- ■" Oden. Clyde Minard, Leland Vicenda Way, Birdie ■' ................... trays oc festively ^nrirty and (Clubs •Youth by Mrs. W. P. by Catherine Maynard, Telephone 185-L J. G. W. chib member», who live in various parts of the county, gathered Friday at the home of Mr». Marvin Lyons of Marehlteld, where They played “Indi they were entertained by Mr» C. t. Variation of the old Huling and Mr». Lyons, at a delight­ ful luncheon. As is the J. G. W. custom, the group spent the after­ noon sewing. Mrs. L. W. Oddy was a guest Members present included Mesdames Bert Folsom, L. L. Rosa, J. A. Lamb. Jane Williams, Birdie Sheets, E. E. Johnson, E. W Lorenz« J. E. Norton, Ella Walstrom at Ban­ don, C. J. Fuhrman of Sixes, Marvin Lyons and C. E. Huling of Marsh­ field. Mrs Genuine *3 Oil Permanents, |15 u special at Mi North Tuy- te 1MM, Coquille. Batea ■ a. Magazines Bwy Snap Shop Front t Willard « We Have Just Installed A • ■ i > 4 A. New Electrolux Cleaner 9 PriceiâSOc With a Lub. & Oil Change This Service is FREE Y with Small Profit*” u our motto Free Delivery CO J. Service ■■ W ' 1 -5B-W-75 US wi NOODttS Lb. Cello «MALLOWS Pki 15c 19C lOc BEST .FOODS ______ 25c 20c 2Oc ROAST B iy '. ■<* r Church Societies Hostesses for Wednesday’s meeting of St. James Guild were Mrs. H. N. Lorenz and Mrs. John Martin. Dur­ ing the hustnsss meeting Were was a discussion of plans for a public card party to be given Feb. 19, at the Guild hall. Lucky Winners of prizes at the drawing were Rev. C. M. Guilbert, who won two prizes, Mrs. Charles Stauff, Mrs. Bert Folsom, Mrs. H. N. Lorenz, Mrs. C. Vernon Smith and Mrs. F. A. Pook. The two members at the hostess committee served refreshments to the following Guild members: Mesdames Bert Folsom, Gosline, Martha Gratke, C. M. Guilbert, L. H. Hazard, E. W. Lorenz. H. N. Lorenz, Wm. Mansell. John Martin, Ida Owen, Robert Plieth, F. A. Pook, Annie Robinson, Julius Ryble, Charles Stauff, A. J. Sherwood, C. Vernon Smith, A. O. Walker, James Watson and R. L. Stewart. isba Cans Cans TOMATO JUICE SPINACH ME ------ VELVET T "E EBEÑ 5 » .1 for tee Jackson's Gilmore Service To Vacuum Clean Your Car » CAW JPR Guy Mauhey, Matthey, on Saturday I Witham belami,W P. Uw». Waiter Oerdiag, Harold Ziegler, J H Jemen, Clarion Gourmley, George Taylor. Leland Paart, H. L. Graybea), S. M. Nosier, R. B. Rogers and Jack 19c Uç 10c BANTAM 2 BEANS Tali Cam TEH? BOX TEST TIN ot RITTNER QUEEN 19c 15c 18c 33c New officers of the Holy Name Altar society were elected Sunday at a business meeting held after church services. Mrs. John Norton is the new president. Mrs. Thomas Gambiin, vice president and Mrs. Carl Alwert, secretary. Mrs. Norton was appoined chairman for a public card party, which will be held before Lent Party execu­ tives include Mrs. Evelyn LaBarge and Mrs. Ritchie, refreshments; Mrs. Tharon Thornton and Mrs. N. J. McCarthy, tickets; Mrs. LeNorme Pownder, prizes; Mrs. Norbert Brug­ ge man, tables; Mrs. Ed McKeown, bridge; and Mrs. Cart Alwert, pinochle. BAG nro racR BOX Can HAQ Our New Seed Rock Has Arrived-Complete Stocks dinner, The