Foirrié* Mews News From County Supt. Schools Office Portland Livestock Market News English Are Hot Downhearted February 24, 1941. Full information may be obtained from Alton H. Grimes, Coquille postoffice or from the Manager, Eleventh U. S. Civil Service District, Post Office Building. Seattle, Washington. WESTERN UNION~ , ZK7 /»CHICAGO ILL DEC IE Wr , i DODGE BROS CORP»DET» / WOMEN FOLKS ENTHUSIASTIC /ABOUT DODGE SS.-.S —- fluid drive * SS 8» THOMAS W VANHOESEN JR. / western - UNION ahora ,8 «* *I»W,W e .''T" / OSCAR HOFFMAN N ILLINOIS ST BELLEVILLE ILL* FtUIO / HERMAN’S MEN’S STORE Announce the arrival of many new items for spring —WMLm Sport Coots .... $7.98 $2 98 to $4.98 Shoes - - - $2.98 & $3.98 /'UilWLXl Hots * - - - $198 Shirts - - - - 98c to $1.98 5J11WP* Ties 49c to $1.00 HF Tw W Slocks ■ «DODGE WITH HR WITHOUT TIMI» »RIVI« __________ __________ ________ 1. " - 1 ...^ ^....... * ...