♦ s 3 AND "North West Mounted Police Mrs. Ralph Rust, of Coquille, left recently for Seattle, Wash., to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wise. Mrs Wise had just returned home from Columbus Hospital, re­ covering from a major operation. ' Mrs. Ruby Kirkindall who went out to Creswell a week ago last Sunday because of her father’s illness, re­ turned Monday noon. Her husband, A. B. Kirkendall, and their son Ray, drove out to Creswell Sunday to. bring her home. Ronald, the six-year old son of Mr. and, Mrs. Marvin Thomas, who ias been quite seriously ill with rheu­ matic fever, resulting from infection from an injured hand, is showing iome improvement now. Mr. Thomas is pharmacist in Fuhrman’s Pharm­ acy, . , , • \ »MO?? Lafe Compton intends leaving to­ day to attend a session tomorrow noop of the state hotel men’s associa­ tion of which he is president. He will stop at Eugene on the way home for another hotel meeting Saturday. LIBERTY Mrs. Roy Podvent (Jimmie at the Roxy Beauty Salon) left Sunday for Seaside, where her husband is work­ ing on a national defense project. Though the Podvents are uncertain as to how long they shall be at Seaside, Jimmie has given up her work at the Roxy. GENE TIERNEY MCKIE COOPER HENRY HULL in Technicolor FRI. - - SAT. JOHN CAKRADINE, J. EDWARD BROMBERG. DONALD MEEK, Eddie Coilina, George Barbier JAN. 24 - 25 A DANDY PICTURE Pius COMEDY & NEWS For the Small Admission Kiddies 10c Adults 20c ADMISSION GREATER THAN “UNION PACIFIC” MIGHTIER THAN “THE PLAINSMAN” yik garv v COOPER 1 Mrs. Chas. Stauff is recovering nicely from an operation she under­ went at the Belle Knife Hospital Tuesday morning. BF WITHERS os a Bowery spitfire on her own in Park Avenue I J I L JHI fROM AUBttXA k KENT TAYLOR KATHARINE ALDRIDGE ELYSE KNOX LAURA HOPE CHEWS JESSIE RALPH HARRY SHANNON VAUGHAN GLASui - RAND BROOKS 1 -. . . " ~ I i I ^^rpAUSHli '’GODDARD ROBERT PRESTON ' ¿vWiiB*- «L S & fc' ? LYNNE OVERMAN / w* * ' ION MATINEE SAT. 1:45 CHANEY Jr WED. THUR. CECIL B. D e MILLE’S > Coquille Shoe Shop 1 NORTH WEST {MOUNTED POLICE] ns wmw s, CECm OtMIUf Matinee Sun. 1:45 Mat. 10c & 20c DICK ULIN POWELL DREW ADMISSION 15c A 20c Latest News Evenings 7:00 A 0:25 Eve. 10c A 40c