INDBPBNDKNT NBWSPAPBjl —— Good Response To C. of C. Drive I Coquille Flying Club Organized In Operalion In Coos Co. Soon Eva English Will Recover Treasurer Calls $44,283 Warrants 0. L Wood Chosen Chairman of City Council C. M. Howard, chairman of the Including the six who came over Reports from the Coquille Hospital County Treasurer Chas. Stauff this Chamber of Commerce membership from the Bay for the aviation meet- this morning _ are that . . . _ __________ _ week has caUed quite a lot of Coos little Eva Eng- committee, reported at the Chamber’s ing here last Sunday evening, there lish, 27-mon ths old daughter of Mr. county warrants, the total for princi­ noon session Tuesday that up to that were more than two dozen present, and Mrs. ~ Howard English of this city, pal and interest aggregating »56, time »1,317.50 had been pledged, young mep who are interested la is steadily improving now and that 454.45. »414.50 of It paid in cash. He also re- learning to fly. she will recover. General road fund warrants called The »6500 which the county court t ported that more than fifteen new Among the members of the Coos She suffered the fracture of both are those issued from July 1, 1939, to In the absence of Mayor Milne at ordered this week to be loaned to the i names would be on the list of mem- Bay Flying club present were Ralph legs above the knees about noon Sun- Jan. 1, 1940, the principal sum of, Monday evening’s council session. State Welfare commission’s revolving ! bers for 1941, members who had not Wilson, Charleston merchant, who is day, when Wayne Schrader, 11 which amounts to »36,546.11. They City Attorney Tailant Grsenough fund will be returned eventually to > previously been affiliated. national president for Oregon of the old youth, becked his car at th will draw »1,461.84 in interest. called to order and called for nom­ the county. The loan places Coos i A very fine response had been Aeronautical association. He gave a sembly of God church and I Mr. Stauff says that there are inations for chairman of the council. county in line with the other counties i given to the chamber’s questionnaire fine talk on aviation, as did Denton her, a wheel running over her »4,967.19 worth of road fund warrants Everett Seeley placed O. L. Wood of the state and sets up the Food as to what the body could do to fur­ Clark, instructor at the Bay, who, He had started to cut across previously called which have not yet in nomination and the latter nom­ Stamp plan here in which all dealers ther progress in Coquille. The many gave data on plane costs, flying the parking pavement in fro been presented for redemption. inated C. M. Gray. When the ballot in food may participate if they sign replies will be compiled and present­ field requirements,^ nd other needed the church, between the grast The market road fund warrant call had been taken, Mr. Wood was de­ up for it. ed as soon as the committee can get information. and the pole at the comer but is for the month of February last clared elected and presided during The Food Stamp plan was devised it done. ’> * * Hannevold, of this city, who a car came down the hill on J year, and amounts to »4,849.84, plus the meeting. to do away with a great deal of the President Stewart appointed the ¡4 member of the Oregon Eagles street he backed up. interest of »194. A petition signed by . 13 property expense under which the relief bodies following committees: Fifing TlUb which owns its owrt Dr. Kennedy, at the Coquille On this fund warrants previously owners requested the grading and have been operating.and was planned Budget—C. M. Howard, Dr. J. D. plane and uses the Arago field, has Jtital .where the little girl was t called and not yet presented for graveling to a 16-foot width of Fifth • fl ta aid In disposing of surplus com­ Rankin, Dr. R. F« Milne. been instrumental in getting the Co- said if she had been on the cot payment amount to »1,136.26. street between Heath and Division modities—food. Publicity—M F Pettit, Geo. H. quille club started and expressed the her legs would have been mash The Non-High School District fund and 150 feet on Division south from A person who is drawing a benefit Jenkins,' L. W. Claver and H. A. hope that there would be a larger Her parents were inside the el warrants are called up to No. 4869, Fifth. The city attorney was in­ check every month from the relief Young. number present at the next meeting, and the little tot had slipped o and are for those issued between Dec. structed to check the signatures and agency can purchase with whatever Saturday Night Opening—L. w. Sunday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p. th .i at ¡play with other youngsters, 1, 1939, and Feb, 33, I960. The war­ ascertain if there were sufficient portion of his funds he may think Claver, Lafe Compton, R. A. Jeub, the city hall. No one saw the acident, n rants amount to 313,887.66 with ac- signers to warrant the council going necessary for food, a bunch of orange J. L. Smith. R. F. Milne and H. A. crued interest amounting to 4*15. Temporary officers elected wore ik known just how she got ba< ahead with the improvement. colored stamps. To these will be Young. Sunday were Ernest R Smith, chair- the car when young Schrader The application of Lafe Compton On this fund interest has stopped added without cost a bunch ot blue j- Delegates to County C of C.