U, 1M1. PAOS SEVEN CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—SmaU Furnished House. Wood, lights and water furnished. Reasonable rent See Grace Gilkey, 2M West Fifth, Coquille. Also 3- room Furnished Apartment lt*stt FOR RENT—Two and three room houses, furnished. Water, lights, laundry and shower rooms. Call at rear MS North Coulter. SOtfs THREE Large Rooms Apartment- Light Housekeeping, with water. Call at SSI So. Henry St J. E. Quick. 47tfs ONE Used Kelvinator in good con­ dition. This must be sold et once. Yours for 343.95. J. A. Lamb Com­ pany. « WANTED: Farmers' BargalmT — Rock Rooster — Cows — Work — Hides — Wool — Cascara Bark. See FARR A ELWOOD’S “Swap Board." HEADQUARTERS tor Crown Dairy and Poultry Foods at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs NOTICE—For the benefit of thoee. who have been told otherwise—we are under contract to use First Quality Rubber only on all of our work throughout our Shop. O. K. Rubber Welders Tire Shop, Co­ quille, Ore. s FOR SALE: “Farmers' BergainF*— Myrtle Wood Lathe — Boat gh Gar­ den Tractor — Pigs — Hens — Band Saw — Cow — Pump — Team — Wood Saw. See FARR A ELWOOD’S “Swap Board." WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR GARDEN SEED AND ALL KINDS OF GARDEN TOOLS. Farr A El­ wood. ARE YOU GOING TO IRRIGATE? Let our irrigation engineer quote FOR RENT—Large House near Smith you on WADE’RAIN irrigation Wood-Products plant. Modern. equipment, without obligation. See K. E. PettengUl, Coquille. 3t2* FARR & ELWOOD FARM MACHINERY—John Deere Tractors and Implements at Paci­ fic Feed ASeed Co. tfs GLADIOLA BULBS: You will find a wide selection of mixed and named varieties of choice bulbs at FARR * ELWOOD. PRODUCTIVE Farm Tract doee in. Creek bottom with home site. Spe­ cial offer on five acres or mom. 15.00 per month. Owner, Mary Bums. Phone 249L. It’s cCLARY M3-R Fourth Saturday, 0:00 a. m., Brook inga. PRIMROSES: Also now on hand EARLY CABBAGE and also EARLY HEAD LETTUCE plants. Farr A Elwood. Benham’s Transfer HOUSEKEEPING Rooms—Apt. for Rent. See Mrs. Larsen, (% Town Cafe.) lt*e SAND AND GRAVEL WOOD - COAL — FUEL OIL STORAGE Anywhere For Hire FOR SALE—Four ten months old Gilts, to farrow soon. Phone 13R2, Coquille, Darrel Anderson. ' Its Professional Cards USED Wood A Coal Circulator Priced to fit your Pocket Book. J. A. Lamb Company. FOR SALE—Good family cow. SmaU Jersey, 3 yrs. old. Fresh about a month. Double tested. Cow and calf |40 cash. R. E. Carlile, San- Ford Heights. Phone M1MM. lt*s O. C. SANFORD Attorney at Law NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Ralph W. Pullen, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate should present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers therefor, to me at my office in the First National Bank Building, Co­ quille, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. DATED and first published Febru­ ary 8th, 1M1. Harry A. Slack, Administrator of the Estate of RALPH W. PULLEN, Deceased. 4tS Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. PHONE 1» Geo. F. Burr Motor Company Attention to Details 36 Plymouth Dlx. 4-dr. Trunk Sedan Hag radio and heater. New paint. Interor spotless. This car shows every indication of hav­ ing had the best of care. Has been tuned, and road tested by our factory-trained recondi­ tioners. Yours for— $318 S ale» S ervice Gano Funeral Home Coquille