Senfedl INDEPENDENT VOL. XXXVII. NO. 5. ■* Quake Felt Here Al 1:45 A. M Sunday Morning », NEWSPAPER C. of C. To Help Arago Airport Eighty-Nine Per Cent Favor Saturday Doc Shull Crushed By Rock 10,000 Leased Acres Will Insure Drilling The Coquille Chamber of Com- Roes John “Doc” Shull, 40-year old merce at its Tuesday noon session engine operator for the Kline Tagging pledged co-operation to the Coqifllle Co. at Fairview, was instantly killed Flying Club and will make applica­ on the Myrtle Point-Coquille high­ tion to the federal Aeronautics Ad­ way, a fifth of a mile from the end The survey being conducted by Les Child, who is chairman of the The earthquake which was record­ ministration for governmental de­ and 2, “What can Coquille do to make of the North Fork bridge, about 8:30 Chamber of Comemrce’s mineral re­ ed on the seismograph at Berkeley at velopment of the field at Arago and committee of the Coquille Chamber o'clock last Sunday morning, when 1:45 Sunday morning and apparently ask that it take over the lease which of Commerce to ascertain the feeling the town more attractive to you?" sources committee, made a statement Some suggested a resumption at the a 3,000 pound rock, loosened by the at the Monday noon session of the had its centre in the Grants Pass the Qying club has on the proposed of the people within the Coquille rains, plunged 150 feet downward, its trading area as to the Saturday evfc annual Com Show; another a cele­ section was a minor temblor but it was airport which lies Just north of Arago last jump landing squarely on top of chamber as to possible drilling for felt in Coquille by at least five peo­ and is ideally situated for the pur­ rung closing of the retail stores, shows bration in honor of the city’s leading the cab of the truck the victim was oil and gas, and stated that a more results favorable to those stores re­ industry. ple who have reported to the Sen­ pose. active attempt to develop what re­ maining open. Very few failed to reply to the tart driving, and crushing the truck as Three members of the club, Woodie tinel. F. G. Leslie who had just got­ sources may lie under the ground in well as thé driver. Seven hundred cards were malted inquiry. Oiling of the CoquiUe-Ara- ten in from his trip to Eugene, said Conley, Wm. Strong and W. H. Ev- Mr. Shull was starting for Langlois, Coos county will depend upon the out last week and 180 of them had go road, the Coquille-Fairview road, land, were present at the luncheon, Ills whole house shook. Miss Carol where he was to have signed up a attitude taken by the land owners Young said it felt as though some with a sketch of. how the field could been returned by Tuesday noon of the North Bank road, and north logging contract. His brother, Ray, whose properties must be leased if Henry street from tiie end of the pav ­ one was Shaking her bed, and Mrs. be laid out. The plot lies about 20 this week, with only 20 replies in­ had expected to accompany him but drilling is to be started. H. A. Young said her bed had an miles from the North Bend airport, dicating that it was a matter of tar ing to the county road were men­ at the last moment decided not to. He and W. E. Marion have about east to west movement, quite notice­ is 20 miles from the proposed new diference whether the stores wens I tioned on many cards. 1300 acres on the Westport arch un­ The body and wreck was first dis ­ The need of public rest rooms, able, The last time she felt an earth­ one at Port Orford and 20 miles from open here Saturday evening or not. covered by Earl Adams, oq his way der lease, and before the company This means that 89 per cent of those 1 cleaner streets and lots both down quake here, Home 15 to 20 years ago. a possible one at Illahe, thus fitting to Coquille to pick up Portland dailies with whom he signed a contract on the quake rocked the bed sideways in­ in to tile government’s desire to have who signed and mailed the return 1 town and in the suburbs were men­ for Mjrrtle Point distribution. Heat Monday will begin operations there stead of lengthwise as it did this emergency landing fields every 20 card signified that it would be more tioned, a swimming pod, improve­ once returned to that town, where the must be around 10,090 acres more convenient for them ,if the