FAOI roua nu coeuuxB The Sentinel valut COQVKU. OBBQON. TWVBSDAY MABCB H. 1H1. Eaater Banniea tar th* kiddie«, Easter K m Dye«, Candles, Ptace Cards, Tallies and Napkins, all in ■tack, at Norton’s. Shop new, don’t wait until atocha are tow. _______ a TWENTY YEARS AGO a taae rana ia * ease raws 1 Oregon Nevada California Fast Freight, Inc- Announce Fragment» of Fact and Fancy Offices At MARSHFIELD, OREGON - COQUILLE, OREGON - MYRTLE POINT, OREGON The New Spring Johnsonian» are here and we’re waiting for an opportunity to »how them to you! Thetfre the be»t looking lot of »hoe» we’ve ever seen, and we know they’re standout» for value retailing at anywhere near Johnsonian» price. 1 Waek-Ewl Special SATURDAY & SUNDAY Church Pontiac Co. JMtD STS. COQUILLE, OREGON ’ fl