Deserves The Limit S>ariptg anò Oilu-ba Friends and neighbors of Mrs. W. T. Alpine joined Thursday in giving a farewell party and birth­ day party for her. The Alpines, who have Uved in Riverton for many years, plan to move to Myrtle Point, where Mr. Alpine is operating a lum- ber will. The party started with a potluck luncheon, held at the home of Mrs. Ira Baumgartner. There was a birth­ day cake for Mrs. Alpine and presents —birthday presents as well as fare­ well ’ presents. Sewing and visiting kept everyone occupied throughout the afternoon. Members of the party were Mes­ dames Alton McCue,«William Church, ’ George Steward, George Edwards, ’ Lester Clausen, C. W. Martin, W. A. ’ Bean, B. F. Royce, Myrtle Peterson, Eli Brault, E. A. Holbrook, John Smith, C. Danielson, Ira Baumgart­ ner, Carroll Rycraft, Adolph Maithu, H. B. Hansen, W. T. Alpine, C. M. Hartwell and Mrs. Perley Way and daughter, Nancy Lou, of Michigan, who are house guests ot Mrs. Eli Brault. by Catherine Maynard, Telephone 185-L One of the week’s loveliest parties ’ of words pertaining to marriage, Mrs. was given Friday afternoon by Mrs.! W. H. Mi Mansell won first prize and Charles Mansell and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Ben Burgees second prize. - Powrie of Myrtle Point when they en­ Pinochle prizes were awarded to tertained at the Mansell home with Mrs. Ernest Whereat for high score a bridal shower far Miss Dulcie Don­ and Mrs. Ben Leatherwood, second. aldson, daughter of Mrs. A. L. Pow­ Guests from Myrtle Paint were rie of Myrtle Point, who will soon Mesdames Jahn Belieu, Henry Har­ become the bride of Lyle Knox. mon, Ben Burgess, Jerene Burgees, Though the date of the wedding is Robert Powrie, O. B. Powrie, Carl not being announced, friends have Anderson, Cliff Wilson, Elizabeth been told that the ceremony will take Hamm, Miss Sadie Harmon and the place at Reno. The couple plan to guest of honor, Miss Dulcie Donald­ son. Local guests included Mesdames make their home in Myrtle Point. Gift» for the honored guest were W. H. Mansell, Ernest Whereat, F. presented to her in a huge blue crepe H. McKibben, A. A. Kyle. Archie paper umbrella. The room» were Hatcher, Bill Strang, Orville Hughes, decorated with bouquets of pink and L. F. Hatcher, Ben Leatherwood, white carnations. Refreshments were Frank Pook. Reuben Humbert, John served at card tables, with each Darby, A. E. Weils, Roy Wheeler, table adorned by a bride and groom Kenneth Donaldson, Ed Walker. Mary figurine. Miss Donaldson wore an Meager, S. A. Morris and Miss Tessie ? . attractive powder blue dress under Ruble. a navy redingote. ., At a jumbled name contest made Alfred A. Oliveris, arrested at Marshfield last Friday on the charge of placing hi» wife in a house of prostitution, pleaded guilty to the charge in circuit court here Tuesday and is to be sentenced Feb. 3. His wife, Pauline Oil vena, wan fined $20 on a vagrancy charge in Justice Bolts court at Marshfield last Friday. After serving five day» in ths county jail, »he paid (M and we* released. E. J. Wageman, arrested Monday at Marshfield on the charge of de­ frauding an innkeeper, was fined $s and sentenced to ten days in the county jail by Justice Bolt. Harry Pierce, who with three __hers war was‘arrested at North Bend others on Monday for pin ball machine manipulation, was brought to jail here. The others are out on bond. Carl Hickenlively is serving 80 days in the county jail. He was ar­ rested by the state police his week for possession of venison, Justice Bolt fining him $100 and sentencing him to 30 days. Toumament Play MON. - TUBS. - FBI. NITES Bowling 14c per line Till 6 P. M. Except Satuday GROCERY "Volume with Small Profité" it our motto Free Delivery C.OJ). Service Phone 1— Sunday , Coquille Bowling Alleys A delightful one o’clock luncheon was served Friday by Mm. Ted Sny­ der to members of her Pinochle club. Prize winners during the afternoon’s play were Mrs. Elton Savage, high score, Mrs. Clovis Church, consola­ tion and Mrs Bill Woods, travelling prize. Members present were Mes­ dames Clyde Minard, Elton Savage, Clovis Church, D. O. Ireland, Jay Car­ ter, Ted Snyder, Bill Woods and Betty Payne. Wanted any condition Davenports FURNITURE Sewing Machines SOUP w Snap Shop seii HONEY HOMINY Front A Willard 33c 49 Lb. SACK !■ $J.69 9 10c KELLOGG’S - ........... Lb. Sgclt CORN FLAKES ... ..sÄp .r"7 NOODLES LB. CELLO PKG. ST I...I. 93c 14c Oranges LARGE JABS SWEET noua KITCHEN QUEEN 49 LB. BAG r »1.39 Grape Juice Melrose 2 1b. Ju « Giontsiz« PAR Special lew JELLO PKG Assorted Flavors Tbe map that con. tedn^grycerine to oysters You will find oup merchandise uniformly high FIG quality—rotmenably priced—and our service LB. H. B. Brand -___ PEACHES isfactory. Festival 15” CATSUF 15« PEAS .10« 2 Cana Fruits GRAPEFRUIT and Vegetables ORANGES SQUASH Sweet A Juicy Hubbard *• w\. Bo.U. 10* mmï i ii i Hiw Mâ rT u m un ibili ............. . i i g wi i in sat­