1 Mil Rotarians Enjoy Program Yesterday Market Rated 100 Per Cent She has been named Margaret Ann. Mrs. Eleanor Zumwalt, of Sixes, last Friday and Harold Stevens, of Coquille on Sunday, were admitted for treatment. Owetta Baker from Sumner, on Sunday and Vesta Powel of Coquille yesterday underwent appendectomies. Mrs. L. A. LaFlamme of Myrtle Point, underwent a major operation on Tuesday and Charlott Howard of Gaylord a tonsilectomy yesterday. SHAVINO MUO • TALC SHAVING LOTION • SOAP COLOGNE • DEOOOEANT , A A £■ From the clean Highland fragrance Io the sturdy little |vg, SEAFORTH bear« the unmiitakable mark of a man’soroduct. Fuhrman's Pharmacy Will Receive F. B. I. Training SAVE WITH SAFETY Harold Kolkhorst of the Coquille police force has been granted a three months leave of absence which he will use in attending the F. B. X. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) training school in Washington, D. C. In other words he will learn what it takes to be a G man. He expects to leave April 1. Sherman Morris will serve on the force during Harold's ab- THE PICTURE THAT IS SWEEPING THE WHOLE COUNTRY! The picture in which James Stewart won the Academy Award for the Best Actor of IMO ' Belle Knife Hospital LIBERTY THUR.-FRI. i March 20-21 BARGAIN NIGHTS — 10c - 15c W*»E BM er March 22-23J SPECIAL ATTRACTION "The Flag Speaks ___ 4- DISNEY CARTOON “Pluto Dream House” Admission 10c - 30c Remember the y ■* MATINEE SUNDAY 1:45 r- New «be gl«M a- yee N m esse* ales ••»••« sterr of ber I ooiMHloofly «Me« Kiddie« ■ 10c Adults iLD :MAN ÎORN MORGAN i EO HOWARD Plan to attend every service. An outside speaker each evening LIBERTY BURKf ROXY