IT C. '. '’'?ï‘îX4' PAGE EIGHT Personal Mention >1.00 Fountain Pon Maxine Carver arrived Monday from Eugene to spend several days visiting at the Frank McCrary home. Î.T . . $49c 98c Toaster ; K. , ■■■ Fuhrman's Pharmacy SAVE WITH SAFETY . . SATURDAY - SUNDAY . , MARCH » - • 2_ • . * river Sunday. « Frank M. Shaw, formerly of Ione, Washington, has accepted a position in the office of the PJywood depart­ ment of Smith Wood-Products. % The Perfect Two-Fea tu re Program Chadwick Lodge Ne. 18 A. F. A A. M. Stated Communication Tuesday, Mar. 11. 7:99 F. M. Stop and look over our atock of New Remington Portable Tpyewrit- me. Your credit is good. era. The new Quiet Model 1 is now St. Phone «8M here. This machine is as complete as a large office machine, and priced at only $10.90. Other portables from $29 79 to $«9.90—at Norton’s. F g « ■L* APARTMENT FOR RENT—Harold Gould. Call 905J. s-< Totem Poles Being Preserved ............ ITS THE KICK I » .. . * THE SEASON! RUSSELL AHERNE •VIRGINIA BRUCE \CHLE> 'CARROIL , ANNOUNCER STREAMLINED ■ THUR. - FRI March 13-14 Æ-N EAGLE Mo. 481 Front a zffs&gMHB