Portland Livestock Market News "Kitty Foyle" Presents Ginger Rogers In Striking Drama At Roxy Sun., Mon., Tue New RKO Radio Offering Stars Film Favorite In Gripping Screen Version of Christopher Morley Best-Seller Oregon's lawmakers have given approval to bigger log loads—up to a maximum of 58,000 pounds but turned thumbs down on every effort to increase the size of other commer­ cial trucks, first defeating a bill that would have permitted the operation of 60-foot trucks with a gross weight of 68.000 pounds and then turning down a second bi|l that would haye increased the gross weight of trucks to a maximum of 60,000 pounds with­ out increasing the length of the trucks. r enues as set up in governor’s budget, the general fund will be in the red by approximately $750.000 at the end of the next biennium if .all the appro­ priations are used up. But there again the statisticians have stepped in to change the picture. These ex­ perts have increased the governor’s estimates on income figures by some $300.000, thus reducing the antici­ pated net deficit to between $400,- 000 and $500.000. In the opinion of Governor Sprague Tire Bills SUPERCAPS weeds grow in every garden Besides the new low prices you have the protection of Craftman’s Guild Certificate, Thom- ton’s established integrity of 19 years of fair dealing and the same 10,000 miles guarantee. beverage of moderation Locally Owned And Operated