The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 27, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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    Coquille Valley Sentinel
Former Citizen
Writes O f
San Diego Boom
Portland Livestock
M arket Hews
ou Think?
First National To
Finance Purchases
Coquille Students
To Sing "Messiah"
the F ira t National Bank o f Port!
baa hwugurefad a plan to finance
individual purebaae of airplanes,
forty-one brendhes throughout Ore­
gon.” M r. MacNeughton said. “We
believe this new service to very much
In stop w ith the times. America »
becoming a nation o f flyers and t t to
essential th a t those wishing to fig
can buy well built, reliable planes at
purchase tenue within the lim its of
“ Low-eoet bank financing o f p ia »
w in result in many benefits. W ith
the prospect of owning th eir own
out. Rigid inspection by the Civil
Aeronautics A uthority inaures a
sound craft; and s t if f tests o f piloting
ab ility go as f a r ae * is humanly pos­
sible to assure safe handling.
A t Camp
bakery class student Robert F . Hate-
cock stopped up and baked tom»
cookies, hot biscuits, and apple ptaa
as good as the old m a s te r-v e ry s h a ft
and equally competent Corbett A n ­
drews. T h e la tte r to recovering fre m
a cold and has Instructed the bakery
c la n to r the pest to m e months.
w h ile Rov Sm ith was gotag a
couple rounds w ith O ld M en F lu ,
Clarence M atthew s came fo rw ard and
did ae good a job m lauadrym an as
many men of much more experience.
Boas Roy Faircloth h » only words
of praise fo r hto tem porary helper.
T w o promotions In the ranks of
the company overhead were made
during the month at Camp China
James W . H a rt has been des­
ignated firat aid attend an t He has
pitched into the job w ith a vim and
should go places. His predecessor
John F. Amerson, is finding toe road
crew and the opportunity to w ork
around in the mountain spring a ir
much more congenial.
One tim e radio »chool student Jo-
seph Sox has graduated, re tain e d to
camp, and to now slinging dl and dab
right and le ft over the a ir during the
three times daily radio communica­
L .
The livestock m arket a t the P o rt- '
land Union Stock Y ard fo r the week
ended February 22nd showed a «an- i
erally steady cattle and sheep m arket, |
w ith bogs around 26c low er in the <
closing session. There w ere 2649 cat­
tle. 216 calves, 2,120 bogs and 2,400 |
sheep sold on the open m arket during I
the past week.
This w eek’s m arket opened Monday i
Among the students at the U n iver­
sity of Oregon to sing in Handel’s w ith 1,075 cattle, 05 calves, 1,640 hogs
"Messiah,” the second annual per­ and 1,700 sheep In the open m arket
formance of the U niversity choral
Sales in the cattle division Monday
union, are eleven students from Coos
m ainly on a steady to strong
county. They are M axin e M cN eil,
V iva Peterson, Phyllis T aylor, Sm ile basis gnd some transactions 16 to 28c
Chan, all of M arshfield; Ann H a w ­ higher. New recent highs developed
kins and Jim Leonard, both of Co­ in nearly all lines. The bulk of fed
quille; Bay Gaulke, form erly of Co­ steers cashed at 20 90 to 10.90, m ainly
»10.00 to 10.60, w ith several strictly
quille; Elaine Lee, Helen W ilmot,
both of N orth Bend; M a ry Robertson, good loads at »10.60 to 11.00. Plainer
steers sdld downward Io »6.00 or be­
E m p ire ;, and Doris Jones, M yrtle
low . Good fed betters brought »0.00
The choral union, which now in ­ to 0.60, w ith one outstanding lot of
cludes more than five hundred stu­ lig h t weights upw ard to »10.00, to r a
dent voices, w ill be accompanied by new recent high. Canner to common
the 80 piece University symphony dairy cows sold from »4.90 to 8.75,
orchestra. I t w ill be presented March w ith medium offerings upwards to
2 in M cA rth u r court under the aus­ 7.00, and good beef cows at »7.00 to
pices of the school of music and the 2.00. M edium to good bulls cashed
educational, activities board.
