The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 26, 1940, Image 1

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Slide Covers
Highway West
Of The Dike
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Fifty-Year Resident
Of Bridge
Buried Sunday
Just as we go to press, Graydon
Anderson who lives just over from
the foothills beyond Fat Elk, reports
that hundreds of tons of earth and
rock cover the highway at the Hath­
away point, just west of the dike
on the Bandon road. He did not
know for how long a distance the
slide had covered the highway, feet
deep, but said the rocks and earth are
still sliping down the hillside where
th* big cut was made at the time
the dike was raised a couple of years
ago last summer.
Even the plateau to the right, going
toward Bandon, is hardly safe to
use as a detour.
The dike is going to have a thorough
test, the first real one since it was
raised, for indications are now that
the water in the marsh, with the
steady rain and the high tides this
week-end, wiH reach a higher point
than it has tor a great many years.
Saturday morning, while the tide
was high, water was over the high­
way to Marshfield at three places—
Delmar, Shingle
House Slough
bridge, and Sleepy Hollow, this way
from the new construction at Bunker
reading, 29 here, the same as it was
ia Portland was lower than anyone
here ever recalls to have seen it.
The storm of wtad,’raln, thunder and
lightning ol the last
that the barometer
this time.
Funeral services were held at the
Gano Funeral Home here at 2:80 last
Sunday afternoon for A. O. Hooton
who passed away at his home at
Bridge last Tuesday after a protract­
ed illness.
The services were conducted by a
friend of 30 years’ acquaintance, Tur­
ner B. McDonald of Port Orford and
The Sentinel has no hopes of get­
Jas. Fitzpatrick, who sold the City a great many friends were present to
ting all the stories erf danger vicis­
Cleaners establishment here last pay their last respects to a man whom
situdes and hardships caused by the
May, and Mrs. Mae Logan, sister of they had loved and admired for
winds, rain and high water of the
Mrs C. A. Machon who has made her yean.
.• ’*
r - ’
past week, but thg trip from Illahe r . Welcome
Interment was in the Myrtle Point
here for several years, are to
New Year’s new* to Co­
Graydon Anderson, who lives in
to Myrtle • Point, made a few daya quille is the announcement that the
the Elmer Shull house, half a mile be married in Portland Sunday at
Amzi Otis Hooton was born in
ago was as strenuous as any yet re­ terms of a renewal of Lafe Campton’s from his home place on the hill, the home of the groom’s brother, C
Illinois, Sept. 11, 1887, and came to
lease on the Coquille Hotel has been across the valley from town, beyond A. Fitzpatrick.
Ernest Schneider, formerly Myrtle agreed upon with the property’s own- Fat Elk, had a harrowing experience
After a wedding dinner at the hotel maks his home at Bridge when he
Point {postmaster, who now lives at
th* newlyweds wiU go to Newport wss 23 yeaiji Of aga. —........... — —
Mr. Hooton was a Christian gentle­
Iflahe, recently fell and injured his man.
For a time it was uncertain wheth- where Fitz has just purchased the
back. Then when Mrs. Schneider
a kindly man, one who was al­
The new lease, which has been i er he would escape death in the riv­ Newport Cleaners which name he
was taken sick with the flu they de­ sept to the owners for their signa­
ways ready to extend a helping hand
er's flood waters which have com­ will change to City Cleaners.
cided they should go to Myrtle Point. tures, is for a period of ten years.
He is to take possession next whenever the occasion demanded it,
pletely covered the valley to the
Their son-in-law, Burl Rutledge,
Thursday. He left for Newport to­ an unusually capable man who could
An elevator, to be installed in the south and west.
of Coquille, went over to bring them. near future and costing about 85,000,
He had gone over to the bam by day; Mrs. Logan is to join him there and would do well whatever he un­
They got started and all went well is one of the lease provisions. Anoth­
dertook. His kindly acta, will long
boat earlier in the day and about the Saturday and they will go from there
till they reached the Hayes place er is for a 310,000 investment over a time the gale struck, around four to Portland.
be remembered by all those who
above Powers. The bridge was out period of years in new furniture and o’clock, had started for home.
