U. IMI. Too Much Au le ? Belle Knife Hospital M Mrs.’W. N. Sebastin for a minor operation and Denny Earl Watson, of Marshfield, for an appendectomy, entered the hospital last 'Saturday. Mrs. G. H. Vanderhoef, of Fairview, entered Thursday for medical treat­ ment. Mrs. Earl Airhart underwent a major operation on Monday, and Miss Marjorie Smith, of Riverton, a major THUR THRILL! HEAVENLY HEDY'S IN JIMMY'S ARMS NOW! Fuhrman's Pharmacy "Slightly Tempted* SAT. MARCH - SUN 15-1« Another Big Double Bill lie - Me Chadwick Lodge No. 68 Rotary Charter Night March 31 Machines Protect America Marcii 14-1)18] Kitty Foyle, Sotrotary—What Dii M 1 j Pontiac Agency Now Operated By Clovis Church GINGER ROGERS DENNIS * MORGAN X JAMES CRAIG WON'T TALK? Adults 20c NKUS'fUtiMKS, » with 1ITA HATWOITH THOMAS MITCKBU LIBERTY TMs Newspaper a DAT1I PATHFINDER WIIH My$2.50