PROCEEDINGS OF * COUNTY COURT ’Xds*^’ Labor, General 114.75 816312.06 Total 123.00 KMUMth Lane, Labor, General i Ey^Dajiy iiijgiC General 14.7» I .y jJ 133.00 STATE OF OREGON 126 35 ^^Oddy, County Clark of A. G. Trendell, Labor, Gener­ al Roads _______ ______ — Lyle Smith, Labor, General 15.00 Roads ......................... ....... . Lawrence Mullen, Labor, Gen­ eral Roads .... ............. . .......... 70 J8i i Jahn Abbott Labor, General Roods -------------- ----- ----------- 11.4» Beriyn Billings, Labor, Gen­ eral Roads...... ........ 730 Floyd Dalton, Labor. General Roads .......... . ........... ......... .. 530 W. W. Williams, Labor, Gen­ eral Roads............ -............. - 2.50 Ralph Hurlbutt, Labor, Gen. eral Roads ...... ......... .... ........ 7.50 James K. Miller, Labor, Gen- eral Roads .... . .......... . 7.50 A. C. Redifar, Labor, General Roads .... ,..r to Material Effie Clymer, Salary, Nurse, Tenders or bids for the purchase of Offr.---------------------------------- ........... _ Material ._ WOODBOW ROY, Defendant. Co. Far»--------------------------- I. outs J. Langenberg, Salary 00.00 Western Auto Supply Co., Rhoda Norton, Salary, Nurse, the undersigned, administrator of the Court Reporter___________ Auto Sur-'1“ Co. Farm .......... -...... —...... 46.40 N. Cutlip, Labor Estate of William Harry Bowen, de­ To Woodrow Roy, the above named Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, defendant: 11.00 C. J. O’Nel Coos County Farm, Produce ceased, at the office of Herman E. Janitor, Old Building ------- 75.00 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Labor, Gen- Isler Sheet used on Farm................... .... 41.00 Lafky, 117 New Bligh Bldg., Salem, Bert Mead, Salary, Janitor to 4.50 Oregon, from and after the 1st day OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ 44.00 Pioneer Grocery Co., Gro­ tortel — end Roods ....... ...... Jailer ----------------------------— 75.00 15637 City of Myrtle Point, Water ceries—County Farm--------- W. Browning, Labar, General of March, 1941. Sale of said proper­ quired to appear and answer the com­ Agnes Schroeder, Salary, Ma­ 3.00 for Co. Shop...... . .... ............. Busy Corner Grocery, Gro­ Roads .......... —......... -...... — ty will be subject to approval of the plaint filed against you in the above tron to Cook ............ ... ....... . 40.00 38.70 entlUed suit, on or before Friday, the Woodbury Company, Material ceries—County Farm------- ... A. Z. Stokes, Labor, General above entitled Court. F. C. McNelly, Salary, Super­ 31st day of January, 1841, said date 3.00 Coos Bay Electric Co., Material Jimmie Gage, Relief Work Roads ...... — S. BOWERS, intendent County Farm....... 120.00 being after the expiration of four A. Leschen to Sons Rope Co., with Track ------ ---- ---------- •0.00 c. F. Bessee, Labor, General A of the Estate of Wil ­ Hdith McNelly, Salary, Matron weeks from the date of the first pub­ 55.00 Lee Stonecypher, Meata — ................... ...... 11.68 liam Harry Bowen, deceased. Roads __ ___ __ _________ Co. Farm .......... ........... ........ 50.00 Louers to Contractors Mach. County Farm .................... .... 67.71 C. P. Morgan, Labor, General- Dated and first published January lication of this Summons, and if you First National Bank of Port­ fail so to appear and answer said 5.00 Bay Fruit to Produce Co., Gro­ Co.. Material ........................ 34.05 --rfk Roads ...... .......... ........ 30th, iaai. 1941. land, Marshfield Branch, Co., Supplies ceries—County Farm ......... 