Mr. Fitzpatrick has travelled all knew him.
there and the waters had loosened the equipment for all the rooms, redeco­
One of his chief sources of interest
The wind and current were alto­ over the state during the past seven
fill which has been the new route. rating throughout, and Mr. Compton
gether too much for him to cut across months, looking for a location and and one in which he took a great
By driving through the Hayes field plans on several improvements in
quartering, but before he gave up finally decided to remain on the Ore­ delight was Hooton’* Haven, a grove
they managed to continue until the the kitchen at his own expense.
on his farm, which he had made a
trying, he was half a mile or more gon coast.
car slipped off the poles with which
The many friends of the contract­ most attractive, spot and where his
The elevator will be installed in from the house, and over the Detlef-
the road is paved, a distance above the southwest corner of the lobby, sen place.
ing parties will extend congratula­ friends frequently gathered to en­
Powers. A car from the latter town where the steps to the wash room are
There, with the boat shipping lots tions to this popular couple whom joy the Hooton hospitality. Many
went out and brought them as far as now located, between the desk and
of water, and having to bail out they will find on the highway in private and community picnics as
Broadbent, or this side, where the the stairway, and will run from th*
constantly, he caught hold of a wil­ Newport, in a house adjoining the well as family gatherings have been
water was over the road two feet or basement to the third floor. The en­
low tree, tied it with two ropes, building where his business is lo- held in the park for years.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Zua Hoot­
trance to the wash room will be stuffed magazines inside his shirt to cated.
Another phone call brought a car moved to the south, into the hallway
on, he is survived by three daughters,
keep out the biting wind, made a
from Myrtle Point and after the sick which now leads to the barber shop
Mrs. Louisa M. Hutton, of Coquille;
break of loose boards in the bottom
and injured had walked through and Fuhrman’s Pharmacy.
Miss Eva Maude Hooton, of Bridge,
of th* boat, and prepared to spend the
water up to their knees or higher,
and Mrs. Dorothy Moon, of Myrtle
Mr. Compton could not state just night if necessary.
they finally reached the car
how soon the elevator will be ready
However, as the wind died down,
Rex Sean, eight year’old son of brought them safely to Myrtle
t for use but it is to be installed soon.
He is also survived by a sister, Mrs.
he decided to veinture it once more,
At the installation of officers tor
Mn. Glen Rlgsley of Sixes river is in
Latest reports say that both Mr
Mr. Powers and Mr. Zimmerman and managed to reach the house, Chadwick Lodge. No. 88, A. F. It A. Mary E. Roper, of Springfield, Mo.;
a serious condition at the Belle Knife and Mrs. Schneider are recovering
his step mother, Mrs. Anna E. Hoot­
were referred to as the owners. They cotapletaly exhausted.
M., which will be held in Masonic
hospital as the result of injuries re­ and have suffered no ill effects from
now own it on foreclosure from the k 2^s brother, Darrell, had seen hall, tomorrow evening, St. John’s on, of Marshfield; a half sister, Mrs.
ceived during that hard blow last
Anna Calvin, of Kansas City. Mo.;
iQpquille Investment CoM with the GaaNkn
Gwprdon leev*
leave th*,
the barn.
barju- Th*
The n*at
Saturday evenirflt
year for redemption ending in Febru­ time he looked the boat was not to Julius Ruble, will install the incom­ and three half brothers, Walter E.
A large tree limb was driven down
ary. It is most gratifying to every­ be seen. Mrs. Mary Anderson most ing master, R. A. Jeub. The others Hooton, of Kingman, Kansas; Os­
through the' roof of the house in
car D. Hooton, of Rolling Bay, Wash.,
one who has anything to do with the naturally was thoroughly frightened, to be installed are:
which he was sleeping with his two
and Clarence H. Hooton, of Marsh­
hotel—and nearly everyone does have almost panic stricken, when he did
cousins whom he was visiting for the
field, Mo.
at one time or another—that Mr. and not come.
W B. McLarrin, junior warden.
night. Rex suffered a fractured jaw.
Calls to Coquille caused Officer
L. H. Hazard, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Burr, who Mrs. Compton are to continue its
now- complicated with infection and
operation, and it is no secret that he
E. E. Leslie, secretary.
serious head lacerations. The older returned last week from their busi­ Ts greatly pleased for he slated last Leichty, of the state police, and Geo.
Oilman to start in one boat; Ted
R. C. Johnson, senior deacon.
cousin, Thomas Basey, 12, when he ness and pleasure trip east, on which
week that they wanted to remain Snyder, fire chief and others went in
Lee Hand, junior deacon.
heard the tree crashing, crawled over they traveled 9,133 miles and went as
here if satisfactory arrangements another, and there were many others,
J. F. McLarrin, chaplain.
above his two-year old brother, far east as Ft. Wayne, Ind., were
could be made.
names not learned, who were asaist-
A. Cliffoiu Kern, senior steward.
For the first time in 17 years all
Lloyd, and neither of them were in­ gone a little over seven weeks.
The new lease does not include tbe ing io the search.
