» IND1P1ND1MT ey Sentinel NIW8PAPIR rw NO. 4. ■snuHBBuateMntennnanaaantaaMBnMtaiM (pnuBsssseeanesBUBseB MileTrip rlluulc WCSl » Weather Report For January H- L. H an se n , U. 8. weather observ­ er at McKinley, sends the Sentinel the following report for January ob­ servations. There may be some dif­ ference in temparature and rainfall between Coquille and McKinley which is 1# miles away, but the dif­ ference is not great: ; . Max. temp., 65 degrees, Jan. 29th. Min. temp., 23 degrees, 2nd. Total precipitation, 10.34 in. 1 Greatest in 24 hours, 1.63 in. on the I8th. Snowfall, 0. Number of days with .01 inch or more precipitation, 22; clear 7; partly cloudy 4; cloudy 20. Killing frost on the 2nd, 23 de­ grees. Rainfall since Sept. 1, 1940, 40.01 inches. , '¿i'.' ; Average for this district, 67 inches. dags in each of those four cities. and putting 4700 miles on the car. Neither of thenj had been to the middle west before and they enjoyed the trip hugely. Clarence says an-, otker time he would know what he --------------------------- wanted to see. more than he did this time—and it wouldn’t be Texas. Their route through that state was from Beaumont to El Paso, about 1100 miles of very montonotu driving. At a dinner party in Coquille not The only partially reconstructed two married CÍMA h I am u/art so lORM 1 ,'-”, b AAO ”BV' V v