The Sentinel TWENTY Coquille Shoe Shop Rebuilding and Repairing Glen L. Jones continent goes to • One of the hardest fights for a contract has been waged over the munitions dump near Hermiston, Ore. Twice it was awarded and held up. It is the biggest government job in the northwest, a matter of about |10,- 000,000, and was worth fighting for. ... Navy officers are considering shipbuilding at Astoria, where facili­ ties are now available and about 2,000 men can be secured. . . . War depart­ ment says no more air bases will be .riiP * rii I i ’ WETTH ill . ' i for some time, although there are a couple ot places in the interior that look good to them. . . To have a uni­ form wage scale in all shipyards of the Pacific northwest the government has arranged for a conference in San Francisco next week at which several government agencies will have repre­ sentatives. The purpose is to prevent strikes in the yards when production gets under way, as it will within a couple of mouths. Buy Snap Shop Turks, French and And that probably S*U Front & Willard are saler, mon* modern Jhan old-fashioned „ running boards 1_ iZtll _ _ EVRO LETS the I.EIIDER * 'M1 “FIRST ......... V 1 EST!" Bandon