>AO1 Coquille Boys Enlist In Navy Arthur L. from the for en- Recruiting L I Two Coquille boys, Wi Northup, Jr, and Paul Walker, were enlisted in the U . S. Navy at Portland, Oregon, on Janu- Ciadwlck LWge Ns. 18 ÌF.4A.M. S - — gt O 80 tor 81 Veh. U. 7J8 P. THIS SAI« AS NATIONALLY ADVISÎISIB «OM COAST TO COAST ,d Mr. 30-31-1 I Charles P. Phillipa, 25, bucker at the C. D. Bay Logging camp near Fairview, was brought to the Coquille Hospital yesterday, suffering from a badly sprained left knee which will keep him there a few day». As a tree top fell toward him he jumped into the brush, receiving the injury in that way.. , you with their rthday Sale foe Bfxall—durini ing MW customers for Rexsll Bo here early for amusing values! Fuhrman's Pharmacy tut VP s TOBE J OR BEST VALUES IN TOWN Forest Personnel Change Announced Ttterawcy 1. Vern V. Church, project POW k^Jr 1 1 MK A s * * >' i NOTE— Children Adults I SUN. MON. TUE. » FEB. t-3-4 —______ ,_____ ._____ Coquille Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davidson, at Coquille, last Saturday,' a seven pounds, three ounces» baby boy, who has been named Clifton Vernon. David Eric is the name given to the eight pounds, six and three-quar­ ters ounces baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robbins, of Co­ quille, on Monday. A strapping young man, weighing nine pounds, four ounces, was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Miller of Scottsburg. His name is Harold Arthur. Oive a Beautiful Eversharp Pen & Pencil set for Valentine’s Day. Re­ member they are guaranteed forever. Select yours at Norton’s. Valentines. Get your» st Norton’s. We have them for children for lc, 2c and 5c each. Mining Location notices for »ale s’ this office. J Coquille Ronks High In Coos County Presidents BIRTHDAY BAU Saturday, Feb. 1 DANCE THAT OTHERS MAY WALK •t Dreamland Hall 1821 marked the first year for a class to graduate from our present High School building. The old school was in the Washington School along with the grade school. Mr. Lynn Parr who is now Superintendent of the Marshfield Schools, was Superintendent of our schools at that time. As far as Athletics is concerned, Coquille has had only a few out­ standing teams, but has always been a potential threat. In IBM Coquille won the Coos County Ch a m pf nn chip^H—....... in football. Not until 1839 was this i Degree at Columbia. Mr. Osika and glory given to Coquille High again. Mr. Dunn received this Master’s De­ In that year we won the Champion­ gree at Oregon State. Mrs. Beyers, ship of Coos County without a single i who has taught at Coquille High for point being scored against us. On i seventeen years, received her train­ Thanksgiving Dey our team jour­ ing at the State University of Iowa, neyed to Medford to play for the teaches Mathematics and Sciences. Mythical State Championship but was i Mr. Osika came to teach in C. H S defeated 8 to 0. in 1032, working his way up to his In Basketball, Coquille has sent present position, principal of our High very few teams to the State Tour­ School, and Mr. Dunn came as Su­ nament, but in 1834 Coquille sent a perintendent in the fall of “ TH.” team that ranked high. Last, but not least, among our teach­ Track and Field events have been ers who have been here several years, our main stay. Year after year Co­ is Mrs. Osika, also an alumnus of quille has put out a track team that C. H. S. She graduated from the put a scare into all opponents. In U. of Oregon, majoring in English. IMO, Coquille sent a team to the In the remainder of our school year, Hayward Relays that won first place many basketball games will be played - ■ ■ th Class C. in our'new gym. Intramural sports will go an, the bead will mates many »*• ENE TIERNEY BOAR »JOHN SUTTON • VW FIELD • VINCENT MICE • N'OEL BRUCE |WEb. Eeb, 5 BARGAIN NIGHT! | why Md They W His M bs ? int 1TIKR TTsiv sAintv t w ffiUvtl 1