Stanley Ayers, junior steward.
the children of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
other rental occupancies on the build­
Graydon thought it must be long
Julius Ruble, marshal.
Knight were together at the home
The Basey cabin is about six miles Ft. Wayne where International trucks
ing’s ground floor.
after midnight when he reached
J. E. Quick, tyler.
place, eight miles .above Myrtle
the nt
highway, are manuaftetured and at Rock Is-
up the Sixes from tne
home, but it lacked an hour and a
The installation of officers of Point, for a family reunion and
where a mining claim is being land, IBs , where the tractors he
half of 12 when he was welcomed Beulah Chapter, No. 6, of which Christmas celebration and many
by his mother and brother.
Mn. Gladys Gano is to be worthy friends had also been invited for the
erywhere, industry running at top
matron, succeeding Mrs. Maxine occasion.
speed, and all plants where defense
Jeub, will be held on Thursday of
material is
manufactured closely
The turkey, which centered the
Coach “Spike” Leslie says he does
next week, Jan. 2.
table for the dinner, was raised by
They visited Mr. Burr’s relatives not anticipate any basketball cham­
Mr. Knight especially for the occa­
pionship for Coquille High this com­
sion. It weighed 38 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miller and
Steelville, Mo., the members of the ing season in the Coos county high
Sons and daughters, their wives
Singing telegrams, which require
son, Roger, came over from Tula
Clinton family clan who did not emi­ school league, but adds that the team the messenger to warble happy birth­
husbands and children who were
Lake, south of Klamath Falls Tues­
is developing and showing improve­
present were Messrs, and Mesdames
day greetings to the recipient, have
day to spend Christmas with his sis­ grate to Oregon.
They went east by the central route ment all the time and will make it become quite popular the past few
J. W. Knight, Maxine and Jo Anna,
ter, Mrs. Anna Rooney, her sister,
In the presence of a few friends
and returned by the southern, stop­ an interesting game to watch, who­ months, but the first one received
from Eugene; Earle Smith, from San
Mrs. June Walker, and to see their
and relatives at the home of the
ping for a side trip into Mexico, and
at the local Western Union station groom’s parents, Mr. and Mn. Gus Francisco; Linton Boyd, from Dallas,
many old Coquille friends. It is 12
at Fort Bliss in Texas, where 5,000 predictions as to who might be the last week was the first for Donna
Texas; Robert Aiken, Coquille; L. E.
years since they left Coquille for the
McCulloch, on North Henry street,
U. 6. troops are stationed and in league leader but after seeing North Dean Bosserman, messenger girl at
Knight, Allegany; Elmer Knight and
northern California point where they
training and where an army canton­ Bend, led by the smooth-performing the depot here. It was for F. S.
from Grants Paas; Guy
now reside. Their elder son, Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. John Session, became
ment for 20,000 men is in process of Sammy Crowell, play Reedsport last Emei^y, from his brother on the
Bell, Coquille. Three of the older of
is in the aviation section of the navy
building. Of interest in'this timbered week, and has quite a high opinion Atlantic coast. Donna Dean tried
the 17 grandchildren, to all of whom
with the prospects that he may re­
Tuesday evening, Dec. 24.
section is the statement that a billion of Vic Adam’s proteges.
Mr. Knight gave a dollar bill, were
every way possible to get out of de­
ceive an appointment to the naval
On his own team he lists nine
feet of lumber will have been used
Marjorie Knight, Wanda Lu Bell
academy at Annapolis soon. H*
decorated in keeping with the holi­
when the buildings are all finished. men who will be on the school’s A wanted togive him the message over
and Norman Hamilton.
now stationed in the east
The target range there is a mere squad—Charles
It is not necessary to add that they
the phone, or at his home, but Furb grin wedding march, the words were
_______ > —: — ■
Crouch, Bud Trendell, Duane Terry,
350,000 acres in size.
insisted on delivery in person at spoken which made them man and enjoyed a wonderful Christmas day.
Mr. Burr said he returned with the
once. Finally she went down to the wife, by C. Adrian Sias, of the Church
same air in the tires with which he Terry, Ralph Duncanson and LeRoy plant where pretty near half the em­
of Christ.
started, that he had no accident of
ployees were gathered with Furb
Delbert A. Donaldson, the groom’s
any kind, did not run out of gas, and
to hear her sing, ‘‘Happy birthday, brother, acted as best man.
Mrs. Flora E. Dunne will keep open that both he and Mrs. Burr enjoyed the B squad.
dear Fuibie, happy birthday to you.”
