CLASSIFIED WANTED—Girl or woman for gen­ eral housework. Room, board and salary. Inquire 241 South Hall front door, it* FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment for rent. 651 South Willard St. Mrs. Edna Hartson. ’ it* Arago gym floor Thursday with the following scores: high school 36, Arago 6; faculty 33, Arago Indepen- Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL WOOD — COAL — FUEL OIL STORAGE Professional Cards Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. PHONE 133 and Rose Randolph Local and Long Distance Sale»—Service HAUUNG Geo. F. Burr Motor Company Psraonal Tatar—t Friendly Counsel Honest Advice ' Proper Guidance LADT IN ATTENDANCE Gono Funeral Home Reception room Jointly "with Dr J H. Bunch I1S.SO. International Tracks Logging Traders Attention to Details