004VUXK. QBWQQN. TMUMDAY, JANUABY M. 1ML Ford Mokes 23.05 Miles Per Gallon On Classic Run cars equipped with Townsend Club quire any prolonged session and while it is hardly probable that adjourn­ ment will come at the end of the constitutional pay period it should not take very many days after the Mr. and Mrs. Thurman , Pauli moved to Myrtle Point Saturday of last week. A pinochle party was held at the rector or agriculture that ¿metal would be required to call a referen­ dum election of all producers of that crop on the question of entering into the marketing agreement. Should 60 per cent or more at the producers at such an election favor the plan it would then become obligatory upon all producers of that crop to observe the marketing program. Under this program grades and standards would be established by a policy committee consisting of three producers and two processors to be appointed by the governor. As a special inducement to provide grades a label or seal would be adopted for use on only products of superior quality. In­ spectors of the department of agri­ culture would pass on the quality of the product offered for sale and any violation of the established grades or standards would be punished by heavy fines. The program would be financed through a tax of not to exceed two percent of the price re­ ceived by the producer for his crop. CHALLENGE cnauestqe . USED CARS Going For Only $563 Fairview News