I. 0. 0. F. Joint Social Calendar Pinochle Pinochle Contract Evening Johnsons. Installation club—Mr*. Wm. Wood*. club—Mr*. Fred Grant. club—Mrs. F. S Emery. Pinochle club—the Rudy Bougay Holy Name Altar Society—11 a. m at church. Guild Junior Women’s Club Card . Party Boosts Milk .Fund Neighborhood Bridge club—Mr*. Geo. Holbrook. • Friendly Dozen—Mr«. Fred Whea­ ton.* Y Double-Four club—Mr*. F. H. Mc­ Kibben. Eagle* Sewing club—Mr*. Gay. Royal Neighbor* Public Card & Bingo party. Episcopal Guild. i l . i • , I Justamere club—Mrs. E. E. John­ son. Myrtle club. Dorcas Division. Helping Hand Division. W. S. C. S. of Pioneer church. Bachelor Girls’ dinner and theatre party. Eagle* Public Pinochle party. I Give a Beautiful Eversharp Pen & Pencil set for Valentine’s Day. Re­ member they are guaranteed forever. Select your* at Norton’s. Thank* to the effort* of Gertrude Mehl, ticket sale chairman for the Junior Woman’s club Milk Fund card party, the dub treasury was upped enough by party proceed* Monday evening to carry the milk fund through another month. U. E. McClary topped all bridge scores with a total number of point* that exceeded 12,000. Mr*. McClary held the high score for women playing bridge. The two high pinochle player* were Drue Cunningham and Mr*. F. H. Mc­ Kibben. Jean Laird, chairman of the table committee; Mary Stevens, chairman of the refreshments committee and Emma Briggs, tally chairman, who made unique tallies shaped like small milk bottles and inscribed with the words “Milk Fund,” all assisted Catherine Maynard, general chair­ man of the party. Valentine*. Get your« at Norton’*. We have them for children for lc, 2c and Sc each. For Valentine Day What could be Better than Your Photograph for Your Wife or Sweetheart Curtis Studio 10 DATS dal Sale NEWTOWN’S F%%\ (APPLES Jk GRAPEFRUIT *^1 ONIONS Arago Union Receives Award Officers Preside For First Time • yACARROTS DOZEN BUNCH Lillian HAM XT BEEF ROAST PURE LARD •OYSTERS saaififtd & W Motor GRAPE J UJ CE TDAf' EAPPLE