The Sentinel a taso fafu • is a soos tews ................. H » ... ... ................ i -------- H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Fragments of Fact and Fancy • • • • • ‘ •The day is cold, H. A. YOUNO. Editor dreary; rains, and the wind 1« never One Year ------------------------ .83.90 weary; .... Six Months ................ .. .............1 00 Three Months.---------------------------- .60 Ik- still, sad heart! and cease repin­ No subscription taken unless paid ing; for in advance. This rule is Impera­ Behind the clouds is the sun still tive. shining.’’ ' —Longfellow It hntt-ied at the Coquille Foetoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. state highways of cities. The speed control board, as to city streets and county roads that are also state highways. •• This new board would consist of' the secretary of state, the chairman of the highway commission and the superintendent of state police The new law in addition to provid­ ing for speed zoning would establish the prim/ facie principle, which shifts the burden of proof from the arrest­ ing officer to the motorist in cases of speeds above those designated. Speeds designated are 55 miles on the open highway, 25 miles in resi- dential and 30 miles in business dis­ tricts. At the stfrt tot us say, we like | Oregon weather. That means, of course, we like our rain. There Is no question about the sunshine and the resort weather of our summer. We almost said everyone always likes sunshine, which would be true if re­ . I i : ferring to Coos county sunshine but quite a different matter is you think The most senseles nuisance propos­ of the brazen sun of Kansas summers. By George Peck ed at Coos Bay for a long time is the But to return to the rain: we like its The charge has been made that suggestion that Coos county go on the restfulness, the freshness of the air the world writhes in agony of war so-called daylight saving schedule, and the gray days which accompany i because religion has failed mankind. which has prevailed in the east every it. Our favorite rain is that which | This charge Ja false. We offer the summer for some years. We do not can hardly be so called but is rather I know who first made the suggestion suspended ____ ___ ___________ _ air. Then* ____ counter-charge that autaklad tea moisture in the tailed religion. but it was. probably some one who there is mist or a gentle drizzle, Which The world has followed after gods thought he saw a benefit for himself,1 comes second. The really rainy days which are riot gods. It has tried to no matter how much inconvenience which caU for umbrellas and galoshes If it caused everyone else, f Coos i by the gentler sex are also pleasing exalt intellect and science to a di­ Bay wants it that’s her privilege, irivitose, ones the those' initiated into the vine position, with a false confidence that a scientifically and technically but lay off the rest of the county. delight of Oregon weather. . efficient world would automatically Lastly come the windstorms when The BUREAUCRATS EXPENSIVE TO the whole of the Pacific ocean seems be a good and moral world. gods of totalitarianism are the an­ COQUILLE TAXPAYERS to have been lifted into the sky and swer to our vaingloriouaneas. ■ Those receiving their real proper­ . to be pouring down in sheets and These gods now threaten to destroy ty tax statements in Coquille this i gales upon a rain-soaked, flooded man who so unwisely created them. Though the house may week are aroused anew over last country. Only a revival of sound ethical reli­ year’s bringing in of surveyors from shake and the river rise, our worst gion can bring about an enduring the bureaucrats in Salem to raise storms are mere gentle zephyrs com­ world peace. the lower rates—5 mills leas—we pared to the cyclones and hail And pray, what is sound ethical re­ know of one building on which the storms we’ve seen in the middle west. ligion? Our definition is that it is Can you imagine two and one-half taxes for 1941 payment have jumped any code of principles and rules of 884 over last year’s tax figure, a raise inches of rain falling in thirty min­ conduct based on man’s recognition utes. We felt it happen in Nebraska of 17 per cent. of God as the Supreme Being, the This writer favors the bill now once; so when it takes a week of Author of Life and Creator of all before the legislature to abolish the rainy weather in Oregon to give us a things—of God to whom we are ac­ state tax commisiori. It has been a couple of inches we are thankful it countable for the constructive use constant source of increased expenses didn't all come in half an hour. or destructive abuse we make of our Yes, we like the rain, the softness ever since it was organized. lives—of God with whom we finally of it, the patter patter of the drops, OREGON NOT PROUD OF RUFU8 the swaying of the myrtle trees in hope to be united in eternity as a 'the mist, the diamonds which cling, reward for making the proper use of HOLMAN'S STAND