If there is to be any major PUD legislation at this session it is not yet in evidence. Governor Sprague this week transmitted to the law­ makers several suggestions for minor amendments to the 1939 PUD act but inasmuch as those were agreed to at a conference attended by representa­ tives of the Bonneville administration and the Oregon Hydro-electric com­ mission and are understood to be ac­ ceptable to the private power utilities, no difficulty is anticipated in their adoption by the lawmakers. On your Tire Bills Four Models Of Buicks With Shorter Wheelbase On Display Addition of four new models to the 1941 Buick Series 40 Special line of cars, having new torpedo styled bodies, three inches shorter wheel­ base and a six inch reduction of overall length has been announced by the Buick division of General Motors Corporation. The executive said that the cars Tljorijton’s Tire Service Owned An Operated Now You Wont Have to Build a New Garage S pecial 4-door Sedan, model 47, $1021. Wbite tidewall tires extra* —all because we have trimmed down their bumper*to*bumper length!