stores ment of the town’s wooden buildings, < time and the oscillation affected her miles. unfortunate man lived, and reported under lease to be included in the pool. As long as it is a private enterprise, here were open later than six p. nv ware other Coquille needs mentioned. the accident. like a blow in the pit of stomach, This company, a subsidiary of one One man wrote, “Close up your sa­ She says there was a y still­ the club will be satisfied with one on Saturday. of the targe oil companies, is desir­ Funeral services were held at loons, ” and another, “ Keep the Sab-1 To supplement this a chamber com­ ness and calm when quake came 1000-feet runway, but- the members Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries in Myr­ ous of developing a gas field in this said it was entirely feasible to lay mittee lias been contacting the local bath day holy.” while another who tle Point at 2:00 o’clock yesterday af­ •ection, whether by reason of gov­ Sunday morning. roArvthanls Inam uihalkae -r- — .awe Mr. and Mrs. O ood, who out two, which would cross one an­ merchants to learn whether they were , did not. have the nerve to sign his ternoon. Interment was in the Nor­ ernment insistence or for what other were just getting sleep, were other, each one ever 2000 feet long. agreeable to the proposal. Most of name, wrote: “Bum the Jail,” and way cemetery. reason, Mr. Child did not know. brought fully awake by the slow They said the deepest fill needed the business men. expresed them- ; “I’ll still buy from Montgomery- The program is not a promotional Mr. Shull is survived by hia widow, , movement and the more rapid jerk of would not be more thtfn three feet selves as in favor of giving the plan Ward.” Mrs. Madge Shull, and their four-year one; no one in thia section will be try, with very few expressing un- Double parking and entirely taad- a tlouble inad ­ and that most of the ground was prac­ the temblor. asked to put up a cent, and the very alterable opposition to it. tically level.' L. ' 'i I, equate parking facilities were men- old daughter, Olla May, both of whom fair lease forms, Mr. Child said, allow are in the hospital at Myrtle Point. The plan as submitted by the com- ‘ tioned by many as thipgs they ob- The directors voted to do this year He is also survived by three sisters, the usual one-eighth of all oil pumped as the chamber did last year, buy ihitttee was that the retail stores not jected to in Coquille and some wanted Miss Ada Shull, at Medford; Mrs. from the land if and when production milk for a month for the undernour­ open until 8:30 Saturday morning and to see barber shop prices the same as Elizabeth Hillyer, of San Diego, and starts. ished children in the schools who remain open for busines suntil 8:001 they are everywhere else in the state, Mrs. Jane Dement, of Myrtle Point, Without going into a long descrip­ Co-operation on the part of Coquille would not otherwise have milk for p. m. tion of the terms of the lease re­ The storm whl^h struck here early their noon lunch. The amount to be A report on the survey will be “with rural folks” was another sug­ and two brothers, Ray and Ellis, of garding gas, he said that the hold­ last Sunday morning, some hours af­ spent is $30. made to the Chamber of Commerce gestion and that, of course, is Just Myrtle Point. His mother passed ings of the entire 20,000 to 25,000 away four weeks ago. ter the earthquake, did one piece ot J. E. Norton reported on the trip to directors on Feb. 25, at which time what the chamber’s survey is at­ Officers who went to the scene of acres would participate in revenue damage, in blowing over the 98-foot Salem which he and Mrs. Norton many more cards from outside of tempting to bring about. from the gas and the owners' parti­ flagpole at the southwest corner of made the first of the week. He went town are expected to be in hand. One suggestion was that trucks be the accident state that Mr. Shull most cipation would be about as follows: probably did not see the huge boulder the court house block. The pole fell out to appear before the legislature A large percentage of those reply­ kept in the alleys when delivering. If a 2,000,000 cubic feet a day gas to the northeast, badly spitting a committee which held a hearing on ing to the Saturday