—J. E. man; Marcus Shelley, Jr, secretary; just pulled across hte comer. No on »1,232.29 worth of warrants which for permislson to alter the ground stamps totalling 50 per cent of the Norton; Dr. R F. Milne. Alternates, Paul Harmon, treasurer. have not been presented for payment, and upper floors of the hotel by cut­ charges were preferred. value of the orange stamps. These Lafe Compton, H. A. Young. Leo Sohler, as a representative of although they were called some time ting a shaft, seven and one-half feet blue stamps may be used to pur­ Geo. H. Jenkins reported that his the Coquille Junior Chamber of Com­ square for the elevator to be in­ ago- chase any Item on the list of surplus correspondence with Weather Ob­ merce, helped get the club organized stalled soon, was granted. commodities—all participating stores server Wells in Portland was fa­ by presiding at the first meeting. Alterations and improvements in will have such a list posted. vorable to the establishment of a the Gregg Hardware building and the To ilustrate: A man receives a »20 weather station in Coquille. Quelle Cafe were also approved. Jir. and Mrs. Wesley Downs and relief check. He decides »8 of it will The Chamber must recommend Restaurant licenses were granted daughter. Agnes, came in from Port ­ be spent for food. He purchased »8 some one who will be responsible for to Glen Claver for the Roxy confec­ land. Tuesday where they had boon worth of orange stamps and is then the instruments and for the daily re­ tionery, the Tom Morris, Oliver L. since the first of the year until after given »4 worth of blue stamps which cordings as shown by thermometer or Crumb and J. E. Hendricks eating Postmaster M. O. Hawkins reports the death and burial of his father, A delegation of about 25 was he can use only to purchase surplus gauge. that postal receipts for 1940 showed Rfv. T. H. Downs, which occurred present at the session of the city places on First street, and a card room commodities, Geo. A. Ulett, who returned re­ an increase of 6.1 per cent over the ten days ago. council Monday evening to request license was granted T. Verle John­ There is a severe penalty on both cently from Los Angeles, reported 1939 receipts, and that other receipts The Rev. Mr. Downs was pastor of that the city forbid bill board adver­ son for the Casino. the dealer and the buyer for viola­ that a motion picture of the plywood The annual report of the city treas­ showed about the same percentage the M. E. Church here for a couple tising of alcoholic beverages of any tion of tha agreement to use the blue industry was arranged for at the urer, which appears elsewhere in thia Increase. That is considered a very of years, having been transferred to kind within the city limits. stamps for sufplus comodities only. meeting down there and that some of excellent showing considering there another field 24 years ago. The reason for the aroused senti­ issue, was accepted. The stamps may be used by the re­ the film wiH show sections of the Street lights were authorized at was no unusual activity in Coquille ment in favor of such a prohibition Service and interment were in tailer to pay his bills to the whole­ Oregon coast as well as the opera­ the Twelfth and Elliott intersectian last year. Portland where he and Mrs. Downs was that a national advertising saler, or for any purpose he desires, tion of plywood plants in Oregon. The 1940 receipts were »25,95445; have resided for the past ten years. agency has recently set up a bill and on north Henry near the city and they are cashed by the state’s J. L. Smith asked for a showing of limits—the Fairview road. the 1939, »24,895.75, the increase Mr. Downs was bora Feb. 14, 1865, board sign on the lot serose the street central office which in turn presents hands as to who would attend the Specifications as to what the city’s being »1258.50. south of the high school. in Devonshire, England; he came to them to the government agency which Coos Outlook Conference banquet liability insurance should cover Mrs. C. C. Farr spoke for the group, -------------------------- th* U United States shortly before the redeems them out ot the government’s to be held in I. O. O. F. hall here presented by the finance mentioning the fact that the highway of the century and to Oregon 36 funds which Rave beeq appropriated Friday evening of next week. for relief purposes. The Coquille Chamber of Com­ » board advertising along the highways appears elsewhere in this The county’s »6500 loan is merely merce was asked to arrange 8ar the 1 Another call for bids, and that many towns and cities have used by the state agency in redeem­ banquet entertainment and the Corn­ this week, is for pipe needed Io run adopted ordinances at this kind. The hot Coquille Red Devils bas­ ing the stamps as they are presented field Canaries* singing was the first from the point on the Myrtle Point Rev. H. L. Graybeal also spoke, stat ­ and which are later paid for by the thing thought at. Mr. Smith stated ketball team will meet the Myrtle ing that the constant sight of such an highway, where the 10-inch water government agency. they had no new songs and that the Point Bobcats up there tomorrow adv. as the bill board above mention­ line down hill from the reservoir to (Friday) evening. “ B ” squads of the • J. E. Norton is Coos county chair­ Canaries were a little diffident about ed could not fail to have an effect