>7 • •<'.j.. 5 55- ¿T • . V ■4 ’ given by several chairmen «1 stand­ ing committees. Chief discussion centered about tHe style show and I musicale planned for the tatter part . of the month. Viola Newton, general "Paying taxes” was listed by many ¡chairman, is working with Marjorie members ot the Business and Pro- ■ | Child in arranging the program, fessional Women’s club, as a pet which will be given in I. O. O. F. hall. peeve Monday evening, when each Ida Oerding, chairman of the costume member answered roll call by voic­ party scheduled for March 17, re­ ing her personal irk. Among other ported that among the guests will be gripes listed were “Answering the the girls from the Senior class of Co­ telephone after a mad dash from the quille high school. Club members basement or the garden only to find will appear clothed as they would be the line dead;” "Losing the car keys were they the persons whom they de­ when already late for an appoint­ sired to be when children. ment;” and “Bugs that eat the gar­ Bertha Smith, in reporting on books den’s choicest flowers.-’ purchased for the Coquille library by Clara Bosserman, vice president, the club, announced that a special conducted the meeting. Reports were shelf containing the gift books is now on display at the library. Most of the books, which deal with Oregon history or have been written by Ore­ gon authors, were selected under the direction of Vivian Cooley, head of Meier and Frank’s book department. Ellen Brixton, though absent from the meeting, sent a report on the re­ cent district conference held at Eu­ gene. It was reported $14.60 as hav­ ing been collected by the club for Bundles for Britain. Inc. LOGGERS A DRESS SHOES Members attending the meeting Glen Jones ' . were Florence Barton, Mae Barton, B. P. W. Members List Pet Peeves Comp Fira Girls Clara Bogserman, Leona Wyant,, I* ws ■ w Myrtle DeLong, Lois Fean, Gladys {’^,1 /"»~f___ Gano, Hgrel Hanna. Viola Mewtoe Migg LougM Tggry WQD elected the new scribe for the Coquille group ot Fire girls at their meeting Tuesday. We played the game ot teakettle and it was fun. Helen Hick- am sang the song of Witch Craft, which WC we Learning too. We read the first chapter o< the Camp Fire book OlrU who wanted to, stayed after the meeting and studied about birds. The girte lltare Hickam. president Mary Anne Walker, treas­ urer; Velana C«V, aewUuy; Louise Terry, Krifeo; Norma Helvia, Joyce Benham, Betty Leo Renfo. Carol Kronsteiner. Vessie Willla. JOCldl LWMQf Annie Sgrtbes Louise Tarry Ko-Keel Shoe Shop Hudson's Drug Store Expert Rebuilding Tuna Flakes c— • - - 25c NUCOA SALAD Grapefruit juice Ag az. Cana Pineapple JUICE M os. Cans .......... Tomato JUICE 44 ox. Cana... OLIVES TOMATOES “KK. lie DILL PICKLES SS 11c 25c FIG BARS IOC CORN GOLDEN BANTAM DODGE BRAND Mm INEZ ROVER PI mo SMI AiMwdiMi W 1 Cun g ><} ~ ' - _ Me ... 43® SILVER LEAF FOUNTAIN SPINACH KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 11 OX. X Large Cana 3 far 1-39 23c DO YOU HAVI A YEN FOB Salt Mackerel? FESTIVAL 2 Lb. Jar Independent B.B Tournament Creamed Onions? And Tasty Meals Mode Easy STEVE' * Busy Corner Grocery 4 The Moke - It - Right Store