It is at »7.25 to 8.00. Good to choice ve al-
under the direction of Theodore era bulked a t »11.50 to 13.50, w ith se­
lects up to »12.00.
K ratt, dean of the school of music.
M onday’s hog m arket was around
Miss Hawkins is a graduate of Co­
25c low er than last week’s dose. Good
quille high school and is a sophomore
to choice trucking, weighing around
majoring in arts and letters. She to
170 to 215 lbs, ranged from »8.25 to
the daughter of M r. and Mrs. M arvin
8.50. w ith moat sales at »8.35. C a r-
O. Hawkins and is affiliated w ith the
lots brought R .4 0 to 6.90. 220 to 370
Gamma P h i Beta.
lb. butchers cashed a t »7.78 to 8.00,
Leonard to a graduate of Lostine
w ith heavy weights down to »7.25.
high school and to e senior majoring
in journalism. H e to the son of M r. Light lights ranged from »7.25 to
7.75. Packing sows sold at »8.50 to
and Mrs. James H . Leonard, Sr. He
is vice-president of Sigma Delta Chi, 7.00, w ith smooth light weights up to
»7.25. Feeder pigs sold actively at
men's journalism fra tern ity and to
fu lly steady prices, choice kinds
managing editor of the Oregon D aily
reaching »8.00.
Emerald, student daily.
F i t lambs w ere 25 to 35c higher
G aulke to the son of M r. end Mrs.
w ith fa t ewee fu lly 50c or
S. C. G aulke and to a graduate of
more higher. F ive doubles of good
Coquille high school.
His parents
to choice fed wooled lambs sold up
now liv e In Hood River.
to »10.38. Trucked in lambs ranged
F. R. B u ll Insurance Agency, the from »8.50 to 10.00, w ith common
only exclusive Insurance agency In kinds down to »8.50. Shorn lambs
Coquille. Loggers attention! P.U.C. sold upw ard to »8.25, w ith common
permits obtained on short notice. to medium grades around »7.00 to
Bring yo u r insurance problems to 3.90. Ona lot of good 77 lb. spring
me. Y o u r credit to good. 421 F ro nt lambs sold at »14.00, w ith odd bead at
St. Phone 62M.
■ »13.00. A deck of tod ewes reached
Any Condition
Snap Shop sm
Front ¿WiUart
S m u
Buick S pkial Convertible Confie
with Prett-A-Button
.Automatic Tofi, $1138*
W e m ean these Four N a w Additions to the Buick S pecial
5 T ie s th a t Give you Big-Car Thrill In less Curbside Space
HE way oar. have been stretching out
lately, ¡t usually take, only a couple o f
car. to occupy the curb space o f an exten-
smoothly » a
- « n d the way they
through traffic is a
delight to wheel-weary drivers.
sion-ladder fire trwek.
W hen R comet |o ^ o a - w e l l , they’ve got
tion periods.
Even the rood crew has its rewards
for the virtuous.
G lenn O ram m er
has been assigned by Foaeman Wee
Sherk as understudy oiler on toe gas­
oline shovel. T hat this appenticeshlp
opportunity to greatly appreciated to
shown by G ram m er’s alertnes and
N o t so with the newest additions to the
1941 Buiek line.
, . .
H e re we’ve reverted the trend
just to
prove that an honest-to-golly B IG . c a r
•en be built without going overboard on
bum per-to-bum per distance.
a 115-hp. F i m b a i x eight under their bon-
nets that skims you down the road Uke a
mallard heading home. You con add C o rn -
Carburetion at small extra coat and
y j b o ^ p o w e r that does things we
pri„ t
hard woHt.
British,, Columbia which foä
driving ruto of “to e States.
Coquille Bowling
_ _
:__ i - i - _______ i k .
B ut th e v ’re
a handy six inches shorter.
look— it’ll be the first
time you’ve ever seen
a r e a lly B I G ear
w rap p ed up in this
b u m p e r -to -b u m p e r