U. 1841. New Hope For Harbor At Bandon Los Angeles Will Absorb San Diego? Bunnies for the kiddies, Eester Egg Dyes, Candles, Place Cards, Tallies and Napkins, all in stock, at Norton's. Shop now, don’t wait until stocks are low.- Orchestra Prepares For Music Week Under date of March 11, A. A. Nes- (Western World) After many yean of neglect, the ; ler again writes from his home town Coquille river harbor is experiencing in San Diego to his old home paper, a sudden revival. The recent an­ •The Sentinel, telling of the still ex­ nouncement that the U. S. Army en­ panding government defense activi- gineers have recommended restorer i ties there which if it should keep up I tion of the south jetty, brings a new would cause L. A. to cast covetous ray of hope to the people of the Co­ eyes and possibly attempt to include quille valley. At fast they feel that S. D. within the L. A. city limits! the natural outlet for their forest Following is Mr. Nosier’s letter: --------- ' and other products is not to be aban­ After writing you Feb 7, telling doned, as many had belived. but that the federal government plans to re­ you of the wonderful growth of San store it to its proper condition, with Diego, I flQd now it was just the prospects of further improvements beginning. From the first of January, 1841, to Feb. 7 the building inspector in the offing. Rapidly increasing commerce, re­ had issued over 14 million dollars sulting from the expansion of lum­ worth of building permits. I thought bering and other industries on the that was a lot in seven days over the river, has resulted in regaining fed­ first month of the year, but by March eral recognition. So far this has 7 ho had issued over M millions hi been largely to the credit of that permits, over 13 millions mare than progressive, stable, local industry, they had on Feb. 7, and over six the Moore Mill & Lumber company. millions more than were ever issued This enterprising firm has furnished' in any whole year before in San Glenn, the talented niece " at the commerce to place the harbor1 Diego and only two months and aev- movie actor Paul Harvey; Janie back in good graces with the army I Hervey, who in daytime hours as­ engineers. It has likewise furnished sists her husband in operating a the major payroll upon which this 1 dairy farm; Cherie Mae Hartwell, entire community is to a large de­ teacher; and Eirola Volkmar, Myrtle gree dependent. Point stenographer. ' With the inauguration of barge Bobbie Burns, the organist, did service by the Port of Bandon be­ some musical work in Hollywood and tween Coquille and Bandon, which was the organist at some of the larg­ will make it possible for the Smith est theatres on the coast. He is now devoting most of his time to property Wood-Products company, another outstanding successful firm, to ship by water, commerce for this harbor Ruth Beyers, high school math bids fair to show a steady and still teacher, and Charles Stauff, county greater increase than ever before, treasurer, are the two celloists. Trum­ it will, for the first time in years, pet and saxophone parts are played make the harbor available for the by Stewart Norton of the Norton upriver country and win thereby Music and Stationery. prove a boon to the entire upper Co­ Claude DeLand, the painter, is the quille valley. The whole-hearted cooperation of the people of the entire Coquille val­ ley in making the tug and barge ser­ vice possible is to be commended. In making the necessary investments to establish this service, the Port of Bandon has paved the way for an era of renewed activity and develop­ ment that will bring benefits to the tune of thousands of dollars to busi­ ness and enterprise of every nature. It will make possible full realization upon the investment in harbor facili­ ties of not only the Port of Bandon but the investment of the federal government as well. We may well look upon the future of this section with confidence for it has all the natural resources to make it a beehive of industry, and the development of its harbor fa the removal of the greatest single barrier to a full realization of its possibili­ ties. 5? Bowlfag 13e per R m HD VP. M Except Bataday aad Saaday Coquille Bowling a / T'*5|^it grane««* S/ 41 conven'en „gtfß Drivers' Licenses To Cost 50c Mora When Oregon’s 480,00 driven re- new their driven’ licenses for the __ ___ „ 1841-1843. license period, they will pay 31.50 for their new licenses in­ stead of one dollar, as in the past Current licenses expire June 30 and new permits will be required on the first of July. Under the act paaaed by this year’s legislative session, a fund to be known as the “motoi vehicle accident fund” is established in this state. Along with the one dollar fee for each driver's license, the secretary of state is required by the new law to collect an additional fifty cents which goes into this fund. The fund will be used to pay hospitalization expenses for indigent« injured in automobile acci­ dents. There has been no change in the ill Southwestern Oregon funeral di­ examination requirements for driver's rectors held a meeting in the Rain­ licenses this year, according to word bow Cafe at Reedsport last week to from the secretary of state’s office. perfect arrangements for the 33th Drivers holding current licenses may „ .annual convention of the Oregon renew without submitting to any ex­ State Funeral Directors Association. The state convention committee amination this year. Those who were not licensed during the current Henry A. Schroeder, Myrtle Point period 1939 to 1941—will be required W. O. Campbell, Marshfield, am to take the law examination, the eye Harry C. Steams, of Oakland, re test and the drive test. Persons over ported that the state conventioi 70 years of age, regardless of whether would be held in Portland on Ma; they hold current licenses or not, also 4, 5, 4, with headquarters at the Multnomah Hotel, and that Alice must take these tests. Application forms for renewals will Dowell Jones, of Portland, who repre­ be available about May 1 and will be sented Oregon on the womens' distributed through various sources clinic at the Natoinal Funeral Direc­ including sheriffs, chiefs of police, tors convention in Sen Francisco last license examiners, or they may be ob­ October, had accepted chairmanship tained by writing to the secretary of of the womens’ clinic to be held at state's office at Salem. The 1941- the convention on May «. Discusisons on professional and ed­ 1843 driven* licenses will not be ucational subjects were led by El­ valid till June 13, however. i bert Schroeder, of Coquille; Eugene Morrow, Marshfield; A. M. Peterson, of North Bend, and Chas. E. Schroe­ der, of Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. John Unger, of Rood s port, wete hosts and were given a rising vote of thanks for the beautiful table flowers and excellent dinner Id the next meeting Morticians Plan State Meet No Ford has ever carried MISS INEZ ROVER men cum Piano and Accordion -BOSWORTH MOTOR CO 369 FRONT 9T PHONE *15 COQUILLE OREGON