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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1941)
Myrtle Pt. Townsend Officers I ns tolled J. E. Norton, chairman of the Food , Stamp Plan for Coos county, said Monday morning that he had mailed the names of all food dealers in the county to the area director in Port- '■ land and that a meeting at which the plan would be explained would probably be held in Coquille the middle of next week. Under the direction of the U. S. * Keys made for su loca» Stevens Washington, D. C., Jan. 8—Isola Department of Agriculture, the Food Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf tionists in congress, and not all by Stamp Plan is designed to move sur- Provisions of the law, approved any distortion of word meaning may plus crops off over-laden farms into be called appeasers, are demanding last June, to prevent subversive ac , the homes of under-consuming fami that the peace aims of the British be tivities also may be regarded as an lies. set forth clearly if American aid is essential part of the national defense With statewide coverage 68,000 to be furnished for their attainment. ' program. These make it unlawful persons or approximately 60 per cent 1 for any person to knowingly or will- There is practical unanimity of sen of those eligible will purchase food timent favorable to Great Britain and ' fully advocate, abet, advise, or teach 1 stamps each month. For every dol none whatever for Hitler, his military ' the duty, necessity, desirability or lar spent for orange food stamps, clique or the ideology which governs propriety of overthrowing by force which are good for any and all foods them. | any government in the United States; at neighborhood markets, fifty cents What the isolationists want to know to print or publish any matter having in blue surplus food stamps are giv —and what they will demand in the' a similar purpose, or to organise or en free. These are good only for the debates over President Roosevelt’s, help organise any group or society | purchase of surplus foods. In Coos recommendations—is a frank presen who teach or advocate the overthrow county the estimated participants is tation of what is to follow conclusion by force of any government fn the set at 1560. of the' war in the event of Hitler’s, United States. Value of blue stamps issued annu- failure to subdue England; whether it i ally in Oregon is estimated at $1,500,-. Despite the protestations of Presi is the purpose of the British to at 000. ' Based on consumption studies tempt restoration of the governments dent Roosevelt that labor gains shall throughout fhe west, this Is expected not be destroyed because of war overthrown by Hitler and the re-es to increase consumption of butter by tablishing of national boundaries as emergency and that no social reforms 675,000 pounds; apples by. 250,000 they existed prior to the opening of shall be abandoned, the national de pounds; eggs by 675,000 dozens; pork fense act itself provides plainly and hostilities. and pork lard by 1,500,000 pounds, Such an effort, it is authoritatively 'concisely the authority to require with other foods on the list sharing more than a 40-hour week of laborers stated, would call for the employ . proportionately.____________ _____ - . ment, of- th^ full »<»■ Iff ***.!■ I On the surplus food list at the strength of the United States and for activities. R (SOURCES present time are apples, pears, Irish There are many other provisions the use on European battlefields of i potatoes, oranges, grapefruit, cab- at least six million men. The mere of the national defense act the en Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $45,756,181.67 • bage, onions, butter, raisins, rice, failure of Hitler to conquer England forcement of which, under a claim United States Bonds (Mi at per er Lm) 33,447,404.69 pork lard, pork (ail cuts, fresh, in- would not necessarily mean the mil of emergency, will greatly surprise : eluding chilled or frozen, pickled, Municipal Bonds and Warrants......... .................. itary defeat of Germany, it is de the public. Not all of them received salted, cured, smoked, but not cooked clared, and this latter Great Britain even casual mention in press reports Other Bonds.................................................................. or packed in metal or glass contain while the measure was being consid could not bring about alone. Loans and Discounts — Money at Work In Oregon .. ers), corn meal, eggs, dried prunes, ered in congress. One thing may be | hominy (corn) grits, dry edible beans, taken for granted, however: Indi- ; Stock in Federal Reserve Bank................ .............. What was accomplished by the wheat flour and whole wheat (gra congress recently adjourned in be vidual liberties will be restricted to ham ) flour. Bank Premises, Furniture snd Fixtures................ half of national defense has not been an even greater degree than they I The Food Stamp Plan in finding a Other Real Estate......................................................... were during world war No. 1, and stated in press dispatches and no I new market among needy persons for Customers’ Liability on Acceptances.................... .. summary will be prepared for the the restoration of these liberties will , these foods is proving a great boon reason that its significance will be constitute a harder problem when ' to Oregon agriculture. Interest Earned.............................................................. minimized by further steps which peace again comes to an embittered Other Resources............................................................ world. will be taken by the congress now Thumbnail Sketch Of C om in session. There are, however, a $140,073,933.69 Total Resources Senator In Oregon Voter few highlights to which attention may Game Commission To Sell properly be called without pretense Unclaimed Deer Hides The Oregon Voter in its “Who’s of covering the entire subject. A new plan for handling unclaimed Who in the 1941 Legislature” issue Capital $3,000,( , The defense program appropriaUon deer and elk hides held by cold stor last Saturday presented the following approved last September was for age and locked plants of the state has thumbnail sketch of Coos and Curry Surplus ............................................... 3,000,1 $9,133,189,277, from which were as counties’ state senator: been announced by the Oregon State .Undivided Profits ............................... 2,555,1 signed sums for army, navy, air Game Commission. Reserves for Contingencies................ 1,806,1 ship construction, to provide manu Instead of destroying the hides, the facturing facilities, housing and aU various plants will ship hides to the Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, Etc. the minor items necessary to the car Portland office for sale to the highest Acceptances............................................ .......... rying out of army and navy expan bidder. One-half of the net proceeds sion. To this sum many supplemental Interest Collected in Advance......................... will be returned to the plants to re appropriations were added in the imburse them for handling the skins. Other Liabilities............ ............................. concluding days of the session and Before shipment is made, the plants more money was requested by Presi Deposits ................... ............................................ will first notify the Commission of dent Roosevelt in his address to the the number of hides on hand and Total Liabilities $140,073,933.69 session Monday of this week. state police officers will then check and tag the hides before shipping. A further provision of the national In announcing the new plan, the defense act removes all limitations Game Commission makes it clear that as to the enlisted strength of the any individual has the right to claim regular army and as to the number the hide of a deer or elk he has killed of retired officers who may be called legally and if properly tagged, he to active duty. This opens the doors may have it tanned and made up into to the creation of an armed force of articles of clothing. No individual whatever size President Roosevelt has the right, however, to sell or bar and the war department may desire ter such hides. BEAUTY, AND SAFETY-FOR-SEEING SEE THESE NEW INEXPENSIVE LIGHT-CONDITIONERS) Way ountain States » Power Co« 'A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise” ' I’m Public MH..«.', ri. 14». ' A ■ Phone 155 Coquille 231 No. Taylor 'UL*"*'" • i» -C<..