night opening That is a splendid suggestion or as it made its last jump to strike the well was struck, and tt was marketed myrtle tree near the comer, with the the proposed measure which would question also replied to the two ques­ would be if those who laid out the car. it broke into a thousand pieces as used at 17 cents a thousand cubic end of the pole breaking limbs an repeal the reforestation act of 1929. tions—1, "Would you like to see Co­ original town had had the foresight as it crashed through the truck to the feet, a man who owned 300 acres, another tree near the walk leading He found that the Coos and Curry quille have an annual celebration?” to provide the alleys which are so pavement. and it was under lease, would receive .... ..... , * to the south door of the court house. senate and house members had lined ' fcy needed now. 50 cents a day, no matter whether The pole which was originally set Another card, or letter it was. sug- as Sponsors of the law's repeal, the well was on his land or not. in a concrete block 25 yean ago lat “the prominent people of after the hearing meeting Mon- But Mr. Child stated that the whole seven or eight years ago a stop dumping cans an evening, ‘ •. Norton ‘ t ------- htaigttMbat^ thing could be knocked out cold if concrete was poured ,U»4a on Fairview mountain." end >t was at the- uning up the suggestions on the There were about 75 present tar the would probably be killed. Following is the Jury list drawn for a higher figure could .be and poured block that the rotten pole Opposition to the reforestation taw annual banquet of Scout Troop, No. 1W cards, the one moot frequently the February term of court which stood out, waiting for development broke. centered in a county in the north 14, held in the Odd Fellows hall din­ mentioned was that of parking, the opens next Monday: to boost lease figures. To most people the wind attained as where an attempt had been made to ing room last evening and an excel­ lack of rest rooms and a place where Effie Johnson, C. T. Selbig, John A geologist, here last year, went great a velocity as has been felt here reforest land which was more suitable lent banquet was enjoyed by the visitors in Coquille can sit down and A. Barrett, Emma M. Pierce, Mary over a large part of the Westport tor a great many years. for grazing or agriculture than tt ’ ■ '/ t'" rest, and the need for a sprucing up Esther Kash, Chas. Oerdlng, Lloyd arch with Mr. Child and the two Burton W. Dunn acted as toastmas­ of the frame buildings with paint. Gregg, E. D. McCune, Iva C. Farr, agreed as to the most likely sites was for timber development. All these improvements cannot be of Coquille; Frank True, Richard L. for the location of drilling outfits. ter and kept things moving rapidly and smoothly, with humor and re­ made at once, nor the faults corrected Hall, Virginia Hillstrom, Elsie A. El­ According to Mr. Child’s state­ overnight, but the ideas suggested wood, Chester R. Hanning, Henry L. ments, the Westport arch extends marks pertinent to scouting. One of the interesting features was have given the Chamber of Com­ Beckley, Horace Byler, Harold Lan­ from near Empire, past the head of a Tenderfoot initiation presented by merce a lot of ideas of what to shoot way, Noble R. Brundage, of Marsh­ Central avenue in Marshfield, in a Ed Gillespie, who was in from his at to make Coquille a better and field; Arthur R. Bennett, of Norway; southerly direction, along the hills troop. ranch yesterday morning, said that By calling in $4,903.72 worth at H. C. Morley, scoutmaster of (he more attractive city for visitors and E. R. Hayworth, Mildred M. Ander­ west of Coquille, down past River­ when he got home from lodge the street improvement bonds before they N. C. Kelley, first Coquille scout­ strangers within our gates. son, Paul V. McElwain, August An­ ton and somewhere near Bear creek night before, the hoot owl was were due, a couple of weeks ago, the master, made a very interesting talk derson, Leo S. Robertson, Frank Mus- hill this side of Bandon. Screeching. According to Ed, when cus, Ivan Basel, James E. Bird, of he hoots at night a change in the city will save $1980.43 which the at­ and told of one of the first Scout North Bend; Aaron Wilson, Kay W. weather is due inside of three days