on the Smith plant, crosses the highway, man of the Food Stamp plan and is appearing again with the songs which two schools will play the prelimin­ to Front street and down that street. the youth of the city. ary. assisted on the committee by Robert they have sung many times before. The city engineer reported that the On motion the council voted that The other game scheduled for Fri­ A. Classon, North Bend; Everett Hurt, He was assured that the public al­ the mayor, the city attorney and a old wooden main, Installed nine or Marshfield; James Croxall, Ban­ ways enjoys the Canaries' singing, day is non-conference, the Astoria ’ special committee should investigate ten years ago is not in WF good don; Geo. H. Jenkins, Coquille. whether the words are old or new, high team playing North Bend an and recommend the wording of such shape. This wffitarovide a second J A great deal of that money stays and that the Coquille Chamber would the latter’s court. an ordinance for the council to act main on Front until such time as the Next Tuesday, Jan. 28, the Marsh- 1 right here in the county as it is be well represented at the banquet. wooden line fails completely. . “JP®®-________ buying locally produced commodities When contacted last evening at Ban­ field Pirates play the Red Devils On motion the council voted to in­ The committee named consists of here, and Myrtle Point plays at Ndfih which are on the surplus food list at don, E. D. Webb stated that he did Where Senate and House stall septic tanks for those who have Councilmen Claire Gray, George Tay ­ present. Nearly three-quarters of not know whether he would be able Bend. Bills Can Be Seen lor and Dr. G. E. Stark. They will no opportunity to connect with the the food on the surplus list are grown to sing with the Canaries or not, due Senator Wm. E. Walsh has placed report at the February 3 session of sewer, for those who apply, the cost either in the county or within the to a cold he contracted on his return to be assessed against the property the Coquille Valley Sentinel the the council. state. trip from the east. and paid over a term of years, as Coquille Library and the Coquille Mass meetings to discuss opera­ J. E. Norton reported on the first sewer improvements are paid. Chamber of Commerce on the mailing President’s Birthday Ball To tions of the Food Stamp plan with all County Chamber of Commerce meet­ LeRoy Harrison was present to list at Salem to receive copies at all Be Held Here February 1 food retailers have been called at ing, held at Marshfield the evening discuss with the council the sidewalk bills introduced in both houses, all In addition to the enthusiasm the _________________ ____________ , __ county seats for western and southern before. Elton Schroeder, who was recently improvement which the city, to com­ crowd at the basketball game here resolutions and memorials and the ; Oregon. The one to be held here appointed Coos county chairman for ply with the agreement made some daily calendars of each branch of the showed in the Red Devil ’ s sparkling | - will be at 8 p. m. on Friday of next play—that is all except the North legislature. They are available for the President’s Birthday Ball, has years ago, must lay on the east side S' week, Jan. 31, in the circuit court named Pat Hayes as CoamJe chair­ of Hall between Front and First Bend supporters—the music by the inspection by anyone interested in room. man and Ham Thrift for Myrtle Point. streets. Mr. Harrison is naturally any measure or the legislature's abil ­ C. H. S. band brought forth a groat The two are working co-operatively anxious to have the street and walk deal of praise and favorable com­ ity. Arthur Ellingson’s Sisters and tickets sold by either fpr the ball in front of his barber shop put in Contract bridge is a cinch, accord­ ment. which will be on Saturday night of shape, but as the fill there Is still Are All Here Now ing to Sam Gordon, The Kibitzer, Their repertoire consisted of more Ed Rose Appointed next week, Feb. 1, will be honored settling and may for three or four All of the sisters of Arthur Elling­ who wHl be here for a series at con­ snappy numbers, played in excellent at either place. The Coquille dance years yet, a concrete walk and curb, Constable At Bandon tract bridge lesson-lectures today, son are now here, due to his most time, and with the coordination of serious condition. He rallied a little Friday and Saturday, January 23, 24 each section making it a real pleas­ The county court yesterday ap­ will be in “Dreamland” on West First which was the agreement, would street, and the Myrtle Point dance crack and break. yesterday but there was no improve­ and 25, in Coquille Hotel, sponsored ure to hear band music. pointed Ed Rose of Bandon as con­ City Engineer Gearhart suggested ment in his condition. Those who by Woman’s Club. Mr. Cauthers has a school band stable for district No. 6. W. T. Lind­ at the Coquille Valley Country Club House. Admission will be »1.00 per that a black-top walk and curb, sim­ He says the only alm of two part ­ arrived yesterday were Mrs. Wm. which any school in the state might sey who was elected to the office last couple. ilar to that along the highway out Martin, of Fresno, Calif., and Mrs. ners in a bridge game is to tell each well be proud of. November failed to qualify. Sunday, Jan. 26, is to be observed to the high sohool would make