15.40 Roy Landrith, Labor, General last publication February complaint, or otherwise plead there­ Date General Assistance by State 21.00 to, for want thereof, the plaintiff wiU Physicians to Hospital Supply ror Noaamaster ..................... 47.17 27th, It... Roads .......... .........____ Public Welfare Comm. ------ 138731 Co.. Supplies—County Hos- Floyd Pet4T»on, Use of Dozer ... .12.00 apply to the Court for the relief Ole Hyfelt, Labor, General Martin Clausen, Refund on 30.55 pita! .................. . ..... ....... Roads ----------- -------------- —• 21.00 West Cosst Tel. Co., Services 21.55 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE prayed «or in her complaint, to-wit: Property redeemed from For a decree dissolving the marriage Hudson’s Drag Store, Drugs 7.41 Brodie Shingle Cd., Lumber .. George Landrith, Labor, Gen­ 8TATK OF OREGONIN AND Coos Co. in 1936 .................. and marriage contract now and here­ —^o. Farm ......... . ...... .......... 43.04 eral Roads----------- -..... -...... 31.00 The Madison Paint Co., Ma­ FOB THB COUNTY OF 0008 Ben C. Flaxel, Dtet Atty., tofore existing between plaintiff and Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Drugs terial .................... ................. •1J5 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE John Monson, Jr„ Labor, Gen- Steno. Salary to Mileage, 13.00 State Ind. Accident Comm., defendant; for the restoration to —County Farm .................... 25.67 eral Roads OF MILTON C. HORTON, 55.00 The Hub, Clothing — County 41137 Ind. Ins. Co., Employees.. H. W. Osbon, Labor, General Deceased, plaintiff of her maiden name of Dell FlaxaL Dtet Atty”" KeUey, and for such other and 15.00 J. W. to J. R. Hillstrom, Rock Farm ........ — 203.54 Roads .......... - ......... xr .......... _ Notice ot Final Account 15.71 Hands Shoe Store, Shoes — TeleDhone Service further relief as to the Court may from Hillstrom Quarry ..... 414.00 J. D. Bright, Labor, General NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ental Division—State Board 835 seem just and equitable. County Farm......... -— .... Roads ............................. —.... 25.00 Pacific Feed to Seed Co., Emp­ the undersigned has filed in the of Health, Copies of Den­ Huntington Laboratories, Inc., The grounds upon which said re­ .45 County Court of Cooa County, Ore­ ty Sacks ____ i........................ , Norntum Carlson, Labor, Gen­ tistry to Pub. Heslth ........... Supplies—Co. Hospital ------ 3235 4.00 Feenaughty Machinery Co., eral Roads-------------- —........ gon, his final report and account as lief is based in said complaint is J. E. Axtell, For making up J. A. Lamb C&, Hardware- Material ............. .................... 72.86 Administrator of the Estate of Milton cruel and inhuman treatment. Wilfred Neal, Labor, General Deed to City of Bandon on 30.34 This Summons is served upon you 75.00 Bert’s Cash Grocery, Sacks County Farm -.... .. ............ . 135 C. Horton, deceased, and that the Roftdfr .......... . .......... prop, purchased from Coos P. L. Johnson, Plumbing Sup­ A. Barrows, Royalty on Gravel 7.10 Court has set Saturday, February 1st, by publication thereof in the Coquille Tom Monson, Labor, General »0.00 10.73 plies—County Farm----------- Road«---------------- ---- ---------- 15.00 Clyde Equipment Co., Material 62.65 1941, at the hour ot 10:00 o’clock A. Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of O. C. !. Sanford, Wsrrant-Aid Smith Wood-Products Inc., Oregon 'Culvert to Pipe Co., Wm. Dinsmore, Labor, Gon- at the County Court the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge of m :. . of r said :: day. : 517.00 Children ...... to 1 Deuandent 5.57 Culvert Pipe ...... ...... —..... . 