tached coupons would have meant in hikes made from here when he and Cutler, of Myrtle Point; Dora Schroe- and Ed figures any change would interest if the eleven bonds had been his scouts hiked to Bullards, thence der, of Lee; Wm. O. Robertson, of have to be for the better, insuring allowed to run to maturity. The funds to the ocean and on the beach. One Empire. our usual nice weather for a part of used were a surplus in the general of the scouts at that time was Ken­ •« * The location and situation of Co­ fund and instead of allowing the neth Kistner, February. Word has been received of the quille makes it a natural hub lor funds to lie idle they were put to The troop fourteen committee is 1 passing of William Chandler, at a work by Mayor Milne and the council composed of J. L. Stevens, N. C. business and trading for a large por­ Alien Registration Evader Portland hospital at the ripe age of tion of Coos county. Geographically to save hearly $2,000. Kelley and A. O. Hooton. 88 years. Being Held For Investigation Following is the program which its situation is ideal, being centrally He was for years a stock rancher located with roads radiating in all A transient, picked up by the lo­ was splendidly carried out: With nothing left to fight for ex­ in the mountains of southern Coos, - All directions to rural and semi-urban cal police, who talks very brokenly, •God Bless America' and during late years, resided on his Jack Carroll districts. It is the most convenient cept maintaining their position in sec­ admitted he had not registered in Vocal Solo ranch on Dement creek. ond place in the Coos county high shopping center for people living in Ronald Williams the alien registration last year. He Violin Solo His daughter, Mrs. Rose Garrett of school conference, the Red Devils thought at first that Officer Kolkhorst Ned Kelley these districts. “History of Scouting” Myrtle Point, was at his bedside at AU but one of the Southwestern play their last home game of the For most of the rural and semi- was talking about the draft registra­ “Be Prepared Kenneth Hooton the time of his passing. Motors sales force were in Portland George Holbrook urban residents the week's labor does season tomorrow evening, with the tion, claiming that he was 40 years “Life Scout” According to the Dodge history Mr. Monday to attend a Chervolet meet­ Marshfield Pirates furnishing the op ­ not end until late. Saturday after ­ of age and did not have to register. Violin Chandler was born in Crawford ing conducted by 'representatives He also expresed the hope that “the Ronald and Maurice Williams noon. It is nçt until Saturday eve­ position. They have previously won county, Mo., June 28, 1853. and came from the factory at Detroit. While right country would win the war,” “A Good Scout” Mrs. Marjorie Child ning that these people have time to three games from the Pirates. to Coos county in 1874, and settled there his Elrod and Cince Finley On Friday next week they play do their buying and transact their but was too cagey to specify which "The Camporee” - Gerald Ulett were awarded their 100 car pins and business for the coming week. It is their last game, with the Bobcats at near Myrtle Point. Mr. Chandler was Camp Songs - (ountry be meant. the father of 13 children. His wife a nice check for their IMO sales. After his finger prints were taken Carroll, Ulett, Hooton, Eldridge then also that they can relax and Myrtle Point. They were the only ones eligible to At the request of numerous stu­ was Margaret R. Bird, bom in Ten­ trtey were tent in to Portland by “Badges of Merrit” - Joe Axtell seek recreation and pleasure, For both reasons they come to town. For dents, Pat Hayes will give a dance nessee. They were married Nov. 3, Alton Grimes to ascertain whether membership in the “100 Car Club" Trumpet Trio 1870. He was also active as an early from Southwestern, although Charley or not he had registered. He is still Gray, McCracken, Holbrook obvious reasons they go to a town or in Dreamland after the game here Briggs sold that many cars but many Friday evening. All high school stu­ day logger in Coos county. city where both of these purposes Investiture Ceremony being held in Jail. ' of them were Buicks which do not dents are urged to attend and make It His name is Peter