F agb two Mr favor* A. L. wire» II cuniraeioi St.. Común« at wtrtna auonbea tt lira. C3au- Mary Ol- Rudy J. L. for the ■!J Though Mrs. J. *. ' Barbara Rose Macgenn Specialist out of Portland has joined THELMA BROWN al the Roxy uly Salon Berges* Better 21 Tain An an operator at the Marinello Beauty Shop at Marshfield, Oregon A UUICB mmi I vmu CCIIC i and very good In the other lines of the work. We Extend a Cordial Invitation to all our lovely customers to meet Barbara Rose. Call 90 for appointment the best Citrus belt is Alex Try a Doe Grape Juice vise-ripened Special low uniformly high in D. K. O. Uw .W... ¿