440.53 room Powers, Salary to Mlla- cm in Coquille, Coqi Oregon, as the time the above entitled Court, made, dated A.*M.' Wingier, Lai>or; General • 96-00 C. E. Beall Pipe to Tank Corp, Cul­ and place for 1 hearing objections to and entered on the 30th day of De­ .. »734 55.23 vert Pipe .......... _......... ........ 387.51 such final account Roads ...................................... 7030 jnt ana the settlement cember. 1940, and which order re­ quires that the date of the first publi­ 1.03 of said estate. L. H. Howe, Mileage................ John Roberts, Labor, General 133.75 5.55 Roads ------------ ......—■——• 54.00 Coos Bay Stationery Co., Sup­ 5,t5 J. Arthur Berg, Administrator cation of said Summons shall be on D¡LC¿T the 2nd day of January, 1041, the plies Rdmaster Off.............. 25.45 T. R. Miller Labor, General 50.00 nty Farm 40 JO 30.80 City of Coquille, Water Co. date of the last publication thereof Roads .. .............. -_ _____ NOTICE TO BIDDERS Leia Elrod. Mileage Auto being Thursday, the 30th day of Slops ...... ................ ............... 2.15 Vivian Cook, Labor, General Health Nurse ........................ 40 JO 15.06 Notice is hereby given that sealed January, 1941. 139.M Mountain States Power Co., Roads ....................... -r- ■ Ethel C. Littler, Mileage, Co. ______ L„ Wüto blds will be received by the City western __ J. ARTHUR BERG, Lights Rdmaster Off. to Bill Daggitt, Labor, General . Health Nurse .....••........ -....... 32.28 7.06 Recorder of the City of Coquille, Supplies—County Farm ..... Attorney for Plaintiff Hiway Dpt ...... ................ Roads .... —• NJ0 Coquille Med. Serv. Bureau, Oregon, at the City Hall in said city Campbell Funeral Home, Fun­ Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ Coquille Wood Co., Wood—Co. Chas. Hofer, Labor, General Hospital Dues — Co. Ein- eral P. J. Braggs ...^........ .. 35.00 5 lt5 7.5(7 until 5 o’clock P. M. on the 3rd day quille, Oregon. Shoos —..... - Roads ...................... ................ »6.00 64.00 Henry A. Schroeder, Funeral of February, 1941, far furnishing li ­ nSTSbii Life Ins. Co., Coquille Service Station, Auto Bill Kinnunen, Labor, General ability insurance for the City of Co ­ A. L. Hooton. ciectncai cuntractor Gus Byron ------------------------ 40.00 Supplies ----- - ---------------------- 3335 Roads ..... ................................. 44.00 7.80 Oregon Protective ' Dues from Co. Employees quille in accordance with specifica­ and dealer. 274 Second 8t.. Coaullle Society, Orin Demarest, Labor, General____ Union Oil Co. of Calif., Gaso­ State Ind. Accid. Comm., In­ Care Children _ -___ •6.00 line to Oil .................. —.... 33.48 tions on file in the office of the City Complete stock ot wiring supplies tt Heed« ............... ..... — ..........■ 106.75 48.65 dustrial Ins., Employees .... Recorder. Catholic Char.ties Inc., Care Southwestern Motors, Auto John Randrup, Labor, General Mrs. Eugene O’Connell, Rent 76.00 The City reserves the right to waive Children ----------- j— •.71 Supplies ...... —..... ....... ...... Roads ............... -......— 105.00 of Room WPA Sewing Pro­ technicalities snd to reject any or all Busy Comer Grocery. Gro­ Calling carda. 50 for 81.00. Golder’s Auto Parts Co, Auto Arnold Helm, Labor, General ject ........ — 25.00 ceries for John Darling .— 13.55 Supplies —............. -..... ...... Roods .............. -......... -_ _—- •6.00 J. Arthur Berg, Insurance on Coos County Farm, Groceries Eads Service Station, Auto John B. O’Sullivan, Labor, Court House................. — 60.00 for Co. Jail --------------------- - 65.23 Supplies........ ................. 3J7 Genoral Roads....... .......... ..... 75J5 Albert R. Clinton, Cattle In- Economy Cash Market, Meats J. to J. Tire Co, Auto Supplies 600.65 Earl Pickett, Labor, General 8.00 demity ------------------ ---- — 34.47 for Co. Jail---------------- ------- HoadE ......................... -......— 103.60 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co- Auto Tristano Martini, Admr., Cat­ Supplies ........ —.... ...... ..... .. John Barth, Labor. General 8.00 Coquille Bakery, Bread for tle Indemnity ......................... 13.76 Co. Jail ...... . Roads _______ __ ................. 11435 Signal Oil Co., Auto Supplies Hardee W. Mast, Cattle In­ Sunset Dairy, Milk for Co. Columbia Equipment Co., Ma­ Lynn Medley, Labor, General demnity ................-..... -........ Jail ............................. 6-71 108.30 terial ... Roads ............................... . George Ellis, Cattle Indemnity J. A. Lamb Co., Kitchen Uten- i Welding Works, Standard Chas. Randall, Labor, General Z. Russ Co., Cattle Indemnity site for Co. Jail......... —....... 849 welding Roads ............. —. 106.75 Roy L Shull, Cattle Indemnity P. L. Johnson, Plumbing Work . Thornton Tire Service, Auto Coll McLean, Labor, General Wm. H. Hersey, Cattle In- for Co. Jail .................. x...... « 00 Cl«n*lLrten. Labor, Generai 76.25 Jil.74 SuoDlies___ _______ ___ 20.00 Ted Petterson Laundry, Ser- ■ (felfiMity ¿J...—.......... Orchard Auto Parte Co., Auto Albert M. Willey, Cattle In- vice for Co. Jail................ — 22.66 Supplies.................................. 33.39 Roads ... .... ....106.05 8.00 City demnlty ------------------------ — of Coquille, Water — Bosworth Motor Co., Auto Everett Richards, Labor, Gen- Robert G. Rooke, Cattle In­ 8.45 Court House to Jail...... ........ Earl ^Jttrell Supply Co., Auto 60.81 demnity ............. ..................... Mountain States Power Co., O. Robert rults, Cattle Indemnity Lights — Court House to Supplies ...................... -........ Roderick M. Herman, Cattle Co. Farm-------- ------------------ 132.14 Henry Franson, Labor, Gener- _ Isaac R. Tower, Auto Supplies 435 8.00 West Indemnity ...------------- ----- — Coast Tel. Co- Services al Roads —......................... . 10236 Stevens Cash Hardware, Ma­ Clausen Bros., Cattle Indem­ —Court House to Co. Farm .. 114J9 Arthur Derbyshire, Labor, 8.63 terial .................. -...... nity ------ —........ wamrati’« 140.00 Ben C. Flaxel, Agent, Insur­ General Roads ----------------- . 97J6 Oregon Pacific Co., Material . 65.03 Clarance E. Miller, Cattle In­ 32.95 Sye ance on Court House ...... — Capps Motor Co., Auto Sup- Davis, Lsbor, General 38.00 Kaufman to Co., Insurance on demnity ...... . ................... . 1.30 Roads .......... -........................... »2.30 wfp. Fuller to Co, Paints------ Chas. I. Southmayd, Cattle In­ 98.85 Court House to Jail ------- ---- 23.39 J. K. Baker, Labor, General 4.00 American Brush Co., Janitor demnity ..... —-------------- Roads ----- -------------- ---- ------- 116.00 Coquille Machine Shop, Ma­ Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff’s Mile- 13.17 Supplies—Court House .... chine Work .......................... 27.40 54.60 P. L. Johnson, Janitor Sup- Wnf*F. Howell, Sheriff, Con­ 118.00 J. E. Haseltine to Co.. Material 37.42 .80 pliea—Court House ------------- 108.64 Fred Hobson, Fencing Road veying Prisoners to Pen .... 11J1 GoquiUe Wood Co., Wood, 1.05 122 JO Farr to Elwood, Rye Grass....... Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, Ex­ 7.00 Court House .......................... J. A. Lamb Co., Material ....... 48.82 pense to Sheriff's Conven­ Coquille Machine Shop, Ma­ Freightways. 42.10 Consolidated tion .......................................... 18.40 chine Work to Material— Freight ....--------- ------ ---------- ivdwin Peterson, Mileage Dep­ 29.54 Ct. Hi. --------------------- — — ANYMORE! 118.00 Pioneer Hardware Co, Ma­ uty Sheriff ...... -..... ... .......... 24.00 Burroughs Adding Machine terial ........ ................... .......... 20.80 Vera Thompson, Extra help in Co.. Maintenance Service— .70 118.00 Central Transfer Co., Freight Tax Dept------ ----- ------------- '.. 34.00 79 J5 Co. Mach. ............... —........ F. S. Slover Co, Material — 301.04 Pacific Typewriter Co., Rental J. L. Murray, Check Protector 4.60 116.75 Eaton Feed Store, Rope ....... 8.80 Typewriter—Tax Dept......... to Insurance --- --------...----- 57 JO Smith Wood-Products Inc., Southwestern Oregon News— Coos Bay Times, Publishing Now you caa cook "prise" 330.00 ..... 118.00 zLumber --------------------- Tax Statements—Shff’s Offc. 167.00 Co. Ct. Proceedings to No­ ptcs, cakaa every tone. Its really Moore Mill to Lumber Co., Koke-Chapman Co., Calendar 06.10 tices .—--- ---------------- ---- — Lumber .............. ... 54.24 easy wick a General Electric •6.75 1.10 Coquille Pad—Shff’s Dffc................... Valley Sentinel, Pub­ Coos Bay Lumber Co., Lumber 891.60 Range. Its “Flavor-Saver“ Oven Coos Bay Harbor, Photostatic lishing Co. Ct. Proceedings 09.80 Coos Bay Logging Co., Lum­ 3.00 moistnre, flavor, its Deep Copies—Shffc Offc.......... — 100.05 to Supplies....................... ...... ber ....... —........... 72.04 Tom Hall, Labor, General Well Cooker Mre-sMMM vege­ Western Union, Service — Coos Bay Times, Publishing Roads ................................ .. McGeorge Gravel Co., Culvert 70.00 3.62 Shffs Office.................. -...... tables, meata. Its Broiler gives you 5.40 Foreclosure Tax Notice .... Pipe........ ..... —............... 130.35 Cecil Hartley, Labor, General Southwestern Motors. Auto William H. Wann, C. P. A, A. B. Daly to Co., Material ... 312.44 Roads _ _________ __ _ _____ _ 5.62 110.00 Supplies—Stiff's Office ....... Work on 1940 Audit —...... 233.00 J. A. Deadmond. Labor, Gen- Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., Cash Coos Bay Harbor, Supplies— J to J Tire Co., Auto Suplies eral Roads ...................... . ..... . 10.19 Adv. Rdmaster Off. ... Clerk’s Office ....................... 11.00 1.75 Ariyn Barklow, Labor, Gen­ —Co. Car ....... ——-------- Clara A. Stauff, Clerical Wrrk Coos Co. Highway Dept., La­ eral Roads .............................. General Fund Warrants —Trees. Offc.......... .... .......... 218.68 C. F. Hawk, Labor, General 116.78 bor to Material furnished Issued—Dec. 1940 ........... 812.022 63 John C. Merchant, Cleri 'al Roads ............................... ...... 68.75 Indigent Soldiers Warrants Work—Treas. Offc. ------ ---- 15J1 Issued- Dec.. 1940 ........ . 87.50 Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., Cash Adv. Treas. Offc. for Post- 70J5 Dog License Warrants Is­ WWW CTl-41 24.00 sued—Dec., 1940 ----------- - Chas. StauffcCo. Treas., Cash Total ............... 813,134.13 Adv. Co. Ct. Car License .. 135 General Road Fund War­ Chas. Stauff. Co. Treas., Cash ranta Issued—Dec., 1M0 8 5,909.49 ÿsissi00 Mfrarwr M0M « 109 3446.09 Phyllis Belloni, Labor in As­ sessor’s Offici) ..... -i..... Charles W. Forrest, Labor, in & Co. Farm Consolidated Freightways Inc Freight on Sewing Mach. Issued—Dec.. 1M0 ......... 1,357.12 59.00 NEW FURNITURE