our lives—of God from whom we then fall in silver drops from the bare may be forever separated as punish­ It io time the people of this United limbs of the cherry tree. ment for failure to exploit our op­ States came to a realization of what The children muffled in sweaters portunities. ..... England's defeat by that archfiend. and cape thrive on it, responding to Hitler, would mean and enter whole­ Jews, Protestants and Catholics, ir­ it like the green shoots in the gar­ heartedly into the program for aid to respective of how they may differ den pushing through the ground to Britain in every way possible, with as to ritual and dogma, can hardly meet it. tanks, planes, equipment and ammu­ disagree with this definition of re­ While we share our rain with the ligion. nition—and men if they are needed. whole of Oregon, Coquille valley is The Sentinel has never been a sup­ , If the conduct of the overwhelming porter of President Roosevelt and his blessed with a moot unique custom majority here in America could be on the part of Nature. If it occurs new deal policies but in his stand on guided by suctf a religion, we could elsewhere we have not seen nor heard foreign affairs we believe his position expect this majority to see that good about it. In our valley a dark day is the only one the head of this great laws art enacted and enforced. so often ends in a burst of splendor. nation should take. an honest, God-fearing and The rain will fall, off and on all day; These thoughts were brought more loving people—a people of courage the sky will be overcast, the clouds forcibly to mind by the hysterical and internal good-will—this nation pressing down upon the tree tope; radio broadcasts Monday evening externally would act with good-will then at sunset there is a break on the when pro-Nazis, or cravens—at least toward other nations. We would set western horizon and the horizontal they were appeasers—were trying to such a shining example that other na­ rays of the sun flood the valley with stampede a mass attack on congress tions would be influenced thereby. a brief golden light. in opposition to the lend-lease bill. But today the youth of America Last week the setting sun threw a One lady described their diatribes as rainbow in the eastern sky, its colors is developing in an irreverent and "something like a lot of hysterica] irreligious atmosphere. Our children roctfng in the green firs of the wcoded old women.” are not being taught the Golden Rule. hills. Two little patches of trees at Norway, Sweden and some of the either end of the bow were set oef in We cannot expect them to inherit a other European countries tried ap­ love of God, espedaUy when parents contrasting shade of green and over peasement of that foul devil who neglect their own religious duties. us all, the town, the valley and the dominates continental Europe and the No! Religion hasn’t failed us—we hills was the unearthly sunlight, cast­ status of the people in those countries have failed religion—we have turned ing strange shadows. is just as deplorable as those in So many, many times the bowl of away from God. Let us start to fill France who were subdued by force heaven, heavy with clouds, seems to our now half-empty churches, of arms. be tipped, its rim not quite reaching gogues and other places of holy wor­ All hail to senators like Oregon’s the earth to the west and through this ship-let us get our children back into McNary who has let it be known break the light pours in. A the Sunday schools—let us get back that he does .support the leaae-land few moments of sunshine at the end to the old-fashioned daily worship In bill. Thank God, such politicians as of a rainy day often occur here but the home. What we need more than Taft and Wheeler were defeated the rainbow was unsual and added any one other blessed thing is a in their last year’s campaigns to se­ a breath-taking beauty to a scene al­ renaissance of religion. Let us achieve cure the presidency. that and all the other good things we ready glorious. Oregon’s junior senator, Holman, desire to come to pass, will follow is one of the naai lovers of the U. in its wake. WOULD BE FOOR SYSTEM ■4 S. senate lined up with Wheeler, Nye, is * i a OF SPEED CONTROL Clark et al. Two hundred forty-two separate DEFENSE—A TWOFOLD CONCEPT governmental agencies will have the The defense of this country and of power to faise or lower designated the American way of life is certainly driving speeds in Oregon if the sen­ Driving while the first and the whole concern of all ate bill now before the state house of of intoxicating liquor cost 95® Oregon representatives is passed without drivers their operator's licenses dur­ of us at the present time. But it may not be commonly re­ amendment, E. B. McDaniel, presi­ ing the year 1940, according to a re­ alized that this defense has wider im­ dent of the Oregon State Motor as­ port made by Earl Snell, secretary of plications than the single cold word sociation, says. state. This