i 't i ! ».. < . k____ ( % ( i < I \ V á Church Societies Wenninger's FREE Phons 4:06 p. m. Junior Choir Practice. 7:30 p. tn. Adult Confirmation Ciani 10:00 a. ,m. Young People's Confir­ mation Class. Harry, Get a 26-piece set of Harmony Silverware with new 1941 Refriger- The members of the P. B. C. Sew­ ing club and the Study club of the Pioneer Methodist church joined Fri­ day in participating in a day-long meeting at the James Richmond home. A covered dish luncheon was «erved at noon. Mrs. George Taylor arranged the afternoon’s program and presided ov­ er the meeting. Mrs. William Ireland gave a comprehensive report on "Dangerous Opportunities," the book chosen for study.. Specific portions of the book were outlined by other members, as follows: Mrs. C. C. Mc­ Curdy, “The Impact of the Occident;” Mrs. Leland Peart, “Emergence of the Nation;” Mrs. Elton Savage, “As War Cloud. Gather;” Mrs. Fred Christian­ sen, “Shock and Dislocation.” Mrs. James Richmond, "Westward the Land is Bright.” Mrs. Birdie Skeels and Mrs. Howard Graybeal, with Mrs. Skeels at the piano, sang a duet en­ titled, “All Alone." Present at the meeting were Mes- dames Clyde Minard, C. C. McCurdy, Miranda Way, George Taylor, Wil­ liam Ireland, James McGuffin, Ernest Purvance, L. P. Fugelson, R. B. Rog­ ers. Leland Peart, Howard Graybeal, Wm. Peart Harold Ziegler. James Richmond, Elton Savage, Elizabeth Oden, Birdie Skeels, Ella Nelson, Walter Oerding, Lee Peterson, Fred Christiansen, Emily Hersey, Jack Hultin and Elva Philpott. Gold Medal FLOUR «- ALPINE MILK FANCY MATCHED SLICES TROCO !£“ Genuine Lge. Pltg. ONLY DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR lot, 39c One Hundred PRUNES PRESERVES 33c AVOCADOES Coquille Motors Opp. Phone Office 2 lb. jar ’ST OLIVES Yes, your Coquille Dodge and Plymouth Dealer will pay top prices on trade-ins. Assorted LEMONS 2 D om . 19C ORANGES SWEET NW,CT 2 Dox. 19C io for 19c GRAPEFRUIT Phone 1H BROCCOLI ra AUAN I wb „J0 c 5c ARTICHOKES W. C. T. U. Message Alcoholic Education MERCHAND CAULIFLOWER 10c bunch TURNIPS RHUBARB 5C 19c N—w” APPLES 1,^29c Store Open Every Evening and AU Day Sunday We reserve the right to limit quantities JIM'S Quality 1 Where Quality & Price Meet 1»*** * Pork Steaks -S’A- PORK ROAST Cottage Butts Swift's Lean Meat Oysters Coos Bay “A' Pt lb. JswC Fresh Halibut . 23c