The bride wore a lovely gown of
“Spike” is not advertising any pre­
house at her home, 351 South Henry, the trip to the limit.
Whoever tipped Furb off to stand wine colored chiffon velvet, and car­
High tide at Bandon this week—
season games but said the boys might
from 2:00 p. m. to 2:00 p. m„ the oc­
on his rights played Donna Dean a ried a corsage of red rosebuds tied they will be unusually high for sev­
have one, with the Myrtle Point
casion being in honor of Mr. and
rather mean trick.
with silver ribbon. Mrs. Session was eral daya and with the storm at
town team.
Chas. Levine’s fiftieth wedding an­
dressed in black with red accessories sea, the surf will probably pile up
The first scheduled game—both A
niversary. They were married Dec.
and carried a gardenia corsage. Mrs. against the bluff to a much higher"
and B squads will play—will be with
24, 1890, at the home of her parents,
McCulloch was attired in black with point—Will be tomorrow (Friday)
the Bulldog teem at North Bend on
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Quick, who
royal blue accessories, also carrying when it reaches the 9.4 foot stage, at
The church of St. Ann and St. January 7—Tuesday. The first home
resided on Lampa creek.
corsage of gardenias.
11:28 a. m. Today it reached the 9.3
All their friends are cordially in­
Judge Biand, when here Tuesday,
Following the ceremony, bride’s foot mark at 9:47 a. m., and on Sat­
vited, especially those who were church was dedicated Sunday at a Jan. 10, with th«* Myrtle Point Bob­ ordered that the pettit jury be sum­
guests at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. service performed by Archbishop Ed­ cats as opponents. This is another moned for a session of the circuit cake and coffee were served to Mr. urday reaches the same heighih at
Levine live in Eureka, California. ward D. Howard, of Portland. Chil­ team, he says, that everyone will have court, starting Monday, Jan. 8, at and Mrs. Sias, Mrs. Belle Hooton, 11.28. At fifteen minutes past noon
Mrs. Session, Mrs. Gus McCulloch, on Sunday the high will be 9.1 feet.
_ * - -, dren, who attend St. ;. Monica’s pa­ to watch, nor does he count the
10 a. m.
Donaldson and . the newly
il. helped
pah-Sfho Trft tWa ihorhfng
sfaig th*
is mat of M"rvln Leopard vs,.
Ptarson and. the city of Myrtje Point.
v The acciden* vihiots ¿a-tira
T « •
tne Nih .occurred Sept. 9, 1938, atd
Pdscrfs post tecWtrtt .rt -the Co­ tha xttegaqoa 'ta that it- happened^
Father I^rkim ef quille post office have been some­ near the Norway More when the
t* ManhfMd, and has more recently and
. ' ‘
been in Gold Beach, has opened ah Portland
what heavief this year than last al- I Myrtle Point marshal attempted to
After the services, which were at­ thought no day has reached last pass a logging truck ahead of him
office In the L. W. Harrison building,
corner of Front and Hall streets, tended by prominent Myrtle Point year’s peak of 187 sacks in oneday and collided with the defendant’s
Yesterday morning’s unusual thun­
where he has installed a number of citizens, the ladies erf the altar so- Last Saturday and again on Mon­ car. He is suing for the difference der
and lightning storm set fire to a
pieces of electrical equipment for I ciety served a turkey and roast pork day parcels post sacks totalled 127 (between the pre-accident value and 1 tree on the hill neg^ the water re­
of human ills. For the | dinner to the priests, the five nuns, for thia year’s maximum and for the the subsequent turn-in figure, plus servoir southeast of town, and last
treatment ■
present he will also maintain his of- Jw.r,
who had trained the children to sing pest week the daily receipts have ■ ' the >50 deductible —8830—and for his < evening it looked like a well-lighted
flee in Gold Beach.
Ithe > mass, and Myrtle Point officials. been quite heavy.
coats and disbursements.
Christmas tree.
Sick, Injured
Had Ta Walk
Ten-Year Lease
On Coquille Hotel-
To Have Elevator
Graydon Anderson
Caught By Wind-
Storm In The Lake
Eight-Yeor Sixes
Boy Injured
f Ï’ '.’i
Well Known
Couple To Wed
Masons To Install
Friday Evening
The Burrs Had
Fine Trip East
J. L. Knight
Family Reunion
First C. H. S. Game
January 7
The John Millers
. Here Christmas
She Had To
Sing It
Rites Tuesday
50th Anniversary
To Be Observed* , i
High Tides
This Week-End
Catholic Church
Dedicated Sunday
Dr.Middsr Opens—i
Jury Called
For January 6
By Lightning