is an increase of It per A motor association survey of these cent over license revocations tor this all by itself might convey. Defense agencies revealed that the power to offense during the year 1®39. actually is twofold in its nature: First, American industry, aided by regulate designated speeds would be Revocation of driver’s licenses for the other groups in our economy, is placed in the bands of the councils or all offenses during the year totalled going “all out" to produce the ma­ commisisons of 204 incorporated 1.043, compered to >33 in IMS, an terials and equipment necessary for towns and cities, of 36 county courts, increase of 35 per cent Suspension national defense. From the smallest of the state highway commission and for reckless driving in 1940 totalled machine shop owned and operated by of a newly-created state speed con­ 355, 85 licenses were suspended for one man right up to the largest fac­ trol board. failure to satisfy judgments arising "This is a step backward," Mc­ from an automobilg accident, 81 wars tories in the land, wholehearted pa­ triotic co-operation is being given to Daniel declared. “It would doubtless — suspended for ------------------- violation of ------ the ____ ..--------------- i basic the defense effort. result in the designation of a wide »peed rule and 60 for hit-and-run That is preparednes for today. But variety of speeds from county to ioffenses All suspensions during the in the race to “make America strong,” county and from city to city, and; year totaled 7M. , we must not neglect preparedness for : might also result in the reappearance Of the 95® drivers who lost their tomorrow. For we are striving, of speed traps, which the Motor as- licenses as a result of conviction of through all of this defense effort, to| soçiation has always opoaed. c*r- driving while intoxicated, 651 wore preserve our-American way wav of life tainly. the motorists of this si lifetainly, state do* tn Oregon courts and IM I and our American institutions. And: not want this, and, assuredly, the' out-of-state courts. a ^ we can accomph^ this will aiueud this biU to •ll niiism Mankind Has Failed God Drunk Driving Information - w this crisis is over. Just as we obtain li Dr. McDaniel pointed out that the airplanes and tanks today only by | bill as it stands unamended would production, so will better living for authorize the'various ageenies to set everyope in the* future come only as i their own zope speeds as follows: ______________ all produce more and more Cities and towns, as to streets not following conviction of driving while through the working a cm system of on the state highway system under the influence of intoxicating private enterprise Counties, as to county roads not on liquor, he may apply for reinstate- I That is the twofold concept of the state system. ment during the first year provided America’s defense. The highway commission, as to his application is accompanied by a latici: TWENTY YEARS AGO The arrival of JL E. Koon, consult­ ing engineer of Portland, whom the city council requested to come down here, look over all possible sources of water supply and make recommen­ dations, waa delayed until Monday, but on Tuesday he and Mayor Ham­ ilton, City Engineer Gould, Water Superintendent Epperson and several This morning we found Lee Good­ members of the council went out to Fairview and thence down the North man behind the bars in the court Fork to the two Lost creeks, up over house annex, where he is temporarily the mountain and down to the head­ discharging the duties of turnkey. waters of Rink creek. •'■o— It would be interesting but proba­ bly uncomfortable to be in Washing­ Dewey Walker, a younger brother ton today and see the inaugural pa­ of Archie Walker, has been visiting rade and the transfer of the govern­ here the past two weeks. Many peo­ ment from a democratic to a republi­ ple remember him as a 15-year old can administration. boy who lived in Coquille some six years ago. Calling carda. SO for 81.00. Insurance F. R. Bull Insurance Agency WE ARE GRATEFUL For the response to the invitation in our recent ads to compare the price and conditon of our used cars, and especal- ly for the confidence shown by the 90 purchasers that bought Used Cars from us in February This acceptance of our Used Cars is most essential to us. It enables us to keep pace with new car sales which are better than one a day since January 1st To merit this confidence we have Added a Lifetime Guarantee on all our Used Cars Plainly marked the selling price on the windshield Will glady show a copy of the repairs made on the car you are dealing for Increased the space and efficiency of our Used Car re- conditioning plant 5. Employed specialists for all popular makes of cars. Of our 38 employees, 14 work exclusively on used cars 8. Sincerely try to make our Used Cars the best and sell them for the lowest prices Southwestern Motors FIRST NATIONAL BANK COQUILLE PHONE Myrtle Point — Phone 109M LOT 246 Bandon Phone 711 '