregon motorists will begin feel­
the government is predicting a labor “ports of entry* bill, also killed in ing the effects of new legislation al­
shortage in August and is circulariz­ the confusion of last hours in the most at once. Secretary of State
Army recruiting sergeants of the
ing employers with government con­ House and three of the major bills Earl Snell has warned that some 490,- Oregon recruiting district must be
tracts to draw their helpers from the ¡n the unemployment compensation 000 operators’ licenses will be expir­ plugging some such little ditty as
rolls of the employment service.
which were eventually ing within the next few months. “Join the Army to See the World"
Government is attempting to find passed with amendments agreed to When these are renewed motorists this month, according to a recent bul­
>ome way of preventing wages from by the conference committees named will find that the cost has been in­ letin from Lieutenant Colonel B. H.
going sky high. There is to be a after the House had refused to con- creased 50 per cent. The legislators Hensley, Oregon district recruiting
uniform scale for the shipyards of cur in the senate amendments.
tacked on an extra 50 cents—25 cents officer. Cause for such singing would
Opinions as the worthwhileness of a year—to create a fund to reim­ be a new quota of 78 men which Ore­
Oregon. Washington and ......................
California; ;
another scale for the Gulf, and an- the legislative session vary according burse hospitals for the care of in­ gon is expected to furnish for regular
In the opinion of digent vicitims of traffic accidents.
other for Atlantic coast yards. This tQ ytewpoints.
army service in the Hawaiian, Philip­
action is taken to forestall strikes; to many observers little if anything of
pine and Panama Canal departments,
prevent one yard from stealing skilled outstanding importance was accom­
before April 1.
Here’s Hope For a New
workers from another and to convince plished that will jutsify the expense
According to Colonel Hensley, men
a worker that he will not better him­ of toe session. Governor Sprague
enlisted for these new overseas va­
self financially by leaving one lo­ on the other hand regards the for­ We looked with pride upon our
cancies can pick their branch of ser­
cality and going to another. Migratory estry program enacted by the session Lawn and on our shrubs and trees; vice from one of the following
labor is now taking the place of dust­ as worth the entire cost. Labor lead­ Also the highest flag pole where
branches now available: infantry,
bowl migrants on the highways. ers are also pretty well satisfied “Old Glory" kissed the breeze!
field artillery, coast artillery corps,
With only three or four exceptions in with gains recorded by their ranks And then one night the wind arose. air corps, corps of engineers, quarter­
the Pacific northwest, constractors both in increased awards for injured This pole could not withstand
master corps, medical department,
with government orders have a cost- workmen and their dependente «and But yielded to the tempest blast.
chemical warfare and ordnance de­
plus fixed-fee contract and these ^are increased benefits fpr temporarily Felled by that unseen Hand!
around three or four per cent of the jobless workers.
Qualified applicants must be single
We sacfly look upon this spot.
total cost of the job. There can be
While the legislators authorized an
United States citizens between the
Where this pole used to stand
Portland Livestock
Market News iü!
Kay Kyser To
Be At Eugene
James Leonard. Jr., Coquille, will
be one of the members of Sigma Delta
Chi, professional poumalism frater­
nity, who will be on hand to welcome
Professor Kay Kyser and his band
when they open a spring session of
the “College of Musical Knowledge"
at Eugene tomorrow night, March 23.
Leonard, a senior in journalism, is
serving on the publicity committee for
the dance.
The entire Kyser faculty of Ginny
Simms, Ish Kabibble, Sully Mason,
Harry Babbitt, and the rest of the
musical troupe, will be on hand when
the professor quizzes six students,
chosen at random from the audience,
on the whys and hows of musical
knowledge. With the entire audience
as his student body, Kyser will go
through the antics “in person” which
Chadwick lodge Na. 18
See for yourself at
Coquille Motors Car Lot
Nash Líf. Sedan
Ford Sedan
Chev. J4 Pick-up
Chev. Sedan
Chev. R. S. Coupo Radio
Ford Sedan
Ford Roadsters
29 Dodge Sedan
100 more to choose from
Your Dodge and Plymouth Dealer
Coquille Motors
Golden Shell Motor Oil
Does 4 Jobs at Once
Men Enlisting
Have Choice
sente only a small pari of the cost of
the session to the taxpayers. Thous­
ands of dollars in increased salaries
for state and county officials were
voted by the lawmakers. Salaries of
district attorneys and their deputies
alone were increased by more than
$9,000 a year. Increases in fees for
one thing or another voted by the
session will tap the pocketbooks of
working al good wages there will be
a vast purchasing power. Workers
will buy things they have been un­
able to afford or have been deprived
of in the depression. This will .na­
turally, create competition for con­
sumer goods. This means inflation.
To nip inflation before it gets under
way (it has started now) the federal
government is applying priorities.
DO I STEP? Do I get around? You said a crankcase­
full! Fact is, I do 4 job» at once — the second your
motor gets going! Four jobs at once! If your engine
had windows you’d see me ...
"COOL every tigM-Atting pert. Teo much beet
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down to the
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“Today’s precision-built engines keep
hopping — you bet! But with the balance I
get from Shell engineers, it’s easy as pie!
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