The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 13, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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Townsend Club
Legion Celebrates •
¡22nd Birthday
The Coquille American Legion
, Post No. 36 met at 8:00 p. m. an
i March 10, with Commander George
| E. Oerding presiding.
Before the
regular business of the evening was
taken up. there was a short joint
session with the Auxiliary, at whieh
time the post chaplain, Harold Min­
ter gave a short talk on the American
Legion and American liberty.
Interest in the affairs of the Le­
gion is running high and the members
who are out of the habit of attending
the meetings are missing something.
The committee on national disaster
and relief reported that the local or­
ganization is nearly completed and
they are confident that if called upon
in an extreme emergency it could
function successfully.
Chares T. Selbig made good his
guarantee to have the poet over the
top in membership on or before the
regular meeting in March.
The post has contributed to the
fund to provide yam for the use of
the British.
The call from the Canadian Legion
for helmets was answered by the post
which is sending all the available hel­
mets for the use of nurses and air­
raid workers in the British Isles.
Some of the old helmets of 1918 will
again protect somebody’s dome from
shrapnel and debris.
During the last few months the
post has tried out a new wrinkle for
good of the post, which is working
out very successfully.
The com­
mander appoints some one member
whose duty it is to either give a talk
or provide a speaker on some appro­
priate topic at the next meeting. At
the March 10th meeting, Harold Min­
ter gave a talk on the American Le­
gion and the American Liberties.
Elmer Neely will either give the
talk or provide a speaker for our
regular meeting in April.
Comrades Minter and Moody were
a committee representing the local
plywood union of the A. F. of L. soli-
Auxiliary Notes
Members of the American Legion xnupp, Beulah Neely, Nellie Prey,
Auxiliary were called to order to George Oerding, Charles Selblg, Guy
transact business under the direction qporrey J. g. Axtell, Alton Dungey
of their president, Mrs. Fred Kunz,
Monday evening after a joint meeting
with the Ameriacn Legion. During
the business meeting, the auxiliary
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