Harigin and he Scoutmaster Morley can be accomplished. They cannot count in the Chev. club. Others a big affair. be expected to go one place for busi ­ and is being held on a vagrancy t than the three mentioned who were ness and then drive to another for “mooching” charge. up to the meeting and returned Tues­ diversion. Marcus Shelley Enlarges day evening were Cliff Gulseth, Stan The closing of the stores on Satur­ Sherwood, V. C. Rlchardsorf Fred day night has naturally caused many Frozen Foods Locker Plant Two indictments were returned by Christiansen and Frank Bethel. people who previously traded in Co­ .. Since Orville Haga has moved out the grand Jury Tuesday, before ad­ The county court this week can­ quille to go elsewhere. While some of the Shelley building, comer First celled all existing insurance policies businesses have not suffered as a re­ and Hall, to open a frozen foods lock­ journment for the Lincoln day holi­ on the two court houses and the coun­ sult of this, the city in general has. er business in Myrtle Point, Marcus day. At a special session of the city One of them charged William Perry ty ’s road equipment and awarded the It would seem that in this commer­ Shelley is expanding his locker sys­ Christianson with driving while in­ council last Wednesday evening, the issuance of new policies to three cial age, where competition is so keen, tem in the building and will soon only business done was authorizing Marshfield agencies — the Huggins, we should take advantage of every have 500 in operation, utilizing all toxicated in North Bend on Dec. 15. the purchase of street black-topping Bail was set at $100. Final, plans for the banquet and Kaufman and Nasburg. opportunity to increase, either direct­ but the front 15 feet acros the First piece of equipment. The $518 pur­ The other indictment was against J. program to be tendered the new citi­ Those agencies, according to the street end of the room. Note his ad ­ ly or indirectly, the business in this chase price will be paid on a monthly zens created by the Naturalization order, had submitted a plan for $32,- district, and consequently—Its Pros­ vertisement elsewhere in this issue. D. Wool ms, of Powers, for passing rental basis of $95. a worthless check for $5 at Myrtle Court next Tuesday were the order 000 worth more of insurance than had perity. More wide awake towns and With it the street department will Point last' December. of business at the Rotary dub lunch­ been previously carried, at a reduc­ mail order houses are waiting for this be able to repair street paving or put eon yesterday ai.the hotel. • , tion in premium payments. ,fc business if we turn it dftWn. ' 1 FrW Bull Hu Given Up in newsstrhet work similar to the side­ The dinner will be held in the ban ­ walk on the east side the highway It is respectfully submitted that Co- Beal Estate quet room of the hotel at 5u30 o'clock .The W, C T. Jfc Pole Crashes At Court House Banquet For T roop No. 14 Perhaps It's Already Here Jurors Celled For Next Week $1980 Interest Saved By City Mayor Milne On Sat. Night Closing Wm. Chandler Dies At Portland Final Home Game Friday Two Southwestern Men Get Checks ■ Bay Gets The County Insurance City Buys Two Indictments Returned Tuesday Street Equipment New Citizens Program, Feb. 18 $15 For Forty This year’I tax-rolls were turned over to the tax department on Mon­ day by Assessor Chas. W. Forrest. The tax department waa ready to re­ ceive them at an earlier than usual by.gbout art hour's program in the high school auditorium in the’ gym, where Judge Brand will give a short address, the Boy and Girl Scouts will go through the ceremony of present- ¡ng the flag, and Mrs Maud Wood­ yard will stag a solo. bank building etore room and ’«xi-jthe twofold purpote tinue for a week, according to an­ nouncement made by Mrs. C. C. Fair, president of the local union. — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sohler spent the week-end at Toledo. _ ___ ___ _ _ Jgek Arnold has just received wbrd that he has been awarded third prize He did not have the time to devote of $15.00 in the National Sportsman to real estate and says there were Hunting and Fishing annual contest features of it which he did not like for striped bass. Jack's catch weigh­ ed 40 lbs., 8 ounces. anyway.