■■ Elbert Schroeder Takes Office Social Calendar Southwestern Oregon funeral di- rectors held a dinner meeting in the Coos Bay Hotel, North Bend, Monday night and voted to hold the thirty- eighth annual state convention of the Oregon Funeral Directors Associa- tion on May 5-B-7. W O. Campbell, Marshfield, Henry Schroeder, Myr- tie Point, and Harry C. Steams, of Oakland, were appointed convention and program committee. Officers for 1941 elected at the last meeting were E. C. Thuerwachter, of Marshfield, president; Elbert Schroe- der, Coquille, vice-president, and Eu- gene C. Morrow, Marshfield, socre- tary-treasurer. They were installed in their respective offices by the re­ tiring president, Chas. E. Schroeder, i of Bandon. The Oregon Funeral Directors As­ sociation was represented by Execu­ tive Secretary George Ryan, of Port­ land, who reported on legislation and state association activities and out­ lined a tentative program fpr the state convention of funeral directors next May. • • Discussions on professional and ed­ ucational subjects were led by Messrs. Thuerwachter. Morrow, Hen­ ry Schroeder and A. M. Peterson, of North Bend. Invitation to hold the next meeting in Reedsport was unanimously ac­ cepted. Mr. and Mrs. John Unger were appointed to prepare the pro­ gram and arrange for place of meet­ ing. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. A. M. Peterson for the dinner ar­ rangements and beautiful table flow­ ers. î i I. „ - . . • , . . t , . , i • ated with U punch all Catling carao. ou tar SI. >’ PARO ... -L I Fed to dogs for five generations in laboratory i tests and proved to contain all the food values that your pets require. We can supply you either by the can or by the ctfbe. * i* Phono 20 your Ideai Mealing Placel CHICKENS M SAUSAGE 15c PORK ROAST Pk-k c““ ^ISYzc BACON “ 23c OYSTERS c“ i”» 15c TIRES pgpAim THX NEW MBTHOD MODUN WAY Peaches •lea Screenings 3 lb. bag 13c Italian Frenas .4 lb. bag 19« Cut Macaren! 3 lb. cello 17« Cream Cheese U>. 19e Fig Bars 2Jb.pkl.19« Glonn Aire Grapefruit 2s 11« Briargate Green Beens 2s 11« Whit« Star Tuna Us 15« Hominy vaaCakp*» 3 ’^iM25e Duchess Salad Dross.qt. 23c Stekely Tern. Juke 46 ox 17j 2-^23$ 3—25$ h 1S t X* t Sale-WALLPAPER éA aauaoAtt ijHt'uit Batter 7V¡& to 30c Bargain Bundles 25c to $1.39 MB MU MT* 32,33* AIBWATt,12* kasÄÄ 3t_35* Gregg Hardware Phone 1C3M I Coquille, Oie» Searchlight Matches 6 bx 19« Oxydol Cree Soap 224ox 35« White King •*— Waldorf Tissue Roll 4c Camay Soap 3 bars 17c Upto^'aTaa, Black* ft lb 37c ■ ■ANS Smoll Whites Red Idahos Baby Umrn 24fepk.ll* Tea Lipton's Green Me «feo Kingsford Starch 3 pkg. 25c Kam Sonoo, Blue 5 lb cn 37c Fnrwlysisf Crisco Shortening 3 lb. 45c Mince Meat 2 lb. jar 19c 3¡w*uÚMdL OUR SPECIALTY Motor Rebuilding •nd Preventive Automotive Service 3 cm »2O c MSUWOMJ« Apple Butter 38 oz jar 15c fAtdituu GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES 2 doz. 35c POTATOES..-. 25 lb 35c CABBAGE pound 21/ic’ > -VT . -LI-HI- 3 lb. 39c Su-Purb Gran Soap 50-oz. 33c Vv.nie MsgicIM'ch H-e«i. 17c kou^on Craft Fleer ‘^$1.29 TOMATOES PUMPKIN N‘2* ’ ’■ 15c SHORTENING «- «“ 34c 25c TU NA FLAKES * -2 23c 25c MfXEb NUTS JLAAY ■ Lb. 43c *<* 23c