a good Maud Duggan, of Alameda, Calif. other how many tricks they expect as "Infantile Paralysis Sunday,” when improvement, and Mr. Harrison fin­ They were accompanied by a niece, to take; and what is their best trump prominence will be given to the ef­ ally agreed to that sort of a job. The Mrs. Geo. King, also of Alameda. Mrs. suit, if any; and that’s all. And to forts to stamp out this disease. city agrees to keep the walk in repair give that information, a player need Ellen Carl, another sister, has been for ten years. here for some time, and his other four not be a civili engineer, a statistician Mr. Gearhart informed the coun­ sisters reside in the Coquille valley. nor a clairvoyant. Episcopal Church Held cil that the ten-year repair cost would All he needs is to learn the few A well attended meeting of the benefit to Coos county Where so not be as much as the city saves in basic rules and signals used by ex­ Coos County Chamber of Commerce many different kinds, of minerals Annual Meeting Sunday The annual meeting of St. James' laying black-top instead of concrete. perts and other practical players, was held in Marshfield Monday eve­ abound would be the appropriation February 3 was the date set for which is the Horse Sense method, ning, all the chambers of commerce of 'funds by the legislature for the Mission was held Sunday at the par­ the only requirements to play an ac­ in the county being represented. State Mining Bureau, so that in c rea l ish house after the morning services the hearing on the petitions of Geo. ceptable bridge game. President Wallace Dement, of Myrtle ed investigation of Coos’ mineral Before the business meeting, there A. Ulett and Mrs. Bonnie Walker for Junior Chamber of Commerce mem- was one of those fine Episcopalian the vacation of portions of Maple and His method of counting tricks is Point, conducted the session which resources could be carried on. bers will select their officers for 1941 the natural way any player would was a dinner meeting at the Chandler. Myrtle streets in the east section of Another matter considered was that potluck dinners. at a meeting scheduled for Monday use if he were not confused by too Annual reports were given by the the city, portions of those streets One of the important decisions on this section’s set-up when a fourth evening in the banquet room of the many suggestions. You merely total agreed upon was that of asking for congressional districts is formed in various committees during the busi­ which cannot be Used for street pur­ hotel. Nominees suggested by the up your aces, kings, queens, and the highway work on the Bunker Hill- Oregon. Portland naturally would ness meeting. Officers elected for poses nominating committee include George tricks you expect to trump. All Coquille section of the Coast High­ like to have a second congressman 1941 were: L. H. Hazard, senior The street committee was requested Gratke,' president; Delos Richardson ( other departments of the gtJne are way, even before the North Bend- from the lower Willamette valley dis­ warden; H. N. Lorenz, junior warden; to investigate the need for limiting and Ray Mattoon, vice president; treated in the same vein of airrtplidity. Marshfield section is more than bare­ trict, but the county chamber is op-' Clarence Osika, clerk; Charles Stauff, parking to one side only of those Marcus Shelley and Tom Stevens, ly started. posing khat by seeking to have the treasurer; Alton Grimes, Harry Slack streets on which the paving is narrow secretary; Max Morgan, Ludwig Coos Bar Association To Several of those attending spoke on districts so laid out that the new and Luckey Bonney, members of the and where there is only room for one Scharfer and Tom Stevens, treasurer; Bishop’s committee; L, H, Hazard and car'to^pass between if cars are parked the matter of securing national de- Hold Annual Meet Saturday Lawrence Gulsetk, Delos Richardson, •Charles Stauff, delegates to the dib- opposite“ one'IhS&ier. OM street in fense contracts for induslries in this section. - > Harold Stehens, Ludwig Scharfer and cesan annual meeting at Corvallis particular was. mentioned by Coun- The annual meeting of the Coos section^ One was that of the con- Dues of »10 from each chamber of | Gray—Henry north of the.. Rev. T. H. Downs Buried At Portland Postal Receipts Up 5.1 Per Cent Coquille To Hoy At Myrtle Point Friday Prohibition Of Liquor Bill Board Advertising Asked g,‘ ** Played Mighty Snappy Music The Kibitzer At Hotel Three Days Coos Chamber Of Commerce Acts On Highway, Defense, District Matters Grotke To Head Junior C. of C. s When the officers hsVe been elect­ ed, the business session 4rill be closed to make way for a card party and Dutch lunch. Each Junior Chamber member is inviting a guest for the election celebration party. business meeting will take place in the afternoon and at 6:30 o’clock the attorneys and their guests will sit down to a banquet served by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Maloney. by the Kruse A Banks shipyard at the'Bay. The Port at Bandon’s yard at Prosper could be used as an auxili­ ary to the plant at the Bay. Another matter -which would be at A baby boy, Weighing seven pound#“ Mrs. Frank Tlgrift, Mrs. R E. three oupces, was born to Mr. Boober and Mrs. H. 3. Norton spent Mrs. Oscar Mintonye at the Friday in North Bend with Mrs. John quille Hosiptal last Saturday.